November 30, 2023

Song Kang Is Desperate To Get His Powers Back From Kim Yoo Jung In My Demon Episode 2

My Demon Jeong Gu Won is so cool with his powers, creating contracts with humans and then later on will collect their lives/souls as payment to their 'completed' agreement. I really have huge crushes on such badass characters with nice body and handsome face. Jeong Gu Won instantly became my current bias after Ryu Si Oh now. kkk Of course, Strong Girl Nam Soon drama is already over so it's time for me to move on to another drama that I'm going to be obsessed with again. As I was saying, Gu Won with his powers is useful and unstoppable with his line of work but without his powers, he's only like a stubborn naughty child. hahaha! Cute! He's nothing without his mother, and in his case he is nothing without Do Do Hee! 

From here forward, with his powers transferred to Do Do Hee, their worlds would definitely collide and so they would slowly adapt and understand each other more that would result later on into a love relationship! Hahaha! Gu Won is already determined to get closer to Do Hee to the point that he's willing to manipulate her, probably by seducing her? who knows what this demon is capable of but I know that Do Hee is also a little devil so she won't become a pushover at all. Right now they are in a collision as they are getting to know each other but we all know that they are going to be in a contract of marriage because they both have something to gain from each other. Basically, they will both use each other in the end so I'm chill over here and let them brawl for all I care. Coz I know they'll end up together anyway. kkkk Can't wait to watch more episodes of this drama!

Kim Hae Sook is also involved in this drama after Strong Girl Nam Soon. I really like this actress so I'm looking forward what to her role's purpose in this new drama. 

November 29, 2023

Byeon Woo Seok Exits In Misery While Lee Yoo Mi's Team Celebrates Victory In Strong Girl Nam Soon

Nam Soon and the others celebrates their success over war on drugs (aka against Si Oh) and once again, goodness prevail in the world. yay for them I guess? Lol it's funny how the 'good' characters were glad and wore huge smiles on their faces but I couldn't really celebrate along with them. Am I the only one who feels like that? The moment Ryu Si Oh dies miserably like that, it became a drag to me to watch the rest of the remaining finale episode. 

Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. There are still people out there judging viewers like me who have the same sentiments of symphatizing with a bad person like Ryu Si Oh. What can I do? Ryu Si Oh's character is so well written to the point that he's the one I felt connected with and had the urge to protect from pain/betrayal than the portagonists of this show. (Except for Grannie) I think this whole show was greatly carried by the character of Ryu Si Oh. If only the writer gave Ryu Si Oh a better ending like changing for the better then it would have been a much fitting 'happy ending'. Everyone would be satisfied. This whole show is showcased entirely as comical that we couldn't take things seriously but what they did to Si Oh's ending was plain brutal so it was really off to me. Okay wait why do I hear people whispering 'but he's a dr*g lord who ruins people lives he deserves that blah blah blah what if he does that to you or your family you wouldn't say that.. blah blah blah. Whatever people, we're in a kdrama and Ryu Si Oh is my favorite character okay, alright? So just chill! 

Anyways, season 3 is coming our way and the main villain is.... Mr. Bread a.k.a the serial k*ller Nozh. Bwahahah! That new 'male' character who's going to continue the strong girl uh... man?... uh whatever series better be someone impactful as the character of Ryu Si Oh or else it's all over. Tbh, Nam Soon as the main character was so weak and the male lead was boring too! This show wouldn't be successful if it weren't for Geum Ju, Grannie and a great villain like Si Oh at all. 

What can I say with the ending other than it was 'just okay'? But I would still recommend it for the great character Ryu Si Oh. Sigh... if only Si Oh was given a chance to change like Hwa Ja... sigh...

November 26, 2023

Lee Yoo Mi Tastes The Revenge of Ryu Si Oh In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 15

Ryu Si Oh's luxurious office instantly became a boxing gym, that's so pitiful of him. But what can we do? Si Oh is already a wanted man, all eyes are on him and it's all thanks to Geum Ju and her team. This is the start of his downfall but at least he's gone through it only in the last 2 episodes of the series. 

