July 5, 2012

My first Fan fiction [AtsuMina]

Hello everyone! I have written an on going fan fic of Atsumina, I already posted it on the great forum http://forum.jphip.com (make sure to become a member if you still are not! you'll miss a lot from your life if you don't experience jphip!haha, it's amazing there and everyone's really cool and down to earth)

I actually do not know why I have made my first fic to be this long.. and it's on going.. hahaha.. I guess I can't stop the ideas on my head which made me write this story long? You know as much as possible I wanted to make it very detailed in order to fully express the character's feelings. I want my readers to feel different emotions. :) I hope I can reach that goal. I'm still a noob writer so please comment some suggestions... Here's my Chapter 1! You can see updates at JPHIP AKB48 Fan fics thread.. and here's the specific address of my fan fic: http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?topic=33275.0


Chapter 1

 “Minami! Let’s get married!”


“Really? Iyaaaay!!” The ace smiled happily like she won jackpot on a lottery. But she can see her best friend doing something else gives her the thought that she’s not on her right mind so she agreed with her which make her feel a bit sad and the smile earlier just disappeared by bit.

“Are you listening to me, Minami?” pinching the cheeks of her best friend who’s still writing something on the paper.

“Un” she nods in agreement but truthfully she did not know what she just heard earlier.

 “I will not let you go back on this! I’ll definitely tear your body apart if you do!!” She said jokingly yet she’s giggling.

TakaMina is serious doing her special project for school, if she did not make it on the deadline she’ll definitely fail this school year. She’s not really airheaded but she does lots of things like athletic competitions which make her miss classes.

“Ne! Minami! Listen to me! Will you promise me that you’ll definitely do what you said just earlier? PLEEEAASE!” The ace hugged TakaMina’s back while she’s writing, wiggling her cheeks to the back of her friend.

“Ah Acchan stop doing that, I’m doing something you know. If I don’t pass this I’m definitely dead.” She said while imagining herself in that situation. Fail expressions from her face are scattered everywhere.

“Eh! Minami! Promise me first!” Pouting while hugging her friend tighter

TakaMina suddenly felt that tighter hug from the friend, she then now turn around to face her. “Okay! Okay I promise Acchan!” Still not knowing what she made as a promise, they are now looking at each other.

“Can you stop calling me Acchan! We’re not kids anymore Minami!”

“Eh? But I’m used to it already!”

“You don’t want to call your wife that childhood nickname, do you?” She said while raising her eyebrow

“Wife? W-what wife? Whose wife?” Fail expression marked on her face again.

“mou~!!!! Minami!!!! You agreed with me earlier right??”

“Huh? What did I agreed on?”

As expected Atsuko was right that her friend was not on her right mind to agree on her, yet knowing that she still pushes it. “What am I doing, thinking that she’ll definitely take my proposal.UGH!” She thought while tears are forming her eyes. She turned around and hugged her knees close to her chest. TakaMina is now facing the back of Atsuko.

“Acchan!” No response to her.

“Ne, Are you mad?” Still in silence.

“I’m sorry, I was just really busy with my special project. My parents would really kill me if they found out I failed a subject.” No response.

Takamina felt so guilty now “Okay Acch--- ah… Atsuko, just tell me what you just said earlier and I promise I will agree on it no matter what!” She said not knowing what she just told her friend, she does not know she’s going to agree on marriage with her friend.

Hearing that Atsuko smiled to herself she can feel her heart beating so fast. She take a hold of herself and looked at Takamina

“Are you sure? No matter what it is, you’ll agree with it?”

“Yes! If that’ll make you feel better”

“You sounded like you’re just being pushed here”

“No I’m not! I’m willing to do anything to make you feel better”

Acchan blushed like a tomato, while takamina was still clueless seeing her friend becoming red.

“Ne Atsuko, are you alright?”


“So what is again that I agreed on earlier?”

“I told you to marry me and you agreed on it” She said straightforwardly, you can see sincerity and full of seriousness.

“Eh?????!!! W-w-wwwhhaaat?” Fail facial expressions raining in the room from her.

“Ne! are you serious, Acchan?!  I mean Atsuko?

Hearing TakaMina saying her nickname first and suddenly followed by her first name make Acchan giggled. She smiled and now holding her soft laughter.

“Minami, you’re such a good girl. Yes I want you to call me by my first name always.”

