October 30, 2023

Ong Seong Wu Is Scared For Lee Yoo Mi Being With Byeon Woo Seok In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 8

I really enjoyed episode 8 as it's packed by both adorable and thrilling moments. We're half-way through this series and so I'm expecting enjoyable episodes like this to continue till the end.

Gang Nam Soon and Ryu Si Oh working side by side. My goodness, they are just so cute! It's like they complement each other so well. Nam Soon, being the jolly & kid-alike personality, bringing sunshine to the dark and serious life of Ryu Si Oh. Shocks! He's so cute smiling whenever he's surprised by Nam Soon's strength and jolliness. I really do think that he'll fall for her in this drama. Yes, he needs her power that's why it's understandable that he's thrilled, happy and curious about Nam Soon. But I cannot help but think that he's falling for her bit by bit when I see him smiling at Nam Soon whenever she's acting childish and jolly in front of him. 

Let me say this clear, yes I do enjoy Ryu Si Oh's visuals and I do love it if he'll ever fall for Nam Soon. But, that does not automatically meant that I want Nam Soon to end up choosing him. He's a bad guy in this story, a villain indeed. The purpose of me wishing that Ryu Si Oh to fall in love with Nam Soon is that, maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to change from being evil to being a good person. Using his wealth for the benefit of all people and not by damaging or killing all of them after draining all of their money for purchasing illegal drugs. That's what I only want, people! Come on! Of course my number 1 bet for Nam Soon here is still inspector Kang Hee Sik and no one else.  

Anyways, enough with the 3 of them. Everything seemed to be going well with grandma's love life in this episode. But have you seen the preview for the next episode? Grandpa is coming back!!!! And that means my bartender is soon going to be out of the picture. Unless, grandma and the other guy wanted to be claimed as cheaters. Grandma is still married after all. Perhaps a little conversation to come up with an agreement of divorce between grandma and grandpa would be wonderful before moving on with another love life. Sigh.... but if I'll be very honest. I'm still quite doubtful about the bartender guy. I mean, why all of a sudden he wants to be with her after finding out that they are possess great amount  of fortune and luck? He kept digging for information about Geum Ju's success story. I don't know, maybe he's just really curious? Hmmm... we'll find out about that later on!

And let's also talk about Geum Ju and Mr. Bread. Oh boy! They are so effin' hilarious! Geum Ju couldn't find that blind spot of Mr. Bread at all no matter how much she digs for information. Due to desperation, Geum Ju declared that she's interested with the very confident and charismatic Mr. Bread in the end in order to supply to the information gathering Opulentia. lolol That was crazy!! HAHA!

And the thrilling part that I was saying was during that very dangerous moment of Nam Soon drinking poison and how Hee Sik and Ryu Si Oh met each other eye to eye. I was scared that Hee Sik would be discovered by Ryu Si Oh because it just mean that Nam Soon would be in danger real quick because of betrayal. Also, I don't want Ryu Si Oh and Nam Soon's relation to be shattered real soon. I'm still enjoying them being together after all. kkk So that was a very scary moment for me.

Nam In on the hand, I'm scared for him too!!! They need to give him attention soon or else he'll end up being an addict too. Wah!

October 29, 2023

Lee Yoo Mi Finally Meets Byeon Woo Seok Face-to-face In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 7

Finally after few episode, CEO Ryu Si Oh (Byeon Woo Seok) finally got the timing to summon Gang Nam Soon (Lee Yoo Mi) to his office. I must say, he has a beautiful smile seeing Nam Soon up close. I have a feeling that this smile actually comes from his intention to use her power to his evil deeds but, after seeing the preview were in he wore a smile looking at Nam Soon by his side... I feel like he'd probably fall for her at some point? Hmmm... that's actually my wish to happen here in the series. Maybe, just maybe, he could change from being bad to a better person. What do you guys think? Love is powerful, so this could actually force him to stop being a villain at the end. 

