July 28, 2012

Frustrations of noob guitarist..

Geez.. I'm so frustrated with myself.. lolz. I've known how to play guitar for so long now.. yet my skills are still noob.. So I'm always calling my self as a noob guitarist.. lol ... I feel like I've wasted my years for not practicing hard and seriously.. [sniff sniff] 

But I think it's not yet late right? Since I'm still 19 and my goal is to improve before I reach my 20th year on this world.. I still have time!!! just 2 months only.. Wait..whaaat?

Shiz.. of course learning will take forever.. I know that.. But I want to improve moooore.. I'm so not satisfied with my playing style.. it's unclean at all.. shiz.. Improve more kei! practice!!! [ugh] 

I've been posting random things lately.. lolz.. well sorry this is my blog.. whether you un-bookmarked this or not.. I don't care anymore.. do what you want.. :P

July 27, 2012

I want to be a writer too!

Hey hey heeeey! It's been a while.. haven't written something in here so I decided to update something.. actually I'm still active on the internet world.. but on different sites only.. lolz..

Recently I've been very addicted with writing stories for ATSUMINA, at first I just wanted to play along with my ideas running through my head.. and never thought I would gain many readers.. hahaha.. then I continue updating to make them happy.. Of course everyone's going to be very happy when your works are being appreciated in different ways.. hmmm... so since I've started this then lemme continue it until I can. If you haven't seen my stories yet.. then here are the links for you...

1st Story [Series and On-going] "CONTRACT"
2nd Story [Short Fic and Completed] "The Only Thing That Won't Change
3rd Story [Series and On-going] "Hold My Heart Forever"

Somehow I feel like a real writer.. My other dream aside from being a musician is to become a writer too.. so I do blogging and then I discovered I got skills in writing stories too.. [assuming] wahahaha! It's really entertaining when you love what you are doing.. But of course I needed to become an architect too so after this depressing week for me.. I'll try to act normal and be professional.. I can do this! Ganbare Kei!

July 23, 2012

[FANFIC] AtsuMina: “The Only Thing That Won’t Change” Part 2/End

"The Only Thing That Won't Change"

Part 2/End

Atsuko knew to herself that she wanted this, she's been waiting for this to happen in a long time now. Yes, she's in love with Minami but too afraid to tell it to the shy girl as she's afraid of the outcome of her confession. Realizing that Minami's taking the initiatiative she decided to let it be. The kiss was short though as Minami pulled out. The kiss was just soft, yet filled with love. Minami looked at Atsuko's eyes, she did not know whether it's the right thing to kiss her. Somehow she felt nervous how Atsuko would react, Minami knew to herself that she loves Atsuko as well but it took a while until this moment as she realizes her true feelings. Yes it's love, but not just for a friend but more than that. More than best friends.

"I'm sorry Acchan, I did not mean to kiss you.. I was really running out of solution how to stop you from crying.. I was just- --"

Still not yet finished, Atsuko pulled Minami again for another kiss.. This time Atsuko's eyes were closed as if she's feeling every bits of the kiss, Minami on the other hand was left shock "Does it mean she likes me too? I mean she loves me more than her best friend?" she thought and then her hands moved around Acchan's waist and answered in the kiss. The soft kiss Atsuko started became wild as both of them wanted to take dominance of each other. They opened their mouth and literally eating each other's lips. Atsuko's hands wrapping around Minami's neck became even tighter and so are the hands of Minami on her waist. Not so long ago they decided to pull out from the kiss to catch some air. Then they looked at each other's eyes, both eyes were sparkling showing how amazed they were with what just happened. From their position of standing in front of each other, they decided to sit down back on the couch. Still no words coming from them.. they already knew what's happening.. they already knew what each other wanted to say.. there really is no words needed for explanation..

"Minami, I want you to always be by my side. Even after I graduated!" The girl insisted as she held the other girl's hands tightly.

"I will, even if it's hard to match our schedules.. I will find a way!" Minami smiled at the girl, yet Atsuko was not satisfied at all.. instead she said.. "Live with me Minami! Let's move together on the same shelter!"

Hearing those words made Minami shocked.."Ehhh? Atsuko... what are you thinking?"