“I’m not used to it though, so I’ll make mistake like this” She blushed, she felt it’s embarrassing mistake.

“So you’ll call me Atsuko by now because you really agreed to become my husband?” She giggled, smile forming her face. “So beautiful” Minami thought to herself while witnessing that smile from her friend, then she shook her head, “what am I thinking?” she gulped.

“Acch—atsuko! Erm, I don’t think you know what you are talking about.”

“What do you mean? I don’t know it? It’s about marriage”

“exactly, marriage you don’t know a thing about it. It’s a serious thing!”

“What is the thing I don’t know about it? If it’s a serious thing, don’t you think I’m serious enough? I’m serious Minami!”

“B-but.. marriage is for both people who love each other… and besides we’re not on the right age to do that and we are both g-girls!” She said nervously the last line. “Yeah girls” she thought to herself.”

“I see, so you don’t love me Minami? After these 7 years that we’ve been together?” She said while forming those sad tears again on her eyes.

“No! It’s not like that Atsuko! I love you! but with all this 7 years I’ve loved you as my best friend remember? And I don’t really know what love for a couple is like, and we’re both girls.”

“Yeah right, so what if we are both girls? Can girls can’t love each other? Are we outcasts in this society? If both boys and girls can love each other why cant both girls or both boys do the same?!!” she said angrily
“Calm down Atsuko. I  know why you are like this”

“Yeah like you know everything about me, you don’t even know what my true feelings are! BakaMina!!”
TakaMina sighed. Then Atsuko get herself on her feet and run away from TakaMina’s room, silence were on the room. She now felt that her friend really leaved her room, slowly everything came to her mind. “W-waait! Atsuko!” She opened the door hurried on the living room and saw Atsuko’s mark her sudden leave as the main entrance was leaved wide open.

TakaMina suddenly felt the sadness all over her body. The atmosphere is now heavy.


Maeda Residence

“Acchan, we are really sorry for forcing you on a fixed marriage with Matsumoto’s only son. It’s the only thing we could think of to repay all our debts to them. We’re really sorry.” Said by Atsuko’s father sadly as he’s holding his tears.

“It’s okay, I guess I’m born to be a payment for something I did not do right? What can I do”

“Please my daughter, I’m begging for your forgiveness.”

“Yeah right”

“Please forgive your father about this Acchan, we’re really sorry. If you want we’ll just stop this wedding right away” Her mom says in guiltiness

“Yeah right mom and dad. Say that to me so I’ll be guiltier, if you stop this wedding what will happen to you guys? Go in jail? Or those guys will embarrass the two of you in public.” She screamed as tears falling from her eyes.

“We’re sorry Acchan”

“It’s okay, I’m ready.” She gulped, her heart is aching too much.


At the Preparation of the ENGAGEMENT DAY

The family of Matsumoto and Maeda came first at the ceremony to be fully celebrated after an hour, few guests are now coming bit by bit. They are all in beautiful dresses and tuxedos, the venue was really luxurious and people invited on the list are well known to the society. While everyone’s lurking around the beautiful venue and others busy with other preparation on the corner of the venue there was Atsuko and Matsumoto talking.

“I’m glad your parents approved my offer, Acchan” Matsumoto smiled.

“You’re so beautiful in your white dress, soon you’ll be mine Atsuko ..should I call you that? It’s much better”

Atsuko was really pissed off, she knows that the man was really really happy. They’ve known each other for a long time now, the man is really eager on her. He confessed to her but she let her down many times for reasoning that she has someone else already.

“Did you plan this?” Atsuko asked.

“Of course not! It’s not my fault your parents are that hungry with money.” Matsumoto smirked.

“How could you!!!” when Acchan was about to slap his face the guy stopped her. “Ohoho not so fast Atsuko, you’ll regret this if you dare to touch my handsome face. You know that I love you but please don’t embarrass me in public coz I don’t know what I can do to you.” He said with serious eyes.

“Get your hands off me!!” Acchan managed to get her hand back away from Matsumoto. She ran fast as she could and she bumped into someone at the door.


Atsuko rubbed her shoulders part which hit the person in front of her trying to fade the pain. She looked up and saw the person in front of her. Her eyes widened as she can’t believe who’s in front of her.

 "Mi-- Minami!!"

