January 31, 2024

Park Shin Hye And Park Hyung Sik Shared A Crying Moment In Doctor Slump Episode 2

Ha Neul is so relatable in this episode. I'm pretty sure that her slump is the most relatable to the viewers especially to all workers in general or are currently building their own careers. I like how slump got defined at the early part of this episode which stresses out more the definition of what's really happening to Ha Neul and Jeong Woo. Ha Neul is at that stage of building up her career through the conventional process while Jeong Woo went the other way around. But just like what Ha Neul said in the definition of a slump, whenever and whoever it may be, slump is inevitable. 

I really pity Ha Neul, I really understand how she wanted to endure everything because she didn't want to disappoint her mother/family. Judging by how the mother acted in their restaurant early in that episode, I already knew the pressure that Ha Neul experienced throughout her life. Imagine being stressed out and pressured at work and that same feeling are the ones you'll also experience at home.... ain't that something exhausting? She worked like a dog the whole day, swallowing her pride, over thinking about what her family and other people might say if she ever gives up or slow down... no wonder she became depressed in that toxic situation. Her feeling of having no choice but to keep going or working to become successful really is tiring. She said it herself when she was talking with Jeong Woo that, she's the type of person that puts her own happiness to the last. She was used to enduring everything that comes her way and just settle with everything less because she's thinking that all will be well in the end considering that she'll get some reward which is 'success/happiness'. This mindset is absolutely putting yourself in a path of depression. I can really relate to this kind of mindset and situation which is why I do understand Ha Neul the most. Anyways, I'm happy that her mom was able to understand her also in the end. 

Now let's talk about Jeong Woo. That guy is indeed a childish one, he is aware of it and so is Ha Neul. That scene where they were drinking and comforting each other, Ha Neul said that Jeong Woo is childish but he's not the kind of person that would do something bad (not exactly her words, but I know you get it). That scene actually made my heart skip a beat for Jeong Woo and I'm pretty sure that he felt it too. I mean, he thought throughout his life that they're enemies/rivals but despite having this kind of competition in his mind, Ha Neul actually sees through him. Ha Neul has always been that wary of time but she actually took a few moments to observe the type of person Jeong Woo is, isn't that heart warming?! Waaah! And lastly that last scene, Jeong Woo had been keeping a funny and strong facade about anything despite being at the rock bottom of his life but he finally cried along with Ha Neul. He then kept saying that he's been holding back his emotions for so long but he let it go when he saw Ha Neul crying. He probably felt safe and appropriate to express himself as well especially when Ha Neul finally shows her soft side. Oh gosh, these two are just perfect for each other! I love them already!!

January 30, 2024

Park Min Young Calls Off Her Wedding With Lee Yi Kyung In Marry My Husband Episode 9

We're starting now the 2nd half of this show and boy it's only getting better! Those satisfying moments where Ji Won takes the upper hand against Min Hwan and Su Min were all fun to watch. Previous episode, Min Hwan proposed and Ji Won said yes only to call off the wedding the next. Kkkk Meeting the terrible future in-laws definitely was terrifying and annoying, so calling off the wedding on that first meet-up was a perfect idea! 

Seriously, Min Hwan's mother acts like she's part of the powerful families in South Korea but in the end she's nowhere near their power. She only knows how to pretend to have power and wealth just like her own son but in reality they only rely getting their own needs from other people which is how parasites behave. So to conclude this, Min Hwan and his mother are like parasites. They're a big joke! Ew. 

As for Su Min... dang, this girl really knows how to act. It's really hard to read her mind especially when she already mastered beikg deceitful. I really need to know the back story of Su Min in order for me to understand why she holds so much grudge towards Ji Won. But hey, knowing her history and understanding where she's coming from doesn't mean I'm gonna tolerate her btchy behavior ever since. I'm not gonna be easy on her especially when all she did was deceive people. 