"Why? you don't like it? you said it'll be hard to match our schedule right? If we live together it means at the end of the day we'll still be able to get together right?"


"But what? Don't tell me you dont want it?"

"Well.. i love the idea of always seeing each other but.. still.." Minami can't find the words to add at all.. she really does not know whether to oppose or just let it be.

Atsuko ignored the girl instead she said all her thoughts about living together. "Besides that, I will know what your schedule is. I will know what's going on now in your career. I will be updated whom you're meeting.. I will know who they are and I will know if you are cheating on me or not.. right?"

Hearing the last statement of Atsuko made the small girl get even more shocked. She's getting all red now. Somehow she felt embarrassed, shy at the same time happy for the reason that they don't need to explain anymore about their relationship now, instead they both knew now they are in this together. They have mutual love for each other.. and it's a love not between friends but as lovers. "O-of course I won't cheat on you!" She said as she looked down on their hands holding each other.

"It's easy for you to say. Knowing that there are lots of remaining cute girls around AKB and worst you're even with the same group as Haruna."

"What are you saying Acchan! There's nothing between us you know.. s-stop bringing up those things again with Haruna!" Minami panicked.

"See? You can even call her by her first name, and me as your girlfriend now.. you don't even call me by my first name! How can I be so sure that you're not going to cheat on me?" Atsuko said furious as she crossed her arms in her chest.

"AH! No!! I won't do it! Why are you saying that! I promise I won't Acchan!" Minami do not really know how to protect herself from Atsuko's jealous strikes on her.. she had been cornered.

"Call me by my first name or I will ignore you forever!" She said as she turned around Minami, her arms still crossing around her chest. She's pouting too, literally looking like a kid.

Let me be the drama queen. [lol]

I'm sad last night and I cried the whole time of it until I fell asleep. This period is probably the hardest time of my life, and I don't know if I can handle this situation or not. Probably you say I'm being emotional and dramatic now, but yeah I guess you're right.. But I just wanted to write about it coz somehow I feel a bit okay when I'm writing my thoughts.. especially on my blog.. [sigh]

I'm currently on the process of doing my thesis, and no my problem isn't about thesis but something private and the most important part of me. I've became too happy lately because of my achievement on my thesis getting my work approved in one go, I've even celebrated it but at the end of the day and the celebration came my worst nightmare. The news that change the inside me.. It was unbearable and broke my heart into pieces.. gosh.. I'm so emotional on this, yeah I'm too weak to handle these kind of things and I really don't know how I will concentrate on my thesis now.. GAHD!!!

I believe you exist but I dont have that much faith, but this time I'm coming to you and I hope you'll welcome me and my prayers... you know what it is.. 

Okay lemme stop this now.. [sigh] I just wanted to somehow forget about my problem a little.. so I try to find ways to relax and just entertain myself..
I watched K-ON movie last it was good and all, I love it..I enjoyed it but its really not healing me fully.. (and as if everything's gonna be okay? tsk)

Anyways I tried to find entertainment too on my ichiban, Maeda Atsuko.. and yeah it did worked out a bit.. but just like K-on (which is one of my favorite anime of all time), it just wasn't enough..

Yeah I know I shouldn't rely on just fandom to overtake the burdens right? lolz But I still say they do still help even in just small bits... just like now, I'm really helpless with my current problem so literally, I cannot do anything..  tsk the worst feeling ever.. being useless..

July 22, 2012

[Guitar Cover] Wedding Bell + Yasai Sisters

Hello everyone! Today I've decided to post my newly recorded guitar cover. It's just a short one though so I try to find on my recorded folder and saw another one to post. So all in all there are 2 guitar covers in this blog entry, whew.. Hopefully you guys will like them :)

I had a great weekday last week coz my ground floor plan which I only consulted once to my thesis adviser got accepted. Yipeee.. But yeah I know I shouldn't celebrate yet but still.. I'm just happy with this achievement. Though he said I need to check the size of my mechanical room. lolz.. but still that's just a minor change right? Accepted layout is still accepted! (Sometimes I really feel I'm so good. trololol let me praise myself once in a while okay? lolz)


July 21, 2012

ACCHAN: I want to be with Takamina (Marutto Interview)

This day is so great, the classes were suspended for this day, I got plenty of sleep and got to read another AtsuMina interview. wahaha and I will share that interview with you guys, just in case you haven't seen it yet.

