March 31, 2024

Kim Ji Won Temporarily Forgets Her Memories But Not Her Love For Kim Soo Hyun In Queen of Tears Episode 7

I swear I don't want to watch this drama anymore it's breaking me apart but it's just so good and I'm already committed to see Hae In recover from her illness!!!! But writer-nim is breaking my heart to million pieces, they're crueeeeel! Ahhhh! Okay... let me calm myself first....

Seriously, that ending scene where Hae In was tending to a cat with her umbrella (which was given by Hyun Woo btw) then her soft demeanor didn't change when Hyun Woo approached her, I already suspected that she has temporarily lost her memory by then. She was stuck to that time wherein they were still okay, the divorce papers weren't discovered yet. Hae In was flashing her beautiful smile and even confessed how much she loves Hyun Woo. Fuuudge! If I were Hyun Woo I'd cry a river too! It seems like moments like this will frequent in Hyun Woo's time period while being with Hae In's side as she goes through treatment. This is so much like a torture! Hyun Woo has thought of divorce from the past, he despises being around Hae In and her family, only to discover how much Hae In loves him and didn't stop loving him despite the distance created between them. What makes all of this worst is that, Hyun Woo discovers this while Hae In only has months to live. Fuuudge! How can he even make up with the time lost??!!! Ahhhh! my heart it's breaking!

Gosh, heavy dramas, at times like this I'd want to tap out and give up on it. I'll drop it! But like I said, it's just so good and it'll be a waste not to watch it. Waaaah! 

Anyways, even though I hate Soo Cheol so much, I'd thank him for being the comic relief. You know what? Soo Cheol basically doesn't know a lot of things, but he knows how to be a husband to his wife and a father to his son. (that is if it's really his son) I feel like with all of them conspiring against the Queens, Soo Cheol's wife will be their weakness as I'm very much sure that she'll fall in love with him real soon! 

March 30, 2024

Gummy Is A Supportive Wife to Jo Jung Suk In His Debut As A Singer

In relation to Jo Jung Suk's upcoming Netflix original reality show called A-List to Playlist, he held his debut showcase entitled 'Can You Listen Just for A Moment?' on March 27 at Blue Square in Yongsan. In the said debut showcase, Jo Jung Suk's wife Gummy and hip hop artists Dynamic Duo also graced the stage adding more excitement to the fans. 

For those who have missed the news, A-list to Playlist will be Jo Jung Suk's project in which he will debut as a singer after his 20 year long acting career. 

Read more: Don't Dare to Dream Lead Actors Jo Jung Suk and Gong Hyo Jin To Reunite in a Music Video

I'm not sure yet when will A-list to Playlist would stream on Netflix but I'll keep you guys posted! Because just like you, I am also excited to see Jo Jung Suk in whatever project/show he's in. 

Cha Eun Woo is Determined to Ruin Kim Nam Joo's Life in Wonderful World Episode 9

This drama is becoming really crazy! I was at the edge of my seat almost the entire time! Gwon Sun Yeol is just so unpredictable. I thought that there might still be hope with him changing his mind with all the revenge he has planned but I think he's beyond saving now. He is targeting now the person that's entirely innocent of everything that's going on now with Soohyun's life's messes which is the mother. I still do not feel the graveness of Sun Yeol's revenge until now that he's capable of involving innocent lives. I don't really care about Yuri and Suho's affair to be revealed at all, I'm even thanking Sun Yeol for revealing that to Soohyun. Soohyun shouldn't be left in the shadows with the disgusting deception of Yuri and Suho after all. However, Sun Yeol is beginning to irritate me with his childish revenge when he tries to ruin Suho's plan in bringing Kim Joon down as well as involving Soohyun's mother and brother in law in it. 

The only way that I think Sun Yeol's revenge towards Soohyun to stop is when he finds out the real intention of Kim Joon in helping him and his mother out. If he finds the suspect behind his mother's 'hit and run' case, which I think is Kim Joon, then his revenge would probably turn towards the politician already. Also I think when his mother wakes up from the hospital, she would be able to stop Sun Yeol from doing all these dangerous things. No real mother would want their child to be put in a difficult situation because of them after all. I think she would relate very much to what Soohyun is going through for being a mother. I could only hope Sun Yeol's mother is decent though. Wah!

Sun Yeol taking the life of Soohyun in the last scene?! I don't think so. As much as I think Sun Yeol is capable of everything, killing someone is an exception to that. 