Okay, the next sentiments that I may say will probably anger those 'righteous' fans/viewers of this drama but I seriously am symphatizing for Ryu Si Oh here. I mean, this drama intentionally made us feel that Si Oh's character is the center of this drama. Yes, the title of this drama is Strong Girl "Nam Soon" but this exudes more of "Ryu Si Oh: the villainous protagonist" instead. Hmmm... yes Si Oh is evil, he killed a lot of people and all but heck... this is a Kdrama it's all fantasy and we can sympathize with whoever character we connect with. Just because some fans liked the 'villain' more than the 'protagonist' does not reflect their morality. It's simply just enjoyment of watching the character/ actor they or we like. That's all there is to it. Just because we like Si Oh doesn't mean we like him killing people using his drugs, no! That's not it at all! Lol So I hope some viewers would just relax and not judge those people liking the character of Ryu Si Oh in this drama. 

Anyways, Ryu Si Oh finally getting his revenge against Tsetseg/Nam Soon. The scene wherein nam soon is having a hard time after taking Si Oh's drugs, I feel no pity for her at all. Instead, I felt like she deserved it for playing with fire. Lol I know, I know, righteous people... I shouldn't feel this way but that's what I'm feeling... what can I do? It's only when Grannie and Geum Ju getting involved that made me side the 'strong girls' again. Geez, please grannie... I hope you're okay. It won't be the same without you. Waaaah! 

November 25, 2023

Song Kang Offers Help To Kim Yoo Jung In Exchange of Signing a Contract with Him In My Demon Episode 1

OMG I think I have another drama that I feel like I'll get invested in after Strong Girl Nam Soon. Wow, talk about back-to-back awesome dramas! I've said a hundred times already that I really love guys who have this 'bad boy' image/character/attitude in the drama, it's the reason why I loved Byeon Woo Seok's character Ryu Si Oh in Strong Girl Nam Soon and it'll be the same reason why I will love Song Kang's character Jeong Gu Won in My Demon. Waaah! I've watched the first episode and dang! The visuals are insanely attractive! Kim Yoo Joong and Song Kang in one drama + well crafted cinematography?!!! That's overflowing with good visuals!!! In terms of concept, the demon-human relationship trope ain't new anymore for a story but I'd love to see more of what this drama can contribute and showcase more.

So let's talk about the episode 1 now, Do Dohee (Kim Yoojung) was adopted by a rich/chaebol family which is Chairman Ju (Kim Hae Sook) which has a reputation in the F&B industry. Despite having several blood-related children, it feels like all wealth of chairman Ju is inclining towards Dohee. Meaning, Dohee might inherit Chairman Ju's wealth and power in the future as the old lady seems to be really fond of Dohee in comparison to her own children. Because of this, jealousy around Dohee is attracted inevitably. 

Jeong Gu Won (Song Kang) on the other hand is a demon that materializes human desires as offering in exchange to their soul going to hell. You know, this situation is really realistic in some ways that made me think deeply of our lives. lol Like, evil really works or dwells when one human desires something. It disguises itself as an event or a good person helping you out of nowhere but all of these actually has something in exchange of what you currently have. I know it may probably not new anymore to you all or this may be something that's already out in the open but to me... this really made me fonder the way we live our lives as humans. kkkk 

Anyways, Jeong Gu Won's powers vanished after he helped out Do Dohee from a dangerous circumstance. But before that, he tried to take advantage of her first being in danger by offering help in exchange of signing a contract with him (see, my point exactly!), but it all went down the drain after his powers glitches while holding hands with Dohee. It was supposed to be Gu Won helping Dohee to get out of a situation but it went reverse as Dohee saved Gu Won's life instead when they fell into the sea. 

Hmmmm... I actually have a speculation here but I won't say more because I might be wrong considering that we've seen only 1 episode. I'll wait for more episodes before I sharing my thoughts again. Yayks!

November 24, 2023

Byeon Woo Seok Gets Untamed After Lee Yoo Mi's Betrayal In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 14

The writer and director really knows how to play with our feelings. Lol (most especially to those who are fond of Ryu Si Oh) I mean, look at how they made Ryu Si Oh softy and smiley towards Nam Soon and charm a lot of us in the previous episodes  then made us hate him instantly (with no repair) in episode 14! Wow! The show really tells us not to get fooled with one's appearance because that's how one gets victimized by all these evil in disguise. Sigh. I was hopeful that Si Oh can change but he was beyond redemption judging by what he's been doing lately. Only Tsetseg could actually tame him but he got betrayed (Serves him right!) and now he's self destructing and involves everyone else. Ugh. Si Oh in his childhood was pitiful, it's his reason why he's like this in the present. But his actions and decisions in the present are all unacceptable and unforgivable. 

