October 29, 2022

Bae In Hyuk Collapsed In Front Of Kim Hye Soo And The King In Under The Queen's Umbrella Episode 4

Under The Queen's Umbrella is slowly becoming my favorite on-going kdrama right now. First episode showed us clearly where the whole problem lies in the story which is the Queen's situation with Queen Dowager. Queen already has conflict with the Queen Dowager due to her problematic sons. It was only the crowned prince that's protecting the Queen and her sons from severe punishments but now that the crowned prince has life-threatening illness, the Queen's status and life in general is now in danger. It just so happen that the Queen has menacing sons left and so she cannot protect the crown/future King's throne easily and that there has a lot of rivals considering that the current King is a playboy and horny AF. lol Seriously, the King is the main cause of this whole problem in the drama. He has what? Almost 10 concubines? and still counting!! kkk 

October 23, 2022

Nam Joo Hyuk To Enlist In The Military December 2022

I think most of you already knew about this news the first time it came out. Nothing against their enlistment but I surely am gonna miss him for 1 and 8 months that he'll be inactive as an actor. I honestly have been into him recently because of his latest drama Twenty Five, Twenty One. He was truly fantastic in that drama! I love his character there so much. Before, I don't really watch him even during Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo's popularity exploded. Like I said before, I didn't like his character there as I found it immature and annoying so I judged Nam Joo Hyuk as a whole being because of that role. LOL I know, I was irrational and judgmental that I'm being punished now with his military enlistment announcement and so there won't be much updates about him starting this December. Meaning, I have no news about him to gush over with. Gosh I love him. I guess I have no other choice but to watch his previous dramas other than 2521. Or wait, maybe I'll just rewatch that drama many times until he comes back! kkk

No exact date yet in December was announced but it's just a month away! Serve well and come back to us healthy and safe, Nam Joo Hyuk. We'll be waiting for you!

October 16, 2022

Yook Sungjae Accused By Jung Chae Yeon As Suspect For Her Father's Death In The Golden Spoon Episode 8

We're already halfway through the series and it's instantly becoming a headache for me. lol WTH did just happen? I'm so confused with the ending! It was going so smoothly (or not) and then the ending and the preview for the next episode flashed before my eyes making me frustrated severely. kkk I'm really so close in abandoning this show. Sigh...

Anyways, I'm here to do recap of the episode 8 only so that'll I do so. Basically, Na Ju Hee and the real Hwang Taeyong are both experiencing financial crisis. They are the characters that saw money as not that important or to put it simply, they haven't realized how important until now that there's no one giving nor helping them out in difficult times. Na Ju Hee had always been rich and her father was always backing her up against her step brothers while Hwang Taeyong was no longer getting any help or protection from Seungcheol. Hwang Taeyong finally witnessed how essential the presence of money in his life thru his poor family and Na Ju Hee losing the 500 million won. 

October 15, 2022

Yook Sungjae Got Arrested Over Lee Jong Won's Own Crime? In The Golden Spoon Episode 7

Okay, after this episode, I can now understand the essence of the golden spoon in Seungcheon's life. Before, I completely despises it since it makes everything so easy for him and thought that he would just laze around become boastful and abusive using the wealth of another person but I guess that's not the full picture. Now I see the usage of golden spoon by Seungcheon could serve a much bigger purpose and that's to reveal the whole truth behind all the dirty rich people abusing their powers to get whatever they wanted. Clearly, I see that the main villain here remains the father and son, Hwang Hyeon Do and Hwang Taeyong. 

October 10, 2022

Yook Sungjae Once Again Abandoned His Parents For Wealth In The Golden Spoon Episode 6

I'm having this huge disappointment in Seungcheon after this episode. I do get it, fate if not the old lady selling the golden spoon, that Seungcheon's tolerance is being challenged with all the unfortunate events that's happening to his family. And he actually gave in to that challenge and once again swapped his parents for wealth. Sigh. When will you ever learn, Seungcheon? 