As for Yuri and Suho, I know that their affair was only a one time thing, a mistake in general but I support Soohyun for not tolerating them at all. I'm with Soohyun for not forgiving them with that mistake. They should be taught a lesson that no matter what it is that they're going through, they shouldn't succumb to their impulsive feelings and do a grave sin towards the people they love. 

March 29, 2024

Why Did Kim Sae Ron Posted a Photo of Her and Kim Soo Hyun and Deleted it After?!

I really don't understand what's happening to Kim Sae Ron, why she's making all this ruckus in the Kdrama world now when she has already a lot on her plate to deal with. I'm not a fan of this girl ever since but I've heard and read a lot of negative news about her. She's been around the showbiz industry since she was 9, so I thought that explains her built up attitude. 

Unlike child actors Kim Yoojung, Lee Se Young and more who have clean images from when they were children to now in their adulthood, Kim Sae Ron is engulfed with different controversies. Involved with alcohol controversies, gifting fan gifts she received to others, impulsive quitting a drama she's been casted, drunk driving and now grabbing attention from posting and quickly deleting a photo of her and Kim Soo Hyun on her instagram. 

This has made a ruckus inside the Kdrama world as it arises dating speculations just when Queen of Tears drama is creating a hype. However, Kim Soo Hyun's agency swiftly denied the dating allegations and stated that the photo was taken in the past where Soo Hyun and Sae Ron were under the same agency. They also implied that they do not know the reason behind why Sae Ron impulsively posted and deleted the said controversial photo. 

Meanwhile, Sae Ron said that she's preparing her side of story only to leave all reporters in disappointment when she announced that she would no longer comment about it days after. Lol The way she played the media and fans obviously showed how much she was only seeking for attention. It's crazy how she has thought of this way riding the popularity of Kim Soo Hyun's drama Queen of Tears. Sae Ron is not only making herself look foolish and known to be an attention seeker, she's destroying her career more and probably her friendship with Kim Soo Hyun won't be the same again. 

March 28, 2024

Jo Jung Suk Was Exempted from Military Service Because of Family Circumstances

I was searching more about actor Jo Jung Suk last night since I miss Captivating the King and found out that he's one of those artists who didn't enlist in the military as what other South Korean men were required to do. Of course, enlisting in the military also has eligibility requirements and the most obvious one is that one should be healthy. But this is not what Jo Jung Suk failed to deliver though, he was exempted because he's the only one provider for his mother after his father died in year 2000. He quit school just before he graduated and did musicals to earn money.  

Our man, Jo Jung Suk, is a very respectable man for that matter. Taking responsibility of his only parent and continue on surviving on a daily basis with his hard earned money. His experience in musicals at a young age also piled up to hone him as one of the greatest actors in our day today. 

March 27, 2024

Lee Bo Young's Husband Left Her With An Outstanding Debt In Hide Episodes 1 & 2

I checked out the drama that replaced Doctor Slump on its timeslot called Hide starring Lee Bo Young, Lee Mu Saeng, Lee Chung Ah and Lee Min Jae. It doesn't star mainstream oppas and actresses that I know but Lee Bo Young surely is a big name for sure. Lee Mu Saeng, I knew him as hideous greedy man in Mr. Queen drama so I was caught off guard to see him all kind and do oppossite things in episode 1, I already had my suspicions over his character that moment! Lol and I was so right after watching the 2nd episode! The drama actually has a good start and I'm loving it so far! 

Na Moon Young (Lee Bo Young) is the wife of Cha Sung Jae (Lee Mu Saeng), they are partners too in their law firm. They seemed to be the perfect husband and wife to each other and good parents to their daughter Cha Bom (Jo Eun Sol) but that impression got shattered right after Sung Jae left his family with an outstanding debt and cases. Moon Young had no other choice but uncover the truth behind the disappearance of her husband after he met a mysterious man named Do Jin Woo. 

Mu Saeng was later on declared dead after reporting him as missing. His body was found in a car crash (car falling from a cliff) which was later confirmed to be suicide and not an accident. However, after episode 2, it seemed like he purposely let his family believed that he's dead when in reality he's alive and just hiding from something or someone that we're yet to find out! 