Lastly, I love how in this episode, Ji Won and Ji Hyuk gets closer than ever. I mean, they already hugged and held hands which are good indicators that feelings of love will soon bloom between them. Or only for Ji Won for that matter because our Ji Hyuk has already been in love with her for so long. Kkkk I can't wait to see how their first kiss will go! Yay! 

January 28, 2024

Cho Jung Suk Loses Patience With His Brother In Captivating The King Episode 3

The thing that I really like about watching historical k-dramas is how it makes me feel like I'm watching smart people all the time. You know, I'm so amazed with how the aristocrats speak and move so elegantly despite being under pressure. Like for example, the court officials being caught up in a debate, they choose to speak their mind clearly than making their emotions speak for them. Despite in front of an enemy, they wouldn't want to speak ill in front of them as it may be used against them if something happens to their enemies. You know, just them being patient and using their brains most of the time is what make them look so powerful as a person no matter if they are an enemy or an ally of the protagonist. Also, the fact that they hold 'dignity' as the basis of their existence and social status, as a political official, that's really something impressive don't you think? Because in today's society, having no dignity has become a trend already because to these alligators, what's important is to stay in power. It's like 'who cares about dignity, if they possess positions and power in the community'? It's a shameful act indeed, but that's who they are as a person and it's disgusting!

Anyways, back to the episode, it's always been the King who acts like a puppet in most of the historical K-dramas that I've watched. Sigh... I already have this impression of when a royal blood takes over the position of the King, he's also accepting madness to happen to him. Like, with this King in Captivating The King, he was a good guy with principles in his early years in the position but after spending longer years to it, he started to get poisoned with these puppeteers called the court officials and that's what makes him insane! Like, wtf! Who's my ally here and who are my enemies? That's really madness. Look at how he doubts everyone including his teacher and even his own brother. His mind was already poisoned and there's no hope for him at all. Maybe that's just how it is, there's really no King who makes his own decisions at all. It has always been whatever their confidant tells him to do/decide that govern. I think that's how presidents of the countries work too. 

With that being said... The Grand Prince Lee In, once he takes over the position, would also become his brother/the previous king. And that's what makes this whole story interesting because of how Hee Soo/the baduk player would prevent this from happening. 

Park Hyung Sik and Park Shin Hye Reunites In A New Drama Called Doctor Slump | Episode 1 Was So Good!!!

My favorite on-going drama previously has ended and I am lost again in the K-drama world but now found my way back to entertainment when I found Doctor Slump on Netflix. kkkk It's the drama that occupied the slot of Welcome to Samdal-ri so the wait for a good drama to come to me hasn't been that long. First episode of this drama, I knew exactly that I'm gonna be hooked into this. Perhaps this was a thanks to Park Shin Hye and Park Hyung Sik's chemistry and skills as an A-list actors/actress. I'll be very honest with you, this is my first time watching Park Hyung Sik and the last one that I've watched of Park Shin Hye was 'Stairway to Heaven' which she was still a child back then. But being able to see both of them in one project seems to so smooth and easy for me to watch because they've been into several hit projects individually which makes both of them skillful to their field. You know, watching experienced actors in a drama is really something that I look forward to in every new drama. Like for example, Welcome to Samdal-ri with star studded and experienced actors in it, it was an absolutely fantastic experience to me watching them. I knew exactly that when I started watching the drama, I won't get disappointed in it by the long run. And that's how I feel about Doctor Slump in its first episode. I just knew I'm gonna enjoy it so much.

Episode 1 was smooth. Yeo Jeong Woo (Park Hyung Sik) and Nam Ha Neul (Park Shin Hye) are both studious and ambitious in their own ways. Wanting to be the best/top of the class/top of the country, both of them studies as much as they could. The only difference is that, Jeong Woo possesses a much more laid back attitude than Ha Neul. They're both smart and talented but Jeong Woo seems to be more of an in-born genius while Ha Neul needs hardwork for that matter. That's just my first impression of them. 