It's awful 'coz this drama really is showing the real comparison of the life of the poor and the rich. It's really provoking me to get irritated everytime this drama is pressing on the stupidity, desperation as well as laziness of Seungcheon's family. It's really irritating to watch but this is just what reality is. There are a lot of uneducated poor population and so whenever they are in a difficult situation where their brains couldn't handle, their desperation to survive is surfacing and they instantly clings to a knife without thinking of the future consequences. The mother is like that and the laziness comes and lack of responsibility comes from the father. Actually, these traits are really applicable to all of them. 

Kim Go Eun, Nam Ji Hyun And Park Ji Hu Succeeds Against Uhm Ji Won In Little Women Finale Episode 12

Little Women is now over with only 12 episodes. The finale episode was aired last night and to be honest, after watching it, I still don't know what to feel. It's always like this whenever I finish a Kdrama that I like so much. Sigh. Sepanx (separation anxiety) is real and I'm struggling with it over a kdrama series. lol 

Anyways, looking at the bright side, the ending was the finale that we all wanted. A happy ending for our 3 sisters as well as for Hyorin, Choi Do Il and Ha Jong Ho. A lot of cruel things happened in the life of the poor 3 sisters. They all got played at by the wealthy and powerful insane beings. Oh In Joo getting involved with the embezzlement of 70 billion won slush funds because of Hwayoung and Won Sang Ah, Oh In Kyung got in par with Park Jae Sang and lastly Oh In Hye befriended by Hyorin. After they all met this insane family their lives were automatically put into danger. But after the truth came to light and Won Sang Ah faced her doomsday, the lives of the 3 sisters all went back to normal only that they've learned their lessons and ironically, still got wealthy. lol Thanks to Choi Do Il, Hyorin and Oh In Hye for that part. Hyorin is practically and legally the owner of Sang Ah's money so, somehow, it's legal money right? But knowing that it was from the slush funds... hmmmmmm no ones gonna go after them, right? right? maybe season 2? lol 

October 9, 2022

Kim Go Eun Shocked As Everyone Else Because of Choo Ja Hyun's Return From The Dead In Little Women Episode 11

Holy shocks! What did just happen? All this while they were talking about Hwayoung being dead in the whole trial and suddenly she came back to life? I just know that she will save Oh In Joo here! I don't know if Hwayoung really looked at Oh In Joo as a friend, considering how he managed to involve her in the embezzlement, but after she saw how kind-hearted and loyal Oh In Joo to her as a friend, there's a huge chance that she will save Oh In Joo's ass in that trial. 

Anyways, before this exciting news unfolded, this episode really made me respect Oh In Kyung so much. At first, I wasn't really that impressed with her because I knew that she's the 'brain' in the family and has been righteous from the very start that she took a step forward in taking Park Jae Sang down by revealing his sins to the public. I saw her as someone that is capable of doing something like that to prove herself, like she's leaping into the danger for self acknowledgment that she's doing the right thing after the embarrassment to the world that she's nothing but an alcoholic person. Therefore, I saw her actions to be self-centered and does not leave much impression to me. But after Park Jae Sang's death and Won Sang Ah came to light as the main villain that controls everyone like her puppets/dolls, including her sister Oh In Joo, I could see that she was no longer doing it for herself but for the true victims including her sister. Her desperation in taking Won Sang Ah down next was on fire! Maybe after she saw Oh In Joo being helpless, in prison garment and could be possibly remain that way for the next 20 years triggered her to be someone like that. She really love her sister so much despite Oh In Joo being not so smart and has nothing but just golden heart. I respect Oh In Kyung so much after this episode. 

Everyone involved with the general truly are strange. They have this loyalty towards him and it just so happened that Won Sang Ah made a huge mistake in trusting Ja Sa Pyeong. Park Jae Sang killed the general's son Won Sang Woo and Oh In Kyung managed to trick Ja Sa Pyeong with words that saved her life from him. And then boom! Won Sang Ah faced her own destruction now. Deseeerveee! After she played and angered Oh In Joo in prison? Tsk tsk. You go to hell where you desere now Won Sang Ah! lol

Also, I'm so proud and in love with Choi Do Il. I have doubted him so much but all this time, he was still ahead of Won Sang Ah's game. Yes, he was the one to took the money from Oh In Joo but it was for the sake of putting it back to Won Sang Ah's account. He no longer wanted the money but Oh In Joo's safety. For a con man like him, that was really a surprising move from him. All this time that we doubted him, he was only being true to himself, to what he's feeling towards Oh In Joo. Is it already safe to say that Choi Do Il really fell in love with Oh In Joo that he's willing to give up his love for money? Love truly wins over money for Choi Do Il. lol Love conquers all. kkkk

Akkk! Just one episode left and it'll be aired tonight! I'm so thrilled to see Won Sang Ah continue to rattle and fear the upcoming punishment that will be bestowed upon her. That serves you right devil Sang Ah. It's time for you to meet your end. 