March 26, 2024

Cha Eun Woo Revealed Kim Kang Woo's Real Mistress in Wonderful World Episode 8

Sheesh! Sun Yeol is very determined to take revenge against Soohyun, he's unstoppable now! I don't really mind him revealing dirty little secrets of Suho and Yuri though, I don't really care. It's about time Soohyun find out and start to move on without any more baggage to carry. Losing a child is already enough, she doesn't need to carry a cheater and a sister who is 2 faced. At this point, I don't really care whether they regret their affair or not but the fact that they chose to hide their affair from Soohyun, makes everything they did a grave sin that does not dederved to be forgiven. Seriously, they have all the chances to confess and yet they continue to make her a fool and deceive her all the way! Suho is just so stupid for wanting to use the female neighbor to cover up his real mistress which is Yuri. 

I really like Sun Yeol but he's actually getting into my nerves slowly. The smug look on his face when he witness Soohyun's breakdown because of his doing, I wanna punch his face but also wonder for how long he'll have the upper hand? Kim Joon is that major enemy after all, not Soohyun. Whatever he is doing to Soohyun will actually happen to him too. Being deceived and get attacked after, he'll get his karma real soon! 

Sun Yeol found Yuri's biological mom to continue breaking Soohyun's family. Revealing the affair wasn't enough to him, he also brought Yuri's greatest nightmare which is her mom. Sigh... when the biological mom was hitting Yuri, I kind of pity her because she was expecting her adoptive mom but then Soohyun found out the real truth with her being the mistress of her husband so my heart was torn between who to symphatize with at first... but of course, my heart still goes to Soohyun. Poor woman. Sigh... 

The lady neighbor who we first thought to be the mistress of Suho is actually the mistress of Kim Joon. Lol Crazy characters having mistresses here and there! 

March 25, 2024

Kim Ji Won Found Out About Kim Soo Hyun's Divorce Papers In Queen of Tears Episode 6

So it turned out that Yoon Eun Seong, the secretary and Da Hye are all working together to get the Queens down and take over their wealth. Beom Ja and her investigator also found out about grandpa's girlfriend's real identity. She was actually using a different identity and also gave birth to a son while inside a prison. So if I were to connect the dots, the possibility that Eun Seong and grandpa's girlfriend are actually mother and son is quite high. We don't know yet whether they know about their relationship and are working with each other already or not but all we know is that all of them cannot be trusted! 

It's crazy that Eun Seong and Da Hye targeted the Queens since their childhood in the orphanage. They saw the help given to them by the chairman as an opportunity to replace him in his empire. Crazy kids!! 

Anyways, while Hyun Woo and Hae In are in Germany, Eun Seong and his people took the opportunity to make an event that will break the trust of the Queens to their lawyer and in-law Hyun Woo. Eun Seong and the others see Hyun Woo as their biggest hindrance to them taking over the Queens and so they wanted them out by making Hyun Woo a traitor to their company. They also made the divorce papers signed by Hyun Woo discovered by them including Hae In!!! 

Waaaaah! It breaks my heart that when Hae In and Hyun Woo are starting over again with their relationship and serves as strength to each other, this incident about the divorce happened. Nooooo, the four leaf clover, love locks and kebab went for nothing!!! Noooooo! 

March 24, 2024

Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won Reconciled with a Kiss in Germany in Queen of Tears Episode 5

Gosh, been crying in bus as I watch this episode. It started when Hae In and Hyun Woo lost their baby, then the scene where Hae In overheard Hyun Woo and his brother in law talking about her, then when Hae In heard about the divorce, then when Beom Ja found out accidentally about Hae In's illness and cried inside her car, next was when Hae In went to Germany alone taking all the tests possible, then that scene at the airport/terminal where she observes everyone having someone by their side and she has none, and lastly, the scene where Hae In and Hyun Woo reconciled and shared a kiss in Germany!!! There's just no rest in crying over this drama!!! I'm so scared of the ending but also scared every episode because I couldn't control my tears frol shedding! I don't think my heart could take all thr crying but the drama is just so good and I feel like I'm leaving Hae In all alone as well if I abandon this drama. Lol So I'm gonna try to tune in to this drama all the way till the end! 

I hope in this drama, a miracle would happen! I really want to hold on to Asianwiki's synopsis of this drama which used the word 'miraculous love story' which means there is still hope because a miracle will happen to Hae In for her to live longer! Aaaaah! Pretty pleaseeee! 

I honestly am so glad that Beom Ja found out about Hae In's illness. At least there will be someone who will lookout for her inside the family when Hyun Woo's not around. She can protect her from the unfair treatment of everyone in their family towards Hae In, most especially from her mom and brother. I love Beom Ja and I hope she gets a win from the evil witch loitering around their housr too! How dare that witch hit her in the stomach and her father didn't believe her at all?!!! Unbelievable!