Fast forward to their adult life, Jeong Woo became a successful and popular plastic surgeon but due to a medical incident that happened inside his clinic, where the patient died, he was condemned by it and literally lost everything that he possessed from when he was at the peak of his career. You know, it's a pity that he's at his lowest point in his life to think how he was living the dream when he was at his peak. Lots of people were rooting for him, backing him up, like everyone's so good at him but in just one accident, all were gone! Come to think of it, this situation seemed to be more alike with Sam Dal, right? Just different circumstances. Anyways, I feel like this was a dirty job of someone who's been jealous of him. I think he was set up for failure and that's something I am curious about. Who in the world did that to him?!

As for Ha Neul. Sigh... Another pitiful soul being power tripped by her boss in the Hospital. To live how she's living, that's just hellish don't you think?! It's no longer surprising that she ended up being depressed at her state but it's just sad that she wanted to push that idea or diagnosis as ridiculous/hoax. 

Now that Jeong Woo and Ha Neul crossed path again, I hope that they'll be able to help each other out of their own miseries and become happy people once again. 

January 27, 2024

Cho Jung Suk and Shin Se Kyung Leads 'Captivating The King' Drama | Pilot Episode Achieves 3.97% In Nationwide Viewership Ratings

Since My Demon and Welcome to Samdal-ri were both done last week, I was looking for a new on-going K-drama to entertain me during the weekends and that's how I found "Captivating The King" on Netflix. It wasn't a hard find though coz the said drama is already on Top 10 TV shows in our country. 

So yeah, to see that the male protagonist is Cho Jung Seok, I knew to myself that I had to try watching it  since I already miss my Hospital Playlist crew and starting with Jung Seok's newest drama would actually help in quenching my thirst over them. Shin Se Kyung as the main female lead? Tbh, it's going to be a first for me in watching her in a drama. Hmmm... I don't know... I really am not fond of hers, despite seeing her everywhere, I haven't really dared watching her dramas before. But now, is a different story though, I'm able to watch her because of Cho Jung Seok. 

First 2 episode of this drama, I'd say it was okay with me. The storyline seems to be promising, I like it so far. However, I'm still trying to find that chemistry between the leads, maybe after a few more episodes, I'll be able to find it?! I guess I still haven't moved on yet from the great chemistry of Jung Seok and Mi Do that's why I find it hard to adjust to this pair. We'll see. 

The drama's pilot episode captured a 3.97% nationwide viewership rating, not so bad either! I wonder if it's gonna soar in the next episodes too! 

January 26, 2024

Lee Yi Kyung Proposes To Park Min Young To Survive Financially In Marry My Husband Episode 8

Oh gosh, I really hate men who are in good shape and healthy yet couldn't use their body and brain to work hard and earn money of their own. Seriously, how can they be so thick faced in leeching off their girlfriends or family for money and own luxury? Hmmm.... come on men, not all women are stupid like Ji Won in her first life. Probably before, the old age, some women are like that and there's probably a few of them still existing in modern society...however, I'm gonna bet that the number has already decreased immensely now. Girls, let's be smart in picking the right partner to be with for the rest of our lives. They are so-called 'partner' for a reason and that is to help each other out and not just you who'll work like a dog to provide everything for the two of you and your own future family. Ugh. If they are lazy asf, then run away now or maybe just stay single and just work hard for yourself and your retirement. That'll probably be less stressful. But of course, this goes both-ways. It's not just applicable for girls, it's also for guys! We're all equal here after all. 

Anyways, Min Hwan, my goodness... you're the real garbage! Proposing marriage after getting bankrupt and deep in debt? The intention for marriage is just way too obvious! Seriously?! Ugh! It's you and Soo Min who are the scourge of society! Bunch of losers who are users! Sigh... their immaturity as a person irritates me every week and all I can do now is rant on my blog and Facebook page because it's the only thing I can do as viewer. Yeah, watching them is torture but for sure all will be well once Ji Won got the upper hand against the two of them. She got Ji Hyuk as a back up so I expect nothing but victory! hahaha!