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October 8, 2022

Yook Sung Jae Confesses To Jung Chae Yeon But Yeon Woo Hinders Their Love Form Blooming

My emotions really took a rollercoaster ride because of this episode. It felt like a lot of things happened in just one episode. Seungcheon finally got back to his old life, however, they once again face another debt due to his father's accident of falling to his boss' car. The boss asked for 100 million won to repair the car and the whole family just conformed to it after the boss took down their request of making the repair payment smaller. Hmmm... I am not really judging the whole population of the poor but some truly lacks knowledge here. I mean, 100 million won for a car repair? Anyone could already buy a new car with that money! Also, ain't he the boss? Seungcheon's family could at least get a public attorney and settle this with that goon! Seungcheon's father got hospitalized for such a dangerous job and that goon being his employer, he should at least be responsible of what happened. What is their labor code for? Does labor code not apply to part timers? Hmmm... 

October 7, 2022

Lee Se Hee Teamed Up With Do Kyungsoo Against Choi Kwang Il In Bad Prosecutor Episode 2

Our hero Jin Jung (Do Kyungsoo) once again got into trouble and got demoted from criminal division 3  to civil affairs division handling works such as finding lost dogs and exposing extramarital affairs. lol Since prosecutor Jin Jung likes adventures, looking back at how he once wanted to become a swordsman, he made himself get back to the Park Ye Young's murder case without upper management's knowing. There he met another weird guy like him, Park Jae Kyung (Kim Sang Ho). That man is really weird, I thought that he would be able to back up Jin Jung from those who wanted to arrest him due to his assault to the CEO Kim Hyung Gyun (Jo Seung Yeon) but it all went down the drain quickly as it turned out to be false. kkk But I think there's a reason why he was put there all this while, maybe he's like Jin Jung who's childish and has own ways of being a prosecutor and so I'm thinking that they'll end up working side by side together along with Jin Jung's current 'gang'.  

October 6, 2022

Do Kyung Soo Ain't The Ordinary Prosecutor | Bad Prosecutor Episode 1

I tried to watch Bad Prosecutor mainly because the middle of the week feels to empty without watching and reacting to a Kdrama so I had to fill up my schedule. I really have no expectation from it since it's my first time watching a Do Kyung Soo drama, but guess what? I think I like it! lol 

Basically Jin Jung (Do Kyung Soo) here ain't the typical prosecutor that relies on the conventional practices of law. He gets facts and evidences through threats, fights or just anything illegal (at least he ain't killin' anyone). Because of this, he often times had to write apology letters for his misbehavior. Still, letter after letter, he just continue to do his own ways of watching the real culprit. I know that he has a strong belief for equality or justice but I think it's childish for him not to fully conform to the right process of attaining evidences as a mere employee who have no position at all. I do like him for being himself but I guess I'm reacting this way because I found it too unrealistic to have such person in service under the law. He hasn't been fired for misbehaving? kkk l But maybe the writer has some reasons to that so I'll just shut my mouth and watch further. haha!

October 3, 2022

Kim Go Eun's Money Vanished + Nam Ji Hyun Succeed Against Uhm Ki Joon In Little Women

The ending scene really got into me that I'm scared for Oh In Joo's life. Thankfully, the preview for the next episode assured me that Oh In Joo would still be alive. I really thought that she'll already end up like Hwayoung wherein someone barged into her house and murdered/hang her. I'm quite relieved that she won't suffer the same death as her. Not that I'm expecting her to be dead though. 