March 23, 2024

Kim Nam Joo Found Out Cha Eun Woo's Real Identity In Wonderful World Episode 7

I knew it! I shouldn't have trusted what the previous episode showed us. The neighbor probably was an accomplice of Suho and Yuri or maybe, she's a mistress of Suho before Yuri. It's either of the two for sure! Wow! Suho really is disgusting. He really tasted all the women around his vicinity. Unbelievable! Now I don't really know whether I can trust him anymore. I can really see and feel his regret over his mistakes though. But doing the same mistake twice makes it already a habit. I hope Soohyun would divorce him in the end! lol 

As for Yuri, I'm much more disgusted with her. I mean, hello?! She's just an adopted daughter! How can she do that to Soohyun and her mother?! Betray them behind their back after all the kindness and love they have given to her?! Seriously, this bitch needs to know her limits. 

I bet Suho and Yuri just felt remorseful because they got caught. But what if not?! They'll probably continue their affair even when Soohyun's already back from prison. I would no longer be shocked if their affair was the reason why Soohyun's son got out of the gate. Waaah! They make my blood boil in anger!

Now, let's talk about Soohyun finding out the real identity of Sunyeol. Seriously, Sun Yeol should be educated when it comes to morals. Or he needs to be given proof how bad of a person his father really is. But of course, congressman Kim Joon is hiding the truth from him so he'll be able to use him for his own benefit. Gosh! Come to your sense, Sun Yeol! You're just being used by Kim Joon! Do your own research about him first and your own father! Geez... 

March 22, 2024

Don't Dare to Dream Lead Actors Jo Jung Suk and Gong Hyo Jin To Reunite in a Music Video

So, it was announced March 20 that Gong Hyo Jin will officially appear in Jo Jung Suk's debut music video. If you aren't aware, Jo Jung Suk is set to debut as a singer in a Netflix original variety show called "A-list to Playlist". It's a project that will venture on Jo Jung Suk's singing career from planning, self-composing his songs to performing it, creating music videos out of it and more. His close friend Jung Sang Hoon will join the show as the CEO of an agency and Moon Sang Hoon will help him out with his debut. The producing director will be Yang Jung Woo of New Journey to the West which Jo Jung Suk will reunite and work with again after 8 years in Youth over Flowers: Iceland. 

This is actually great considering that Jo Jung Suk has new projects after his drama Captivating the King. Jo Jung Suk got more fans because of his excellent performance as the King in that drama so a lot of eyes are set on him and has high expectations on his new projects. Aside from the musical Hedwig, A-list to Playlist adds on his next projects. I love his voice and all but I wish he'll also get a new drama project in the near future!

March 21, 2024

Kim Ji Won Opens Up About Her Real Feelings To Kim Soo Hyun In Queen of Hearts Episode 4

Gosh. I really do think that watching Queen of Tears in the office isn't recommendable at all. That scene in the end wherein Hae In finally opened up about how scared she was when she didn't know where she was and how in the hell she got there in the first place to Hyun Woo made me wanna cry. I just tried my best to concentrate not to cry or else my officemates would probably discover that I'm watching Kdrama. lol Waaah! Hae In was raised in an environment wherein no normal people could relate to. She probably had been existing to prove her worth to her own family which made her build a tough personality in the beginning. She probably thinks that no one is on her side and that she has to do everything on her own. II could only think of those reasons as to how she developed her independency to which a lot of people misunderstood her as she grows up. Hong Hae In got a tough childhood for sure considering that she has a family like hers, classmates that are bullies and much more than we could probably think of. My heart really could relate to her so much which is why I just wanna cry with her when she's crying. Please Hyun Woo, understand your wife better! She needs you the most at a time like this, especially when she's facing an illness causing her to live for only 3 months! I really wanted a miracle to happen to her, she doesn't deserve to live a life filled with only depressing episodes. 

As for Hyun Woo, I think his feelings for Hae In are starting to wake up. I really do think that his love for her didn't vanish, it was just pushed back and was put on idle because of the stress and pressure that he had gone through in those 3 years of being part of Hae In's family. To think that Hae In's illness might have started from way back, this probably became the cause of how Hae In's treatment towards Hyun Woo began to change which also became the reason why Hyun Woo got cold hearted when it comes to her. Now that Hae In's illness got discovered and being treated, hopefully they could rekindle and become sympathetic to each other again or best if they could fall in love with each other again. 