From Marutto Interview

Acchan: This is the first time you film for photoshoot with this hair style, right?
Takamina: I think so
Acchan: I always tell her that she looks cuter if she cuts her hair, but this 6 and half year, she insists it. Very stubborn person.
Takamina: In the end it got burned.
Acchan: Yes and it becomes a great hair style.
Takamina: Though I’m stubborn, but Atsuko is super stubborn too.
Acchan. Yup. I’m very stubborn too.
Takamina: The good part of Atsuko’s stubbornness is that she has very high sense of professional. No matter what kind of work she deals with, she has her own ideal to finish the task, she won’t budge for that.
Acchan: That’s why, it might be only the 2 of us having very straightforward quarrels among the members
Takamina: Yes, that’s right! Very straightforward. We always let some some words out to each other then the quarrel ends.
Acchan: Like ” What!So what!”
Takamina: “What!So what!” then “Hng!” and then it’s end
Acchan: Having a big quarrel for a while, but 3 minutes later, it’s like nothing happened (laugh)
Takamina: Feels like “Eh, it’s over!”
Acchan: Because we know each other very well. That’s why we won’t restrain and sustain the problem, right?
Takamina: Since 8th grade ~ we’re always together, being always next to each other
Acchan: I have nothing hiding from Takamina, so it’s very comfortable being together with her

July 20, 2012

Hyun-Zy Couple Re-united!!! 2012

Woot it's been a while since I've last updated about this couple. (yeah my own made and every hyun-zy fans' couple? lol)

Well yesterday it was confirmed that the two will meet each other's way again for their team up for Beanpole's new CF!! Daaamn isn't that lovely? Being reunited again after they parted ways in Dream High Season 1, and of course after they've became really popular in their own projects. They are both having the peak of  their successful careers right now, hope it'll last for a long time. 

Let us all rejoice my fellow Hyun-Zy shippers! I just can't wait for this CF now.. gaaaah I hope when they are going to film this in New Zealand, they'll end up getting much closer and might decide to take their friendship into a higher relationship. Yup yup! Real couples for the win!!! Ohohoho!

July 18, 2012

1830m AKB48's 4th Album

Here's the tracklist for the new album: 1830m

[CD 1]
01. First Rabbit
02. Ougon Center
03. Miniskirt no Yousei (Izuta Rina, Saeed Yokota Erena, Hirata Rina)
04. Ue kara Mariko
05. Anti
06. Lemon no Toshigoro (Kobayashi Marina, Natori Wakana, Sasaki Yukari, Muto Tomu)
07. Renai Sousenkyou (YM7: Takajo Aki, Kasai Tomomi, Komori Mika, Sato Sumire, Miyazaki Miho, Takeuchi Miyu, Sashihara Rino)
08. Yasai Uranai
09. Everyday, Kachuusha
10. Hashire! Penguin
11. Romance Kakurenbo (Omori Miyu)
12. Tsubomitachi
13. Jeung ya Freud no Baai
14. Flying Get
15. Kaze wa Fuiteiru
16. Sakura no Ki ni Narou

[CD 2]

