April 26, 2013

FRIDAY 2013.05.10-17

This is probably one of my favorite magazine feature of Atsuko. She displays that mature and beautiful face along with her seductive poses. I haven't seen her in a while posing like this. I got really excited when I finally turned to my computer and saw these pictures. So without further ado, let me share to all of you these gorgeous photos. 

Maeda Atsuko's Website and Fan Club

I've forgotten that it was the opening of Atsu's fanclub yesterday. I've read about it before but totally lost the information because I was too busy. Yeah currently doing interviews/exams for some firms at different places, and it was totally tiring. But it was a fun experience though.

Anyways, have you guys explored her site already? When I opened it last night I totally forgot who I was. Damn those pretty shots of her. So stunning! 

Sad though, I can't join her fanclub yet, because I've heard that it needed a japanese address to complete the  registration. I hope her management will open her fanclub to overseas fans as well. They should aim international too. Okay no matter how disappointed I am for not able to join, I'll just wait for my chances in the future. My love for Atsu won't waver just because of this. Nyaha.

Check out her website. Maeda Atsuko's official website

April 21, 2013

前田敦子 for SWITCH May Issue

Finally! I was able to change my blog banner! Wohoo shall we celebrate? After ages, I got inspired in making a new one. Probably because Atsuko got so many pictures coming out, I wanted to used some of them. And yeah I used the pictures from her feature in the latest issue of SWITCH Magazine.

It was a classy feature I would say. It was so artistic expressed obviously by her costume; the black dress and hair accessories, a concept of black and her facial expression of looking for something was really complementing one another. It was appealing I would say. Isn't it cool to see our girl, Acchan, gets exposed to different concepts of photography? Before she was also captured by Mika Ninagawa on M-girl magz, applying her distinctive style of vibrant and colorful appearances. Acchan looked very artsy haha

Here's a preview from her feature in SWTICH Magazine

April 17, 2013

Maeda Atsuko at the 60th Anniversary Event of Chloé

Our mighty ex-ace now an actress, was invited at the 60th Anniversary celebration of Chloé at Isetan Shinjuku this morning. I think they did a very great job in choosing an attendee to their event. Atsuko really is a definition of what being fashionable is about, and being featured at lots of different fashion magazines are proofs of it. Although we have Mariko-sama and the other fashion icons in Japan,  Chloé is also after the media's 'hot topic' for the day.  Great job! Great job!

When the group are cutting now the ribbon for their ceremony, Maeda Atsuko failed to cut the ribbon because she was using her right hand in doing so. We all know, probably all of you akb fans had noticed, Acchan is a left-handed lady. So probably she had difficulty in cutting the ribbon.

I call this discrimination to all left-handed people. lol

I find it quite cute yet a little embarrassed for her though. At the beginning when they are about to cut the ribbon, you can really read her uncomfortable expression. She was looking at the hand of Chloe's representative from time to time, probably looking at how a right hand is formed in handling the scissors? lol  She already knows she'll fail in cutting it maybe, and guess what! She did! She did fail in doing so. Hahahaha It was sooooo cute. Oh gosh, Acchan give me that scissors of yours and I'll stab those people for making you cut the ribbon with your right hand! lol

April 14, 2013

Maeda's NEW Marumiya CM

Actress Maeda Atsuko to appear in Marumiya [Family's Chazuke] new CM that will be ON-AIR by 16th of April. Maeda appears in a big sister role with nagging personality because she posses an imprudent younger brother. In private Maeda has no brother therefore it was revealed that she has "date desires" about a younger brother.. wwww

The younger brother in this CM was portrayed by Morinaga Yuki (17). Atsuko even said 可愛いよー。天使みたい!about him. Geez Acchan , I'm so jealous. lol 

There was also an article entitled 前田敦子、可愛い年下の男の子にメロメロ!? 「どこでも連れて行きたい!」
Maeda atsuko madly inlove with a cute younger boy? Wants to take along anywhere!」 

Apparently that date desire was about, Maeda wanting to take her brother for a walk on the street and let people wonder if they are dating. 

.. これ本当に可愛い!!!

April 5, 2013

[Jane Doe] 2nd Day

I find it quite funny to actually see this, didn't expect Takamina to actually surpass EXILE on the 2nd day. Atsu's words sure are powerful, believe it when she says "When it's Takamina, everything is possible".

Also another one that made me so amused and feel great was about WMinami's close relationship to one another. It was stated in Taka's blog entry that Miichan came during Minami's live promotion of Jane Doe at Shinjuku Station yesterday. Taka didn't know that she actually came by that time!! 

April 4, 2013

Jane Doe! Congratulations Takamina!

April 3 was our mini-captain GM's solo debut! Jane Doe CDs are finally out! And as usual promoting everywhere is a must. It was great to see Takamina on the go, she's really well loved and supported.

Yesterday morning she was in ZIP! Our star here was incredibly cute, even though she's tensed up she still managed to make everything natural. You know she'll make you laugh and giggle to death because she's Takamina, the adorable sou-chan. To be honest, it's so obvious when she's feeling nervous just like her performance in the recent Music Station 3-hr special, but at this latest performance in ZIP I think she  somehow managed to calm her nerves even at its slightest.

Her entrance was just so cuteeeeeee!

After ZIP she guested as well in PON! and sure the atmosphere became even more comfortable as Mariko-sama was present in the program but expect teasing is essential. 

Of course everything does not end with morning events, the promotion is still up till evening.

She was at Shinjuku Station too to perform live for her fans in the afternoon.

And then she was also up for a LIVE Stream program at  Ameba Studio by evening... 

Everything went well so far, and what's one of the greatest thing that came out for today is knowing about the first day sales of Taka's Jane Doe..

She managed to get 45,645 and is no. 2 in the ORICON Charts.. (EXILE in no.1 spot) 
And here's some info for some comparison: Solo debut single 1st Day Sales 

Maeda Atsuko's Flower 102, 483
Itano Tomomi's Dear J got 86,681
Sashihara Rino's Sore Demo Suki da yo 56,879
Watanabe Mayu's Sunchro Tokimeki 50,145
Kashiwagi Yuki's Shorcake 45,333
Kasai Tomomi's Masaka 12,240

Of course the great heavenly being Maeda Atsuko is unbeatable. But yeah at least she managed to beat Kashiwagi Yuki's 1st day sales and is way better than Kasai Tomomi's.. It's really awesome. I'm so happy for you Taka, you are well loved.

Also to prove this 'well loved', a few members also showed their support for the girl. Twitting encouragement, feelings towards Takamina's debut, and of course with the Jane Doe CDs. I really feel the love for her. T.T 

Even though I was waiting the whole day for Atsuko's tweets about Takamina, there was none. My eyeballs already turned fully white. Seriously Atchan.. seriously?! 
But hey, she had a plan.. She probably didn't tweet because she's sure to talk about Taka's solo debut on her radio program HEARTSONGS.
ahhhh full of Atsumina!!! This is the best thing that came out for the whole day, lol. I wasn't expecting this tbh, but Atchan you're so sweeeeet.....

Again to end this blog entry, CONGRATULATIONS TAKAMINA! SOLO DEBUT!!! 

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