January 24, 2024

Na In Woo Wants To Help Park Min Young In Finding Stability In Marry My Husband Episode 7

I really understand Ji Won wanting to do everything on her own because, unlike Soo Min, she's a woman with dignity. A woman with class and values, the type of woman Ji Hyuk fell for. kkk Ji Won grew up all alone when her only family, which is her dad, died. Therefore, she's been doing all the things for herself in order to survive on a daily basis since then. In short she's an independent woman all her life so I fully understand why Ji Won didn't want to use anybody else, especially her allowance, Ji Hyuk for that matter. Also, she said it herself that she didn't want to become someone she dislikes which is Soo Min. I really root for Ji Won for her will to make her 2nd chance at life/mission to have a better life without Soo Min and Min Hwan a success!

As for Ji Hyuk, he really needs to start smiling and get rid of his serious-all-the-time face. I know that he's aiming to protect Ji Won and make her happy in this lifetime but at least try to get loose at times. Maybe if he make it a habit of smiling Ji Won would start to look at him differently and maybe, become much more welcoming and not so uncomfortable. Ji Hyuk better understand how independent women works. kkk

So yeah, judging by the heart tattoo on his chest, he has some kind of connection to Ji Won's father. It was an interaction between the two that Ji Hyuk managed to get a 2nd chance at life. Ji Won's father might have thought that Ji Won cannot do this alone when it comes to changing lifestyle, judging by how she ended up in her first life. I agree that she needs help, a strong one for that matter since we have a very venomous snake and a sloth to deal with. I think they really would make a good pair in order to make their respective missions to be successful, they just need to get to know each other and learn to navigate each other's personality. Or.. much better yet, fall in love with each other! kkkk

Meanwhile, Soo Min, ugh... I still hate her so much. Nothing new. 

Welcome To Sam Dal-ri Wraps Up With A 12.4% Nationwide Viewership Rating For Its Finale Episode

Welcome to Samdal-ri really is a masterpiece! I just love the whole run of the show and how the story unfolded. Slow burn rom-com drama but really is on point on how it conveys different emotions and feelings to the viewers watching. Great actors, wonderful story and beautiful cinematography, skillful direction, what other praise could I say about this drama? The development infused to each character here is just superb! All of the characters really improved! Just all good stuff! Welcome to Samdal-ri is just hands down! Job well done to everyone!

Now let's talk about the finale! The perfect grand finale. Episodes 15 and 16, are what I actually consider as the whole finale for this drama. Just part 1 and part 2. Episode 15, as part 1, Cho Sang Tae and Ko Mi Ja interact as friends again and Cho Sang Tae giving his blessing to Sam Dal and Yong Pil. Reaching that point has already put my heart at ease. 

Part 2 is Episode 16 where the main villain in Sam Dal's career meet her doom and the reporter who started to write malicious things about her also became the person who wrote flowery words about her exhibition and come back. Jin Dal is in good terms already with her ex-husband, Hae Dal got a new love life and became a haenyo just like her mom, 3 boys from power rangers got successful in their own respective businesses and careers (Gyeong Tae finally has a gf while Sang Do's just rich kkkk) and MY MOST AWAITED character development..... Yong Pil choosing and reaching his dream. I'm happy that he's living his dream now together with Sam Dal. I love it!

I really enjoyed watching this drama! I'm gonna miss it so much since I already got attached to almost all characters in here. The whole villagers of Sam Dal-ri are just wonderful beings. Waaaah! 

Now the question is, will I recommend this drama to everyone?! DEFINITELY AN EASY YES!!! I just found out that the finale got at oozing 12.4% nationwide viewership ratings for its finale episode, it's their highest rating for the whole run!!! Congratulations to the whole crew!! It's a successful drama!

January 22, 2024

My Demon Wraps Up With A Happy Ending For Song Kang and Kim Yoo Jung (Episode 16)

Do Do Hee and Jeong Gu Won officially ended their repeated unfortunate fate and finally got the happy ending that they deserved. And that's how another K-drama has ended. Goodbye Gu Won and Do Do Hee!