I actually am liking Ryu Si Oh as a character here despite his heinous acts. Well, personally I fell for his good looks. I really have a thing with guys who are manly, has bad-boy vibe, tall, good looks and just knows what he wants exactly in his life. Perhaps an addition of 'love' could turn his life much more colorful and loveable? I don't know maybe I'll get to see him smile more and more and would actually attract me more too! lol He's really attractive, I must say. Actor Byeon Woo Seok is making me want to do research about his other projects for me to find out if he's indeed attractive or it's just his cool character in Srong Girl Nam Soon. 

So back to him summoning Gang Nam Soon, he wanted her obviously to become one of his people and Nam Soon took his offer in order to become closer in finding out more about him. Basically, she's still doing what a 'cop' ally would do. Kang Hee Sik's ally for this case. The man who her heart chose and Nam Soon's mother chose for her to consummate an heir. But oh boy, Nam Soon got tested right away by Ryu Si Oh. He wanted to see her strength like how he saw her stopping the plane at the airport. Geez.. My guy surely is addicted with her powers! 

October 28, 2023

Doona Kdrama, Is It Worth Watching?!

I just started watching Doona yesterday when I got free time and so far, it's good to me. But, I can't help but get scared for the guy. The happenings at the start gave me a glimpse of a sad journey for the guy. I mean, it felt so obvious how Doona intentionally wanted to play at the start. (at least only at the start?) It's like a bad girl toying with a good boy trope all over again. So later, the guy who said to the girl not to fall in love with him would be the first one to actually fall in love with her. It's like literally a challenge to the bad girl Doona to prove the opposite for him. And probably later, Doona would feel she's in love upon seeing the good guy exerting efforts for her despite continuously breaking his heart. Ugh, this feels so familiar even in real life. lol 

I have no idea how the story would actually unfold but upon seeing Facebook spoilers, it seems like this drama would end in a not so good one for both. Honestly, I don't know if I still should continue knowing the sad ending would come. And a few people on my Facebook page says that this drama was boring for them... hmmm... what do you think? Is Doona worth watching or was it only overhyped because of good looking actors as leads? Let me know!!! 

October 25, 2023

Lee Hi's Song 'ONLY' Continues To Bless Everyone's Ears As It Hits 100 Million Views on YouTube!!

My favorite Lee Hi song just reached 100m views on YouTube! It's time to celebrate this milestone for her. The song is called ONLY and it was released 2 years ago, Aug 27 of year 2021 to be exact. 

I could fully remember that when the music video came out, it was during Covid pandemic. I was on quarantine for 7 days to complete my requirement for my next job. During that time, it was more like a comeback for me working again. I got burnout for 1 and a half year and then decided to come out of that depressing state of not having anything going on for a long time. It was a scary decision to leave that depressing comfort, it's almost as if I don't want to leave that state despite it being depressing. I guess that's what comfort zone is all about, it poisons your brain not to do anything, it poisons you to be scared of experiencing something new again. This is why I am so thankful that I am out of that toxicity, I owe myself to challenged and get excited living each day. 

Anyways, that was the scenario in my life when this song came out from Lee Hi. It holds a special place in my heart because this song feels like it's comforting. Yes, it comforted me during that time wherein I was doubting whether I could make it to my new job or not. Guess what? I made it far, 2 years now in that new work I was talking about.

Hmmm... I did not specifically searched for the lyrics of the song to make it special to me, the voice of Lee Hi and the visuals were enough to win my heart. Lee Je Hoon was one of my favorite Korean actors and Won Jin Ah was a familiar face as I watched her in one of my favorite story in a drama which is 'She Would Never Know'. Everything went smoothly for this music video I'd say, they perfectly made the song more memorable and heartfelt. They have great chemistry and I hope they reunite in a drama in the near future. 

Congratulations to this song, to Lee Hi and to Jay Park's agency which Lee Hi is under (AOMG Official). I hope this song and music video remain timeless so the old and new generation could listen to this masterpiece anytime and anywhere. 