Minami is in suit of a tuxedo, seeing her in that man's clothing made Acchan's heart beat so fast. It's trying to get off her chest now. She can feel the temperature rising from her body.

"I'm sorry Atsuko" She said while offering her hands to help Acchan. Acchan pats her hand on the one who offered her, she gets back on her feet and was shocked the moment TakaMina placed a kiss on her hand. She was blushing like a tomato.

As Matsumoto saw that scene, he made his way hurriedly on the two. "Hey! She's my soon to be wife, how could you do that on our celebration!" He said as he breaks the holding hands of the two. 
She gives a grope on TakaMina's collar, "Get off you midget. Who are you touching her?" He said angrily as he was about to kill someone. 

Acchan tried to stop him, but Matsumoto pushed her that made Acchan fall on the ground. As TakaMina saw that, she can't stop her anger and punched the guy on the face that caused him to fall on the ground as well. Even though that TakaMina is a girl, she has this strength that can match a guy. TakaMina rubbed her hand feeling the pain in her hand, "Ouch" she said on her mind. Everyone witnessed that embarrassing moment for Matsumoto, everyone's eyes are now on them. They were shocked! Shocked as Acchan who's on the floor, her eyes widened yet still blushing like a tomato. Speechless.

"What a pain, everyone's looking at us now" TakaMina sighed as she approached Acchan once again on the floor. Again, offering her hand as a help to get the woman back on her feet. 

"Are you okay?" she asked pulling the girl once again.


"I think the guy's dead, your engagement is finished!" she laughed and smirked.

"Minami! Why..uhm.." Atsuko as she can't find the words to say.

As Minami was about to explain, Matsumoto get back on his feet wiping the blood on his mouth. "How could you!!! Guard take this guy away this party!" He commanded angrily.

"Guy? He called Minami as a guy?" Atsuko asked to herself. "I know she's wearing tuxedo and is wearing a black wig,, but I can still say it's Minami" She giggled to herself, "my heart is going crazy, it's getting wild again". 

As the guards were about to pick TakaMina, "Stop!" Takamina ordered.

Everyone was in shock, Matsumoto and Maeda family were witnessing this as well. 

"I'll take my leave, after I do and say something." She said. She hold Acchan's hand and pull her near her, and their soft lips touched each other. Everyone jaw dropped, TakaMina was feeling the kiss as she closed her eyes while Atsuko was shocked and her eyes are widened. She can't believe TakaMina insisted the kiss. As the time Takamina slowly put her right hand on the ace's waist and her left hand on the head, Acchan slowly closed her eyes and they both kissed in passion. 

"My heart is beating so fast, faster than ever before. Minami! I love you! Please hold me like this forever! I love you" Atsuko said in her mind, as she thought of this, tears began to fall on her eyes. Minami felt the tears and stopped the kiss, while everyone was still in shock. Matsumoto was jaw dropping he can't believe Atsuko was also answering the kiss, even their parents can't believe it.

TakaMina stopped the kiss and see Acchan's eyes, "she's crying" she thought to herself and she can feel the pain in her heart. She then looked away and answer everyone's gazes on them. As everyone still processing the happenings inside, the guards mind are also mesmerized by the scene.. while everyone's drooling.. TakaMina announced something...

"I Takahashi.. M-m-.. Kai, will marry this woman!!" She said replacing Minami into Kai so that no one will notice that she's a girl. To make everything look flawless. 

Atsuko was very shocked, her tears are still coming out from her eyes. Not because of sadness she's feeling but by happiness. Her heart is beating like crazy.. "Minami!!" she spoked softly that only her and TakaMina can hear.

"I will pay all Maeda's debt to Matsumoto's family.. I will double it if you want. I don't want to witness my love being forced in this marriage just because of that debt. I will pay no matter how much it is! I'll take my leave, I'll put the money on your account Mr. Maeda.. I'm sorry for making an event today." She said as she bowed. Everyone now gazes at the Matsumoto family, they can't believe they are forcing a girl to be part of their family just because of debt. Everyone started to spread rumors inside the room, the Matsumoto family were really embarrassed so they walked out after Minami took Atsuko's hand and go away from the room. Matsumoto did not do anything, he was unmoved and tears are falling to his face. He suddenly wiped it as he does not want his weakness be seen by other people and just walked out with his parents. 


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