July 20, 2012

Hyun-Zy Couple Re-united!!! 2012

Woot it's been a while since I've last updated about this couple. (yeah my own made and every hyun-zy fans' couple? lol)

Well yesterday it was confirmed that the two will meet each other's way again for their team up for Beanpole's new CF!! Daaamn isn't that lovely? Being reunited again after they parted ways in Dream High Season 1, and of course after they've became really popular in their own projects. They are both having the peak of  their successful careers right now, hope it'll last for a long time. 

Let us all rejoice my fellow Hyun-Zy shippers! I just can't wait for this CF now.. gaaaah I hope when they are going to film this in New Zealand, they'll end up getting much closer and might decide to take their friendship into a higher relationship. Yup yup! Real couples for the win!!! Ohohoho!

Also since they are going to film this CF in New Zealand, there was also a report from allkpop which their working VISA photos were revealed. Gahd, scary fans are scary.. yeah these should have been not publicized yet.. there they are... monsterrrrsss... lol But I don;t mind, as long as it's for Hyun-zy Trololol. More updates from theeeem I wanna see!!!
Here are their photos from their Visas.

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