You can listen to it here:

October 24, 2023

BLACKPINK's Jisoo And Actor Ahn Bo Hyun Broke Up After 2 Months!

Holy shocks! That was quick?! All k-media outlet out here and there are spreading the news about Ahn Bo Hyun and BLACKPINK's Jisoo have already broken up today. It was said by an entertainment insider that they have broken up due to their busy schedule. With all the news circulating now about this break-up, YG Entertainment (Jisoo's agency) has confirmed this news to be true.

Only August 3 that both of their agencies, YG Entertainment and FN Entertainment confirmed their relationship and now this?! Only after 2 months... okaaaaay.... Now it's happening! A new couple has gained the title of the shortest dating period in the Korean entertainment. The previous title holder, I believe, was Suzy and Lee Dong Wook. kkk!

Anyways, good luck to the both of them. I hope they'll be able to find time to date again... more seriously this time. 

Cheer Up, Mr. Lee | K- Movie | Highly Recommended!

The other day, I watched this Korean movie called Cheer Up, Mr. Lee on Netflix. I haven't watched the preview nor read any synopsis about it so I really had no idea about it. What attracted me to watch it was the thumbnail, really. It's actor Cha Seung Won holding a child actress Uhm Chae Young. And when I pressed that 'play' button and the story started and progressed till end, I knew it's already going to be part of my "Highly Recommended K-Movie". Yes, it's that good, people! I'm making this blog post to inform you all to watch it because it's a really touching movie and it'll aspire you to become a better person, being kind and helpful to everyone because at the end of the day, those you have shown kindness and given help to may one day give back to you when you need it the most. This 'act of service' in helping other people will always be unforgettable in everyone's heart and will one day be rewarded if fate allows it. 
This is actually an old movie. It was out in theaters year 2019, but I tell you this may be old but it's definitely gold! 
This theme is infused with comedy and family genres which makes every scene precious. Here, Cha Seung Won plays the character of Cheol Soo, a mentally slow man who lives with his younger brother Young Soo (Park Hae Joon) and his wife who runs a restaurant. Despite being mentally challenged, Cheol Soo still works at the restaurant and actually helped in garnering a lot of customers because of his good looks and alluring physique. I honestly didn't know he's mentally slow the first time the camera shows him, I think that was the idea about it. The director showed the best physical qualities of Cheol Soo as if he's a normal person, only when he spoke that this 'normal' got shattered.

But hey! He wasn't born retarded or mentally slow and that's something for you to find out how he became like that! I won't tell spoiler here! hehehe Thank me later. Anyways, he was once a firefighter and actually saved a lot of lives in the past. And because of his service, people got touched with it and remained unforgettable because of his good deed and sacrifice. In fact, there's Mr. Kim (Ahn Kil-Kang) who he saved before. Mr. Kim served for the community after living his second life because of Cheol Soo, he abandoned his past life and actually lived closely to his savior. Unfortunately, Cheol Soo doesn't recognize him because of what happened to him, but Mr. Kim still give back to Cheol Soo by helping him in his most needed time. Not only Mr. Kim helped him but a lot of people!!!! 

Cheol Soo once have a normal life before and that's why he was able to have a child named Saet Byeol (Uhm Chae Young). Saet Byeol is his child with the wife he lost which is Hye Young (Shin Hyun Bin). Cheol Soo and Saet Byeol  got reunited after after years of being separated, and there their adventure begun and the grew closer and closer even though they both have illnesses of their own. 

I promise you, this one will make you laugh and cry at the same time. I think there's no seconds here that I got bored at all. It's that amazing and the characters are all loveable, well... most of them. hahaha! But yeah, Cheer Up, Mr. Lee is highly recommended for you all so go watch it. Come back here after and tell me how it went!!!! I'll be waiting!