Anyways, before anything else. I find this episode really funny mostly because of Oh In Joo. That part wherein everyone knew about Choi Do Il's plans except her. That was really funny especially when she found out about it later on. Hahaha! Choi Do Il really knew Oh In Joo so well. That girl is really gullible and easily reacts to things so she might really end up damaging Choi Do Il's plan. But I think it also went well because of Oh In Joo's pure heart. I mean, she easily cries at everything because she grows too attached with the people around her it's so funny. When she got totally affected by what happened to Choi Do Il's father, I think that's how Park Jae Sang's side got convinced that Choi Do Il was still acting according to his plans. They didn't foresee that Do Il was already planning something else because he fooled the most soft hearted person in their team which is Oh In Joo. lol I guess this is the main reason why Oh In Joo is my favorite character among all. She's just so genuinely kind and loving. I love her so much. Hahahaha!

Sung Jae's Pretense Get Busted By Yeon Woo In The Golden Spoon Episode 4

All along I thought I'm gonna watch Seung Cheon boast the wealth that wasn't his the entire drama. Thankfully there's some twists and turns too. Some things really aren't for forever and some things are really good to be true. Seung Cheon is finally waking up from his false perception that anybody would swap their parents to accumulate wealth. He didn't know, Hwang Taeyong had long wished to have such warm family that would love and care for him. So his questions turned accusations that Taeyong would do the same thing as he did to achieve wealth went down the drain quickly. It hurt his pride and guilt overwhelmed him. Sigh. 

It's saddening that when Seung Cheon was treated unfairly by Taeyong's uncle, he ran automatically to his real parents only to find out that his original family is already happy without him. His father also took the initiative to abandon his dream and work outside that field to earn money for his family. That was definitely a slap to Seung Cheon's face. That served him right for swapping his parents so easily like that for wealth. He did a wrong move and now he's seeing these changes before his eyes. And now that his father got into an accident it'll be difficult for him to show his emotions and care for him just because he isn't Seung Cheon in their eyes. In everyone's eyes Taeyong is their son and not him. 

October 2, 2022

Kim Go Eun And Nam Ji Hyun Reunites While Park Ji Hu Was Held Captive In Little Women Episode 9

Oh In Joo finally got the upper hand against Won Sang Ah in the previous episode 8 but revealed to be short lived in episode 9. Dang! In Joo should've pulled the trigger as quick as she could because Won Sang Ah is just insane! She knows how to prepare and fight, she's the writer of her own story after all. But thankfully, before In Joo met her death, her superman Choi Do Il went to the rescue! Gaah! Seriously, if Oh In Joo hasn't fallen in love with Do Il yet, I'm telling you already that I already did. lol He's really attractive AF!! Anyways, back to what I was saying, Choi Do Il came in but quickly got tamed after he saw Oh In Joo's helpless situation with a gun pointing at her. Though, it seems like Oh In Joo is really lucky with her own people as her little sister Oh In Kyung set up a plan to save her. Nice! Our alcoholic reporter surely is smartest. 

October 1, 2022

Yook Seung Jae Gets Threatened By An Anonymous Text Message In The Golden Spoon Episode 3

I'm starting to get irritated by Lee Seung Cheon (Yook Seung Jae) already and we're only at episode 3. lol After his life and identity got swapped with Hwang Taeyong (Lee Jong Won), my reaction was already "he sure knows how to act rich". He has long dreamed to be a rich person but I didn't expect that he'll transform 360 degrees in just a few days or weeks. I really like him a lot when he was the passionate and hard working Lee Seung Cheon but when he became rich and started giving off the boastful vibe, it was a turn off for me. I know that these rich people did him wrong, but if continues to punish them.. a lot of people would definitely go against him. Hate begets hate after all and so I wish he would humble down a bit.

Well, when he swapped his parents to Taeyong's, that was already the beginning of me disliking him. Although I did say in my previous blog post that I'm curious about that changing incompetent and awful parents to a deserving ones but after seeing how lovable Seung Cheon's mother and sister, it breaks my heart that he did that to him. Though in this episode, Seung Cheon really was pushed to do the swap thing because of his undignified father. Damn that man only knows how to beg on his knees. That's really awful especially for a man. 

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