November 27, 2011

Janet Devlin: X Factor Live Show 7 & 8

I did not forgot about posting about Janet of course, it's just that.. I was a bit lazy by those days the video of Live Show 7 got uploaded. anyways..

I was really happy with her song choice and performance last week.. the live show 7 with her song Kiss Me
and found out how hard it is for her to pick her favorite song on the pop industry.. whooo.. we're the same.. most likely.. I dont like R&B and POP that much from before.

But then that nice performance from last week, became a total messed up with her 1st song choice for Week 8. Totally forgot her words again.. The worst thing that I dont really like with contestants are those people who are forgetting the lyrics.. feels like it's soooo UNPROFESSIONAL. I feel really sorry and soooo disappointed with her.. = =
Oh my Janet, I'm losing hope for you.. *sigh*

In week 8 they have to sing 2 songs, uhmm.. at least she pulled out some quite nice performance on the 2nd one.  Not her best though..

I'm not really impressed anymore by those song choices and performance anymore, and it's really disappointing that you're waiting for Saturdays to come every week.. then that performance from your favorite contestant will ONLY give you. I feel like I'm losing hope for her.. sigh...

On the other hand.. I really am starting to gain interests with Tulisa's acts Little Mix, they are always outstanding and awesome. All throughout the show they always pull some pop song choices and makes it their own, that's why I'm quite captivated with their own style pop version. Plus their personalities are very likeable. :) Last night's performance they proved that they are not just for Pop and R&B genres but also for Ballads.. A very versatile group, hopefully if it's not Janet to win the X factor... I'm hoping it'll be LITTLE MIX.
They all have awesome voices, I love it. *heart*

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