October 23, 2023

Byeon Woo Seok Meets Lee Yoo Mi's Mother In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 6

The drug that Ryu Si Oh's developing and distributing had been explained with more details on this episode. So basically, a person that consumed this drug would be able to become the person they aspire to be. For example, the police officer that Hee Sik has been working with, he reacted to the drug as if his muscles were bigger and so he displayed an immense amount of strength and aggression. The scientist explained that this is only temporary because taking this drug without an antidote, sea hare's blood, would meant self destruction. The drug is attacking the organ that is in charge of producing hormones in one's body and so the organ and the person itself will die in the end. 

Ryu Si Oh also claimed that he wanted to become a stronger version of him, a glorified one. Reason why he wanted to develop this kind of drug, and despite the fatal side effect of this being explained to him by the scientist, he still remained unbothered and actually excites him even more. He reasons that death is enough payment of tasting what one person aspired to become. Geez that made me really think that he's really insane! I love him for being a billionaire yet staying with high ambition at such young age but I cannot swallow the fact that he plays other people's lives as if they are all Guinea pigs, experimental for him to come up with the perfect drug for him to use. I just hope that the antidote would be discovered by Nam Soon and the good guys in order to prevent people from dying. 

Anyways, enough with Si-Oh, it seemed like Grandma and bartender Seo took their relationship to the next level already. hahahaha! Grandma got laid again after so long... kkk but Geum Ju is still right about Grandma should divorce her father first before dating... but the problem is... where is grandpa?!

And of course, our little wonder woman, Nam Soon. I like how the writer is fronting the mother, Geum Ju, to the most crucial part of finding out the culprit behind the drugs in South Korea. Like, contacting and meeting a lot of business tycoons that may be suspicious and is capable of being the bad guy. While Nam Soon is out there doing her own thing like a kid having no pressure at all despite her pact with her mother of saving the world. That's what I like about Nam Soon though, she'll just do whatever she wants. She'll do everything in her power to help those people who are in need but at the same time does not get bothered by pressure and stress at all. I guess later on we'll find out if she could still act the same way after next few episodes. I just hope that Geum Ju won't die here in the end though. I don't like those tropes wherein the child would be obligated to take all the responsibilities in the end because their parents died in kdramas. So I hope that won't happen here in Strong Girl Nam Soon. 

October 22, 2023

Lee Yoo Mi And Kim Jung Eun Made A Pact Of Saving The World In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode

Geum Ju went out to meet the vice chairman of Opulentia and it turned out that he is an old man serving good food to customers. He said that the one who started out the venture was his great great grandmother who earned a lot of money from fish pocket and started to change the world with it. According to this vice chairman, the current chairman of their family business was his sister. 

With the world being run by money, their family principle was really superb. They have no intention to earn money to live lavishly. Life is about eating good food with good people. Use money to do good things and punish those who do bad deeds. And with that, Geum Ju surely is impressed and willing to support their means in order to create a better world. Geum Ju is already living up to this as her company, Gold Blue's principle is  "The borrowed money must be spent on something meaningful." Finally, she found company that shares the same vision and mission. 

Nam Soon and Geum Ju made a pact with each other in saving the world and make it a better place to live by using their supernatural abilities and wealth, starting with South Korea being a drug-free country.

Meanwhile, Hee Sik stopped from being a delivery guy as directed by his boss. However, Nam Soon still continued to be one and there she found Doogo's CEO Ryu Si Oh. That encounter really tells it all, Ryu is developing drugs that could make one powerful. He's drinking a glowing water and I wonder if it's an antidote from the side effects of it and only take the 'supernatural' strength to gain. 

Upon seeing the patterns of the dead people who took the drugs, they were all consuming a lot of water to the point that they wanted to drink a pool, sea, shower water to quench their thirst. Hee Sik concluded that the drug that these people consumed were being activated by consuming lots of water and so his boss definitely is in danger!!! Waaah! 