If you're always reading my updates in my FB page Keismagic Daily, you already know how much I care for the character of Hwa Ja from the start. She's the best representation of a person that lacks love and seeks for it in various sinful acts but in the end succumbs to an honest living because of a good samaritan like Geum Ju. Ah, seriously, Geum Ju is a blessing. A person that strongly believes in the kindness of people. We need more Geum Ju in this cruel world. 

Ryu Si Oh and Hwa Ja are similar when it comes to having a dark and past, but the difference is that, Ryu Si Oh embraced bitterness and angst against the world to the end that he's beyond saving while Hwa Ja let go of the bitterness in her past and changed for the better. Gosh, Ryu Si Oh killing Hwa Ja really made me him so much. I really don't care about him anymore!!! Waaaah! 

November 22, 2023

Chae Jong Hyeop Decides To Meet His Father After Hiding From Him For 15 Years In Castaway Diva Episodes 7 & 8

Wow, a character development for Ran Joo? Is this really it or we're just getting the taste of it temporarily? For a singer that is in her 40s and was active since her youth, it's no longer a surprise if their fame diminish or even vanish. It's true what Lee Seo Jun said to Mok Ha, public's attention to something has a time limit. Not exactly his words but the thought is same. What I'm trying to tell here is that, Ran Joo's time is over and it's time to move on. It doesn't mean that she had to quit singing, she just has to let go obsessing over fame of her own career. If she doesn't really want to let go of the entertainment then why not just create her own label/agency? Now that the spotlight is on Mok Ha, and Mok Ha is known to be her mentee and avid fan, why not have her as an artist of her own? Ran Joo has to think about it and stop focusing on the negative. For once, she has to create her own path not rely on others. 

Anyways, let's talk about Mok Ha's wonderful debut. Waaah! She's really gorgeous and is fitted to be on that stage with her wonderful voice. That scene where Bo Geol arrange, plan and direct everything for Mok Ha's stage at the same time showing the young Ki Ho and Mok Ha on the screen, that made me realize that they actually contributed a lot on the present career. Young Ki Ho was directing Mok Ha when they were younger and then he became a producer for a music show and Mok Ha has now debuted on stage as a singer!!! Waaah that's so cool!!! 

As for Kang Bo Geol finally revealing himself that he is Ki Ho to Mok Ha, I think it's the best move to get the girl. Lol I have a trauma when it comes to Han Ji Pyeong of Start Up, being that special childhood friend yet he still wasn't the guy chosen for the girl. It's good that he's straightforward when it comes to his feelings too, unlike Ji Pyeong before who is already too late to confess his true feelings. Anyways, I like it that Ki Ho is being Ki Ho again and that he and Mok Ha are acting so close to each other again. I can already feel that no man can separate the two even the Woo Hak. I'm so sorry for the director and writer but... even if you always show Woo Hak being jelly over Ki Ho and Mok Ha all the time, it won't change the fact that Bo Geol is much more deserving for Mok Ha. There's no match at all. So team Bo Geol all the way for me!!! yaaay!

And last but not the least, Bo Geol meeting his father. Sigh. Just like his father who was once a police officer, Bo Geol's intention to meet him is so obvious. I think meeting him now won't change the fact that the father is aiming not only for Ki Ho but for the whole family. It's scary as hell, but hopefully meeting the father would get him distracted from going to the brothers salon where the whole family is at. Geez, Ki Ho's father needed to be imprisoned asap! I mean, he's so scary and I wouldn't want the whole family be under his roof ever again. Just because you're the father/head of the family, it doesn't mean you have the privilege to do whatever you like with your wife and children so much more for doing violence towards them. That's a big NO NO! Our world is different now from the past, family doesn't work that way anymore in this new world. Let's fight against domestic violence!!! It should have no room in our world today! Wah!