So what actually happened there?! How did Gu Won came back from ashes?! Well, it's because the Almighty remembered the bet she lost against Gu Won and finally granted him a wish. I thought she'll get really feisty till the very end and will continue on being rightful/holy but it seemed like she's also very forgiving and merciful especially to a very sinful being like Gu Won. 

Anyways, I'm very happy and satisfied with this kind of ending. Although I have to say that the last episode became a little drag for me to finish. Unlike Goblin, despite being a happy ending, it was all unpredictable which makes it not a boring typical happy ending. My Demon however, the happy ending came in earlier in the episode than I have expected. I honestly thought that I'm gonna cry until the middle of the episode but I was disappointed to see Gu Won revived so quickly like that. I wasn't very convinced of Do Do Hee's longing for him that much at all, the sadness and loneliness was too short which causes a little bit of disconnection from the gravity of episode 15. But don't get me wrong, I do like Gu Won being revived as well... I love happy endings, it's just that the way this part was told was a bit disappointing to me. 

Happy that every character got their happy ending as well as Noh Suk Min getting mad inside the cell. But what made me so much satisfied with this ending was Ju Seok Hoon becoming the CEO!!! Like, wow! I did not expected that to happen at all! He's so deserving of the position, if we're going to think deeply of it. Yasss for him!

And that's it for My Demon drama. I had a fair share of fun and crying moments for this drama, will I recommend it to anyone? Definitely! 

January 21, 2024

The Whole Village Stands Up For Shin Hae Sun Against Malicious Reporters In Welcome to Samdal-ri Episode 15

Oh gosh, we're already at episode 15! Just one more episode and we're done with Welcome to Samdal-ri K-drama. If I'm being honest, I think, between My Demon and Welcome to Samdal-ri, the latter is the one I'm going to miss the most. I love the Do Do Hee and most especially Jeong Gu Won, but those two are in no par with the characters of Welcome to Samdal-ri as whole. If we're going to level the power of main couples between the two dramas, of course, Do Hee and Gu Won are a match for Cho Sam Dal and Cho Yong Pil when it comes to depth and personality they have but what makes Welcome to Samdal-ri as a drama much more likable for me is the side characters. I think having wonderful side characters add a much flavorful experience to me as a viewer, that aside from the main characters story, the drama make me more invested with it as whole because of how all characters (main and side) connect perfectly with each other. It's like you wouldn't get tired of too much exposure of the main characters because there's a lot of side characters that blends well with the story as whole. You know what I'm saying?! kkk 

Anyways, back to the episode 15, as usual for someone incompetent as Bang Eun Ju, she has no skills to make herself shine in her field which is why she's just dragging someone higher than her down in a place where she rots in. In this case, she's dragging Sam Dal with her. But overall, this ex-assistant is just way too sketchy from the very start. I thought before, she's just envious of the shine and exposure that Sam Dal's experiencing but this btch went berserk because nothing goes on her way in promoting a product that she had been paid off. Like, wtf?!!! It's just all about the money, my goodness. She has no intention to really put herself out there and show to the world how good she is with taking photos. No wonder, she's a whole crap with it. Sigh... she's just a very shallow personality overall. Money is really the root of evil, guys! This btch needs to rot in hell instead! Oh boy, I can't wait for this girl to meet her doom real soon. It's about to happen in episode 16, the finale, so let's just hope that she'll get a punishment that she deserves. 

Now, let's talk about Cho Yong Pil. He's finally getting back the things he lost, like Sam Dal from that forced break-up, his father from mourning and the opportunity to make his dream come true when it comes to his field/career. We all know that, Yong Pil's dream has always been Sam Dal. For Sam Dal to achieve her own dreams and that's it for him. But as an individual, as a forecaster, he dreams of working in WMO (World Meteorological Organization) in Switzerland. Now that this opportunity came in, hopefully, he will decide what his heart and mind really desires. Yong Pil had sacrificed already a lot in his life, his time, and so... I want him to have a growth as a character. You know, standing up for his own dream as a forecaster not just relying his dreams on Sam Dal overall.... he could just come back if he happened to not like working there, but at least he tried. right? He'll have no what ifs and regrets at all. This time, I think Sam Dal has to do the sacrifice of waiting for him considering all the things Yong Pil did for her. Sigh... but if ever he'll decide to stay, then I guess that's just everything about Yong Pil. That's just how he is. Period.