On the last part of episode Ryu Si Oh finally found Nam Soon working on his company and truly happy with the good news. While Nam Soon, our superhero, discovered the girl who disguised to be her once before. I really hate that fake girl, Ri Hwa Ja/Lee Myung Hee but I feel like the show would lead us to a conclusion that a bad person could still come back to being a good one. That's what I really feel now considering how much Geum Ju wanted to prove it that way. She knew that a person was never bad in the first place, they jut needed love and attention in order to become a better person. So she has this idea that she could still tame Hwa Ja by being continuously kind to her. What do you think about that?

I just hope she's not wrong with that. But somehow despite me hating Hwa Ja, I'd like to see her getting tamed too and probably become Nam Soon's ally in the end. 

October 18, 2023

Lee Yoo Mi Finally Reunites With Her Family In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episodes 2-4

Oh wow! I got really obsessed with Strong Girl Nam Soon so quickly. I love how the drama is not centered only into finding Nam Soon but they actually have a mission to do. A mission wherein Nam Soon and her mother shared and they also have inspector Kang Hee Sik to act according to the state's laws. Basically, the way the story goes, Nam Soon and her mother would help Kang Hee Sik in capturing the mastermind behind the drugs that's being circulated in South Korea and it seemed like it's the handsome guy, Ryu Si-O, they are all looking for. Just like Geum Ju, Ryu Si-O is also a person the came from nothing before experiencing all wealth. The difference between them is that, Guem Ju did it the good way while the other did it the bad/evil way. 

Upon witnessing the strength of Nam Soon at the airport, wherein she stopped a plane from crashing, Ryu Si-O begun hiring women in his courier company Doogo. Probably, he wanted to recruit her in order to rule the world with her strength by doing unimaginable things to gain more wealth. But knowing Nam Soon and the lineage she came from, she won't side the bad guys. Nam Soon is definitely like a good Samaritan helping out the people in need, and also she cannot use her powers to do evil things as well as it will vanish if she will according to her mother Geum Ju. 

Anyways, I love how inspector Kang Hee Sik is already inside the world of Nam Soon's family... they would be able to help each other out in aiming their goal of South Korea being a drug-free country. But of course, aside from this, I would love to see the romance side between Nam Soon and Hee Sik bloom along the way. Haha! They look really good together and they make each other be a better version of themselves. That's what a good and healthy relationship should be. 

October 17, 2023

Lee Yoo Mi Stopped A Plane From Crashing In Strong Girl Nam Soon Episode 1

Nam Soon got lost when she was a child in Mongolia by her father and she found a way to live by winning battles at such a young age. lol  And today, after years, the family is still looking for her and the distinctive characteristic that they could give is that she possesses a supernatural strength. With this, they're coming up of plans of finding her like holding strength competitions etc. That definitely made an impactful start. hahaha!

It turned out, Nam Soon's ability was inherited from her mother. The whole female members from their clan owns this supernatural strength and was passed down to them for over 500 years already. Not only that, according to her Nam Soon's father, Nam Soon's mom knew how to make money all too well reason why they're filthy rich as of the present time. Namsoon's mother was a very capable woman to the point that she's even the one the proposed to her husband. kkk 

The father may not possess anything (strength and wealth), but he's a very loving husband and a father. Of course, there's the 'doubt' in his sincerity that even the brother of Nam Soon's mother asked him. But it seemed like he's very sincere and that his only mistake was that he lost Nam Soon in Mongolia and that became the reason why he got divorced by Geum Ju. 

While the whole family is looking for their Namsoon, Namsoon shepherd more sheep so she can earn money to go to Korea as well as for the family that kept her while her memories were gone. And just like her mother, she was able to achieve this wealth over time. And so, the family who was looking for their child via strength competition found a fake Nam Soon. Oh gosh, I wish this fake would be discovered soon, real Nam Soon's strength, super jump and speed cannot be imitated anyways so I'm looking forward to Geum Ju and real Nam Soon's reunion real soon.

Ahhh! I'm so excited for this drama! It really started so good already and I swear I had goosebumps when grown up Nam Soon stopped that plane from crashing. Geum Ju (her mother) and her grandma also felt her power. That's super amazing!!! 

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