November 19, 2023

Byeon Woo Seok Found Out About Lee Yoo Mi's Real Identity In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 13

The day has come, Si Oh found out about Nam Soon's real identity!  All the smiles he has for Nam Soon were soon taken away with only wrath on his face. That ending scene was definitely intense but the truth cannot be hidden anymore as the facts were served to him left and right. Hmmm... it feels like he has the slight idea that Tsetseg was Nam Soon though, I mean, when the boy who Nam Soon was helping with financially showed Si Oh the number of Nam Soon, he instantly compared it with Tsetseg's phone number. Maybe he already knew all about it but he was scared to face the truth because he will once again be hopeless in breaking out from Pavel's grip. He kept saying from the previous episodes to the present that he is putting all his trust on her, meaning, he wanted to trust her no matter what desperately despite all the doubts that he has on his mind for a long time already. Instantly, of course, he'll feel betrayed but I am curious whether what he will do to Tsetseg. Will he order to eliminate her as well? or will he continue to pretend that he does not know the truth and still keep Tsetseg close to him to go on with his plans in destroying Pavel. Hmmmm...

On the other hand, I had a great laugh when Si Oh's people tried to eliminate Geum Ju's family starting with granny. lol Easiest one they said, but look at what happened to them in the end. wahahaha! Grandma wants to live more in her life now that she has found the new love of his life. Speaking of love of his life, I still don't like the barista for Grandma... I still want the original... but I cannot blame grandma for moving on now though.. I mean, grandpa left her and the whole family for 10 years... she had been all alone and lonely so she deserves some good time and new love. I'll support her whatever she decides. kkk 

Now onto the lovebirds of this drama, Kang Hee Sik and Nam Soon. They're definitely a match! A couple that gives strength and support to each other... that's something anyone would want in their relationships, right?! Definitely an endgame is set for them. Yay!

November 17, 2023

A Vicious Byeon Woo Seok Emerged In The Episode 12 of Strong Girl Nam Soon

Ryu Si Oh is really getting more and more viscous after each episode and it's really telling the viewers that we shouldn't get deceived by his good looks and stature because at the end of the day, he's still rotten inside. An evil person living in our world who's making money and power by taking advantage of people's weaknesses. 

It's really hard to change his ways because he's full of vengeance. He grew up in an environment wherein he's deprived of love and care. The way he thinks is already different from normal people, he just know how to survive no matter what and that drives him to do the unthinkable. It's sad that there are actual people like him in our world. It's sad that they grew up like this but I cannot really just let everything slide just because they have a dark and pitiful past. Because, imagine also their victims!! Gosh, humans are so scary you know. This is why we should treat everyone around us with kindness, so we would be able to prevent such people like Si Oh. 

I don't know if his kind is still the redeemable type but all I ask is for Nam Soon and her mom to be able to stop him from doing bad things. He's already too much and I'm so sad for the victims of this man. Watching him and Nam Soon interact though, it made me scared how he'll end up devastated again once he finds out about Nam Soon's real identity. Si Oh is too focused on his plan to take down Pavel using Nam Soon to the point that he couldn't figure out Nam Soon's real identity through an intricate investigation/research. Waaah Si Oh, this is your karma. 

I really like Si Oh's face and bad ass attitude but there is a limit to it. I cannot really swallow it anymore how he could easily just kill anyone and distribute drugs everywhere in the world. That's a no-no for me. If this is real life, no matter how handsome he is, I wouldn't really dare to look at him and probably would despise a guy like him. But hey, this is K-drama, so I guess it's okay to still fangirl over his good looks and body?! hahahaha! oopsie. 

Anyways, it's already obvious who is Nam Soon's endgame here, our inspector Kang Hee Sik. Soon, I feel like an heir of Nam Soon's would be born real soon with how they're both getting bolder each new episode. haha! I love it!

November 14, 2023

Chae Jong Hyeop Is Jung Ki Ho In Castaway Diva Episodes 5 & 6

I really don't know now if Ran Joo really is deserving of our sympathy over her crashing career due to old age or not. After seeing all the flashbacks on how she acted during her younger years, it makes me feel like she is only harvesting what she had sown back in the day. She really acted like a diva and make everyone around her feel uncomfortable. I think what she's experiencing right now is normal for how he has been before. Also normal to feel the drastic change because she was at the peak of her career during her youth but due to passing time, of course, it's inevitable that some things may change and that includes her way of singing as well as the tastes of the general public. It's a matter of how one can accept these changes that make them move on with their present lives now. 