As for the whole village joining forces to stand up for Sam Dal against malicious reporters and bullies, this event is just so heartwarming. Their unity just shows how lovely their relationship with each other as a village and how their bond is really strong despite having gossips circulating around them in the earlier episodes. I don't know if such union still exist in reality but if it does, I surely am going to cry out of happiness if I were Sam Dal. I mean, receiving this kindness and treatment surely would make one feel that belongingness in the community. That would really boost anyone's confidence as a person I'd say. What a lovely village. I'm gonna miss them all. 

January 20, 2024

Song Kang Sacrifices His Life To Revive Kim Yoo Jung In My Demon Episode 15

Gosh, this episode is so painful to watch. Why do fantasy K-drama leads , who are supernatural and/or related to supernatural beings, have to always fight fate and death?! Goblin, Hotel del Luna, Korean Odyssey and this, My Demon. (I only named a few but the list go on for that matter) Why?! Ah... my heart hurts, Gu Won... Do Hee!!! Will there be a chance for them to be together forever, ALIVE?! 

Anyways, when Gu Won left Do Do Hee's side in the earlier part of episode 15, we're shown how Do Hee was still trying to act like everything's just back to normal. That she did not lost anything because she was originally alone in life. But later on, as Gu Won's presence lingers around her despite not seeing him, she started to miss him and the want to see and hold him again overpower her stubbornness of keeping a strong front. You see, it's really hard to lie especially when our heart and mind were already taken by the person we love. Do Hee already got used to that way of living where she has companion/partner in life. She felt happy, loved and secured whenever Gu Won's around, this kind of feeling is really hard to erase so when they're apart, she missed everything about it. The same goes for Gu Won.

What makes the whole ending of episode 15 heartbreaking, Do Hee remembered that she was Wolsim. The girl that Gu Won had been dreaming of ever since he remembered his memories. Since Do Hee's recollection of this fact were fresh, the pain might have been doubled when she witnessed Gu Won's sacrifice for her with her own eyes this time. 

It's crazy...the thing about love... the sacrifice that both parties/lovers were willing to take for each other is just amazing especially when talking about sacrificing their own lives for the other. Look at how Do Do Hee first saved Gu Won's life from Noh Suk Min's gunshots and then Gu Won revived Do Hee by sacrificing his own life/existence. Geez... look at them!!! Ahhh... only love could hurt like this.. yes, correct. 

January 19, 2024

Park Min Young and Na In Woo Discovered Each Other's Secrets Because of BTS In Marry My Husband Episode 6

Can't believe Ji Hyuk and Ji Won found out about each other's secrets because of their favorite BTS songs. kkk Is the manhwa the same? Or was it a different artist and songs? But if it is the same, then I guess that's just how influential and famous BTS is around the world and around the Kdrama land. 

Now that they knew about each other's secrets, why do I feel like Ji Won's gonna be more uncomfortable with Ji Hyuk. I mean, as a woman and as a human being, I wouldn't want my failures in life to be revealed by someone who's liking me or just by anyone within my circle. I'll be totally embarrassed. I bet Ji Won's personality and thoughts are the same. But then, her curiosity might overcome this though. I bet she's also shocked to witness someone else experiencing the same thing as her which is a 2nd chance at life. I hope Ji Hyuk would be able to respond to Ji Won's multiple questions properly so she wouldn't get anymore distant with him at this point. 