01. Hate (Team A)
02. Plastic no Kuchibiru (Shinoda Mariko)
03. Omoide no Hotondo (Takahashi Minami, Maeda Atsuko)
04. Iede no Yoru (Team K)
05. Scandalous ni Ikou (Kojima Haruna, Oshima Yuko)
06. No-kan (Team B)
07. Avocado Jane~shi (Watanabe Mayu, Sashihara Rino)
08. Chokkaku Sunsshine (Team 4)
09. Bokutachi wa Ima Hanashiau Bekinanda (Kashiwagi Yuki, Itano Tomomi)
10. Sakuranbo to Kodoku (Kenkyuusei)
11. Daiji na Jikan (Kojima Haruna, Shinoda Mariko, Takahashi Minami, Maeda Atsuko, Itano Tomomi, Kashiwagi Yuki, Watanabe Mayu, Oshima Yuko)
12. Itsuka Mita Umi no Soko (Up and coming girls: Watanabe Mayu, Iriyama Anna, Kawaei Rina, Shimazaki Haruka, Matsui Jurina, Oshima Ryoka, Kato Rena, Kizaki Yuria, Yagami Kumi, Kimoto Kanon, Yamada Nana, Watanabe Miyuki, Jo Eriko, Sugamoto Yuko, Kodama Haruka, Miyawaki Sakura)
13. Gu~Gu~ Onaka (Maeda ATsuko, Fujie Reina, Sato Sumire, Iwasa Misaki, Nito Moeno, Ishida Haruka, Sato Amina, Komori Mika, Maeda Ami)
14. Yasashisa no Chizu (Shinoda Mariko, Takahashi Minami, Yokoyama Yui, Kashiwagi Yuki, Kato Rena, Iriyama Anna, Shimazaki Haruka, Kizaki Yuria, Kodama Haruka, Jo Eriko)
15. Itterasshai (Kojima Haruna, Shinoda Mariko, Takajo Aki, Takahashi Minami, Maeda Atsuko, Itano Tomomi, Oshima Yuko, Minegishi Minami, Yokoyama Yui, Kashiwagi Yuki, Watanabe Mayu, Sashihara Rino)
16. Aozora yo, Sabishikunaika? (AKB48+SKE48+NMB48+HKT48)
17. Sakura no Hanabiratachi (Maeda Atsuko)

[DVD]Choreography (2:30 min ver)
-Everday, Kachuusha
-Flying Get 
-Kaze wa Fuiteiru 
-Ue Kara Mariko

July 16, 2012

Recent News about Maeda Atsuko

Hmmm.. there are too many news that came out related to this girl, gahd she's too mainstream. lol. But I love it though, seeing her always on news sites, magazines, newspapers, new vids, and etc. But of course since there are a lot of news about her, there are times wherein I'm able to see pleasant and unpleasant ones. Pleasant and favorable on my part as I can see she's having success, new projects and more exposure. Unpleasant for those news which I find really disturbing and they all set my anger on fire. lol

Okay let's start this.. first her movie Kueki Ressha was already out in theaters since July 14 and I'm hoping that she'll get a high market of cinema goers for this movie. I'm quite nervous about it though,  this is her first movie and it may set how the movie goers would expect to see from her in the future. Come on guys, please support her there in Japan! Watch the movie nooooow!!!

July 11, 2012

Haruna the long black-haired Goddess is back!

Sorry to make my blog title for this a bit exaggerating, but hell this is one true amazing news! It's been a long time now since I last updated things about SCANDAL here or even at Scandal Magic. All admins of Scandal Magic are students except for admin Zidaine who's responsible for creative arts for the page. I really miss my admins now, huhu but anyways they are all special to me so I won't just kick them off the page just because they are inactive for the reason of school stuff. Of course as their guardian (lol, my two remaining co-admins responsible for updates are younger than me.. so yeah... lol) I won't allow them to set aside their school stuff just because of their responsibilities as admins. I'm very understanding you know. Haha!

Anyways lemme give you amazing photos of Haruna back in long black hair. Woot! All haruna-lovers who became stray of fanboying/fangirling on some other artists while Haruna had been gotten wild with her blonde short hair, they are all coming back now! LOL! This will be a reunion, let us all unite my dear friends.. let's celebrate the reincarnation of the black haired goddess.. lol.

Cheers! This is one of the wonderful things that had happen in year 2012.. we must all rejoice!! LOL! I don't mind if Haruna will cut her hair short as long she'll put a long black hair extension. trolololol

SOURCES: http://news.livedoor.com/article/images/6735934

July 10, 2012


It has been four days since we got some problems with our internet connection, It's sad without internet you know. Fucking "globe" services, it's a total crap I hate you and your stupid lazy employees! Gahd! We had problems already on our internet, we called everyday and what they can only say is they don't know the fucking problem on their server, if not that they'll say just reset your main switch every hour and just wait.. WTF? How can I fucking crazily wait when I know Acchan's birthday will arrive soon? What if I'm not able to greet her on her day? WHAT THE FUCK GLOBE BROADBAND! TSK TSK! You'll ruin my life.
wahahah! Yes that's Acchan for me! A very very special person that I won't allow to miss greeting her on this kind of event.