But I think it's just who Ran Joo really is as a person. I see her as a character that has no breaks with her tongue. She's very frank, she'll say whatever comes to mind despite displeasing other people. She's a human who feels different emotions and expressing it in straightforward manner causes other people around her despise her. Yes, it's no longer her problem, it's the people around her... but if only she became more considerate of other people who also has feelings and ego... perhaps she won't have a lot of haters that wanted to drag her down all the time. She's in the entertainment industry after all. Hmmm... It's sad that there are people who are so happy and even celebrating of one's destruction. Sigh. 
Anyways, after watching episodes 5 & 6, it seems like her vocal nodule surgery went successful. Ran Joo can still sing beautifully but she's afraid that it may hurt again or the sound she'll produce would be garbage. But according to the doctor, everything is okay, her problem were only psychological. Waaah! I hope she'll gain more confidence in singing again using her own voice. I think she still has it. She can still be in par with Mo Rae the little diva despite her age. Ran Joo has the experience and vocal techniques after all. It isn't all about the high notes in singing, after all. Am I right?! Of course I am! lol 
Okay, done with Ran Joo. Now let's discuss about Bo Geol being Ki Ho. Yep, that's right! Bo Geol is really the great childhood friend of Mok Ha Jung Ki Ho! Waaaah! I already had a feeling about it, really. Bo Geol gives off a vibe like Jung Ki Ho than Woo Hak. I can already sense it's him whenever he acts aloof with Mok Ha. Anyways, I'm so happy about it but sad that he cannot reveal himself to Mok Ha because he's afraid of being discovered by his father again. But I wonder, what is the secret as to why the father can't find them when they are all grown up already? Maybe their parents aren't divorced officially yet? Is that it? Or there's more to it? Why did Bo Geol said that if their father knew where they were, their family in the present time would be destroyed?! Hmmmm.... I can't wait to find out!

November 12, 2023

Byeon Woo Seok Shows His Real Color To Lee Yoo Mi In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 11

A billion won in exchange for the life of Nam In, a huge amount of money but no value of money can equal a life of a person. That billion won can be earned again by Geum Ju for sure. However, to think that some people are using this method of earning wealth is really evil. Si Oh is indeed evil and so his pawns. I hate him so much and no matter how much handsome and charismatic he is, I won't forgive him at all. Sigh. At least now we  know how much a scam this guy really is. Evil can disguise so good in the outside to lure people but we should all know that by now and be careful next time. Of course, his face is sold out to all of us viewers, because this is a Kdrama people! But if this were to happen in real life then that's a different case!

Seriously, thank goodness Nam In is back to normal again. I honestly thought that red heels would lie about the antidote but when I saw the color being mixed with water, I sighed in relief once I noticed the similarity of what Si Oh was drinking before. Nam In is fine now and it seemed like Geum Ju's family's bond is becoming whole again. I hope that they will continue being a happy family once again without anyone being left behind. The loneliest feeling on this planet is to be surrounded by people but still felt all alone. I hope no one would go through such loneliness. It's driving people to do unimaginable things and slowly kills them inside. 
Now let's talk about the chief police of the DIU team, I accused him already so fast that he became a drug addict already due to his actions and isolation but it turned out that he only made himself become the evidence to help out the team in exchange for his own life. And it did help Hee Sik to arrest hairtail but Si Oh knows how to save himself from being investigated, he knows how to eliminate hindrances on his way. 

I can't wait for the next episodes. The action is starting and it's about to fly to entertain us all till the end! Yay! Si Oh revealed to Nam Soon already his true form (to which is already known by Nam Soon) and I wonder what it is that he's going to ask this time. Perhaps ask her to do an evil deed again this time. Ugh. 

November 10, 2023

Byeon Woo Seok Asks Lee Yu Mi For A Date In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 10

"Would you like to go out with me?" The question was finally out from Si Oh's mouth! Geez this wouldn't be hard to respond to if he wasn't a bad guy but then again I wouldn't be sure to fall for him if he wasn't either. Lol That bad boy effect is really keeping me hostage. But if this is real life and I know his background, I'd want to change his wrong doings first before getting involved with him in a relationship. Hahaha! As if! Wait, why am I even explaining? Kkkk

Anyways, too bad, Si Oh would meet his karma in the form of Nam Soon. He's starting to fall for her and trusting her but he'll get betrayed in the end. I guess that's his fate for being a bad guy, of course he needed to be punished by law as well. He already ruined and killed a lot of people by his illegal drugs, I wouldn't really want him to get away with his sins without getting punished. If he face his punishment and start to live righteously then perhaps if he asked someone again (not Nam Soon because she's deeply in love with the inspector already) then I guess he'll get the girl this time. 