Anyways, episode 6, as usual Soo Min's still using her manipulative and sketchy skills in order to take away everything that's possessed by Ji Won. Her desperation to taste, if not beat Ji Won is really irritating me. She wants to get promoted and have a high position just like Ji Won in the company, have the trusts of her new friends such as Ju Ran, seduce Ji Won's boyfriend which is Min Hwan... geez... she's insane!!! I want her to meet her doomsday for real! She's scary asf!

Actually, despite Ji Won winning against the villains of this drama as of now, I'm still scared for her. What if fate repeats itself for her? Waaah! This is why Ji Won needs to change the people around her. She needs to hang out with Ji Hyuk, his sisters and new incredible people in this lifetime. Time to erase the past, the people and including her toxic traits. Sigh....

January 18, 2024

Yu Oh Seong Finally Gives His Blessing To Shin Hae Sun and Ji Chang Wook's Relationship In Welcome to Samdal-ri Episode 14

Wow! After a very long time, Cho Sang Tae finally gave his blessing to Cho Yong Pil and Cho Sam Dal.
Who would've thought that only Sam Dal's sweet romantic talk about love could melt this cold heart of Sang Tae. kkk But then, I think that this positive result was already the summed up effort of Ko Mi Ja, Cho Pan Sik, Cho Yong Pil and finally Sam Dal in persuading Sang Tae in giving them forgiveness and blessing.

Hmmm... dissecting from Sang Tae's experience, I could feel how it really is hard to move on from a lover especially when the love was still there and that everything wasn't his fault why Bu Mi Ja vanished in his life. It was a natural disaster that made it so hard for Sang Tae to accept the truth that his wife is gone. This is the reason why he kept on blaming Ko Mi Ja ever since. He cannot blame the supernatural being up above, can he? No he can't. But I'm just so happy that all is well.

Now that Sang Tae is okay  with Sam Dal, does this mean he's now okay with Ko Mi Ja?! Hmmm... I'm so excited to find out! Wah! Only 2 episodes left for this drama! I'm gonna miss this so much!!!! 

Anyways, as there are only 2 episodes left, I am so thrilled to know what's going to happen to Sam Dal's assistant. I hope the writer prepared something satisfying for the punishment of this btch who's creating a lot of false and destructing rumors about Sam Dal. Seriously, a girl like her should rot in h-ell! Her insecurities and jealousy is getting out of hand, she's nothing but a talentless girl who wants to have a name in the industry. Like she would actually create a good one?! Perhaps for a little while her name would be the 'angel' in the general public because of the rumor she created about taking her own life because of a power oppressor, but when the truth comes, she'll definitely doomed! Career wise also, she's a failure. So.... good luck to her ending... hopefully, Sam Dal wouldn't act like a good Samaritan here or else I'm gonna flip the table! Wah! 

January 17, 2024

Kim Yoo Jung Was Left All Alone By Song Kang In My Demon Episode 14

It's my first time to cry over drama My Demon. Heck, why wouldn't I be able to cry over episode 14?! Jeong Gu Won looked like a kicked hurt puppy all through out! Waaah! Do Do Hee should've expected to see an unleashed demon Gu Won while he's doing his work about contracts with humans and yet was taken aback the moment she found out about the history of her father's death as well as seeing him mercilessly treated the woman in his office. Like, duh?! You've dated and married a demon?! But then again, I guess she was totally flabbergasted for a while and do not function normally as the way she should because it involves already her own family with this contract thing with a demon. It finally dawned fully to Do Hee's mind how Gu Won's nature really is and so she was acting all this time due to fear. Hmm... as much as I pity and am hurt for Gu Won, I cannot really blame Do Hee either. This is really a tough one!

The last scene though, where Gu Won walked with Do Do Hee and talked over for a while then instantly vanished. Waaaah! I really cried over that scene! It's so painful to watch. I really felt that scene because I try to relate myself in it, what if I were in that situation wherein my partner wouldn't be able to look at me with love anymore? Do Hee looks at Gu Won with only fear and doubt in her eyes. Imagine how would Gu Won feel about it? Yes, he is a demon but his human emotions came back to him already when his memories as a human came back! Waaah! That's agonizing! 

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