Huhuhu Acchan! HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY! You are my idol! Onee-chan and entertainer! You are the best of all the best! You're cute, gorgeous and amazing talent/act! I wish you the best in life and a happy marriage life with Takamina.. wahahaha! I love the both of you! I wish Takamina will be able to give you something special on your birthday. Gahd just marry you two! Nyahaha!

July 5, 2012

My first Fan fiction [AtsuMina]

Hello everyone! I have written an on going fan fic of Atsumina, I already posted it on the great forum http://forum.jphip.com (make sure to become a member if you still are not! you'll miss a lot from your life if you don't experience jphip!haha, it's amazing there and everyone's really cool and down to earth)

I actually do not know why I have made my first fic to be this long.. and it's on going.. hahaha.. I guess I can't stop the ideas on my head which made me write this story long? You know as much as possible I wanted to make it very detailed in order to fully express the character's feelings. I want my readers to feel different emotions. :) I hope I can reach that goal. I'm still a noob writer so please comment some suggestions... Here's my Chapter 1! You can see updates at JPHIP AKB48 Fan fics thread.. and here's the specific address of my fan fic: http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?topic=33275.0


Chapter 1

 “Minami! Let’s get married!”


July 3, 2012

Still Upset: Acchan's graduation is approaching!

Somehow I feel like writing an article about Acchan. Hmm.. I dunno, it suddenly just popped out in my head. Hmm.. It's already July, 1 more month till she graduates officially in the popular AKB48. [sigh] Up until now, who can really accept this fact so easily? It's really hard you know, especially like me.. she's my oshimen. It's really hard.

 I know on her part, it'll be somehow great for her career and dream, she'll be able to focus and improve on her dramas, movies etc. I hope she'll continue singing and dancing though. I bet she's really happy for that solo career that everyone's dreaming of in AKB48, but we just have to admit she can't find other friends like AKB48!! Outside this group, they will all have different schedules of works. Time for their friendships will be somehow difficult to stay on track. Of course it will remain, but not as much as they are on the same group with almost the same schedule.

July 2, 2012

100,000 page hits!

Uwaaaa!! Finally the six digits!! whew! Thanks to all of you my readers or to those who always stop by just to look at some pictures [really try to read once in a while okay?]! Kyaha! I know I know, 100k is just a short no. comparing to those super large page views from other blogs and sites out there. But for me? Reaching 100k page hits is already an achievement. I never imagine to get this  huge no. of views, really. I'm just wishing upon a star that someday it might happen, and it did happen! whew! I'm happy today! I'm inspired to write more articles to share with you guys.

I started this  blog last October 2011, and now it's only July yet I already gained 100,000 page hits!! Iyeeey! I thought I would need more time than that. I'm not yet on my 1 year, can you imagine that? I'm so proud! Thanks guys! ohohoho!

July 1, 2012

Maeda Atsuko and her lovely children

Hee, sorry to make you guys panic out of nowhere because of my title for this blog entry. Haha. No worries! It's just about Acchan and her lovely dogs. Probably somehow she treats them as of course pet, friends, or her children. And since acchan is playful and likes kawaii things maybe she sees them as toys as well. Hee, I love it. This is one of the reasons why I've somehow come to like dogs. [Honestly I dont like to pet dogs or any animals, though I love seeing them. But making them as my pet? Not a chance I guess.]

These photos are special photos from her single Kimi wa Boku da, please do buy the 3 types of the single, plus a limited edition for her theater type. The single composed of the great songs, special photos and special videos as well. They are all worth it for the money. You'll love it! Acchan is so gorgeous in all the videos, her skin and face is so stunning! She's unbelievably amazingly beautiful! No wonder Takamina [cough] fell in love [cough] with her. [cough]. Heee. ATSUMINA-mode ON!

Here are the special photos together with her pets. WOW she have plenty of them. Oh how I wish I was one of the dogs at that moment. LOL. She's not just a dog lover but any animal lover out there. If she can take care of those many puppies I bet she'd love to take care her own babies/children in the future. And of course take care Takamina? wahahahah! I hope Acchan will not find a guy for him and ended up with Minami Takahashi. If that happens I'll be one of the happiest FAN aliiiive! Heee!

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