Anyways, Geum Ju survived the evil plans of Si Oh, she actually predicted it all. But sadly, she was too preoccupied saving the world but couldn't save her own son. Ain't this cruel? I hope she'll get in touch with all of her children not just just Nam Soon. Let this become her lesson in handling her own family. Her son, Nam In, needs her as well and so is her husband too. I think there is still a chance for their family to become whole again. Geum Ju just needs to focus on her family more than the world. Family first before the world. I think that's much better.

November 7, 2023

Is Chae Jong Hyeop Jung Ki Ho Or Is It Cha Hak Yeon? | Castaway Diva Episodes 3 & 4

My goodness this drama is getting more and more interesting! It's like finding and guessing who is Jung Ki Ho all through out! Seriously though, who is Jung Ki Ho between Woo Hak amd Bo Geol??? 

There are 2 possibilties here, just my guesses though. 
1. Woo Hak is Jung Ki Ho, and yes, he doesn't remember his identity because of memory loss. Bo Geol might be the one who witnessed the cause of his accident (probably caused by his father), reason why he doesn't want Woo Hak to remember thus traumatic experience. 
2. Bo Geol might be Jung Ki Ho too, Woo Hak might be protecting him from his father in the past reason why he lost his memories. He probably doesn't want to get involved with Mok Ha because he might have felt guilty for what happened to her for 15 years and it might also be because Mok Ha is already out in the public and his father is taking advantage of this to find him again. 

See? Those are my thoughts and so it's so hard for me to really point out who Jung Ki Ho is. But I must say, this is so exciting! Lol 
And Ran Joo, geez...she has to use her brain for once! Her manager Lee Seo Jun only manipulated and used her during the prime of her career to fund his dream of building a company. And when she lost her golden voice due to vocal nodule and age, he began mistreating her. Now that Ran Joo is making a noise again by using Mok Ha's voice, Seo Jun is prohibiting her albums to be sold in order not to achieve that 20 million copies sold to own the company that he has built with her money. Gosh. Waaah! I hate him, one day he will face his karma. 

November 5, 2023

Byeon Woo Seok Orders To Eliminate Kim Jung Eun In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 9

We finally got a glimpse of Ryu Si Oh's story, as usual, he got a painful past that makes him want to achieve power and wealth however ways possible. He's an orphan and was raised and trained by an organization/mafia Pavel to do unimaginable things. And this organization also became his backer in his company Doogo according to Geum Ju. By revealing this confidential information, Geum Ju got into Ryu Si Oh's nerves and wanted to eliminate her as soon as possible. So Ryu Si Oh ordered his men to do the dirty job.

I think this is the start of us, viewers, witnessing that indeed, Ryu Si Oh is not a leading man of the story but a villain. In the first half of the series, we all know that he's the mastermind of all these drugs being distributed everywhere and it still didn't get into our mind how awful this person could be because he's been that cutesy whenever Nam Soon is around. But now that one of our favorite character is being the target of Si Oh, we start to realize and be reminded that, hey, Si Oh is really a monster that's capable of doing heinous crimes. Sometimes or most probably most of the time, we're all really biased. lol But yeah, it's time that we get back to our senses and focus of Nam Soon's mission of stopping Ryu Si Oh at all costs.

What I like the most in this episode is, Hwa Ja's 360 degree change of heart. Thankfully, Geum Ju was able to talk with her in the hospital and revealed that she's still open in accepting Hwa Ja as her daughter if ever she will live her life honestly, before she met Ryu Si Oh. I like how she didn't reveal that Tsetseg is Geum Ju's daughter Nam Soon. I think she did this not for the sake of Nam Soon but actually of Geum Ju. Geum Ju has been nothing but a good person to her, she treated her right and kindly, and so I think that's something she felt obligated to return by saving her daughter Nam Soon from the devil, Si Oh. Gosh! I'm so happy for her. I just really hope that this will continue on and that Hwa Ja will start to choose the right path for her life.

And of course,  I think we should talk about Nam In already. This guy is in danger! Someone give that child attention!!!! Waaaah! I hope it isn't too late yet for him. He needs love and attention and I hope the whole family would be able to give that to him. But of course, Nam In should start to help himself first before somebody else would be able to help him.  It always start with one self after all.  

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