Yoon Eun Seong, hmmm I really have a bad feeling about him. Why do I feel like he, grandpa's new girlfriend, Soo Cheol's wife and the female evil secretary are all working together?!!! Sheesh... if that's true then, they are all in trouble!!! 

March 20, 2024

Kim Nam Joo Is Confused About Cha Eun Woo's Real Identity In Wonderful World Episode 6

Oh! My goodness, this drama is really worth it to watch! That ending scene really gave me goosebumps! I honestly didn't see that twist coming! So, it turned out that Sun Yeol is actually the real son of the driver that Soohyun murdered. When Sun Yeol called the patient lying on the hospital bed and the suspense sound inserted, it really gave me the chills! It's so amazing, I love it when I feel that in a Kdrama that I'm watching! It makes me really excited to see the next episode and know what will happen next! 

Anyways, now that it's confirmed that Sun Yeol is the son of the that lady patient in the hospital, it only meant that he stole the identity of that other guy who we thought was the son, right?! I really wanted to find out the history behind it. Since Sun Yeol was looking for the guy, it's very clear that they weren't friends at all. Sun Yeol probably just searched about an identity that has no relatives so he wouldn't get busted so easily in the end. He started looking for him after Soohyun gave him the diary. I feel like Sun Yeol's gonna confess his sins and plans to the guy and actually give him the diary that's originally meant for him. 

Sun Yeol has the very right to remain vengeful against Soohyun. However, I think Sun Yeol resolve to avenge is beginning to waver. He's slowly getting attached to Soohyun as what I've observed. He felt sorry when he called her a murderer and still accepts the food that Soohyun gives him. I want to believe that his actions meant only that but there's a huge possibility that he's doing it so that his lies won't get discovered yet or his plans to avenge will be in vain. 

Still, I really am rooting for him to really waver. I want him to see Soohyun as his guardian and actually live a better life and purpose and not to be used by other people in evil ways. Sigh...

Soohyun is smart and very observant though, she already sensed that Sun Yeol isn't that someone she knew he would be. There's no 3rd degree burn and no trauma from fire at all. Now, she's all confused but will later find out the truth. 

March 19, 2024

Kim Soo Hyun Is Jealous To See Kim Ji Won And Park Sung Hoon Together In Queen of Tears Episode 3

This drama is really so good, but I'm really scared that it will make me cry so hard every episode out. This isn't even like any dramas wherein you'll just cry when the 2nd half comes in, Queen of Tears feels like every episode would pull out my emotional side and cry so hard with the characters. Hae In's character really resonated with me, she's so relatable in so many ways. (of course, not the wealth part right now but I'm manifesting it to be in the near future. lol) Hae In is that kind of person that has a strong front, but deep inside is a person with so many wounds from her tragic life experiences. Nobody sees that hurt Hae In because of her poker face and bossy persona and that's what makes everything so painful to watch for me. 

Right now, it's Hyun Woo whose pain is what we see. He's struggling from the stressful life within a chaebol family, he's almost like an AI. He wanted out by planning to divorce Hae In but if Hyun Woo is experiencing all of this, what more about Hae In?! Hae In grew up in such kind of environment, since she was a child, she's enduring everything that Hyun Woo's complaining about. Hyun Woo's problems are valid, but I believe Hae In's problems are too! And now she's dying and only has 3 months to live! The world is just so cruel for her. I'm sobbing...huhu!

Anyways, I'm waiting to find out more about Hae In's pain. But I'm not sure if I can ever endure it and not cry at all! I'm so nervous about it, really! Waaaah! With the entrance of Eun Seong in their lives, I'm looking forward for Hyun Woo's innate love and care for In Hae to emerge once again. I think he'll become one of the ways to provoke Hyun Woo to claim his girl once again. 

March 18, 2024

Park Shin Hye And Park Hyung Sik Has A Happy Ending In Doctor Slump Episode 16

Doctor Slump is officially over! It was a happy ending for everyone! Ha Neul's offer to go abroad was cancelled which means Jeong Woo's proposal was pushed through to a wedding at the end of the episode! Ha Neul was finally done with her therapy session with a psychiatrist, she finally learned to have the power to endure and conquer her pain, same goes with Jeong Woo. Jeong Woo once again built his own clinic to practice his profession just like the old times and he contacted his old anesthesiologist to work with him in that clinic. Everything went smoothly again in their path, their new beginning!

Our concern about Nam Ba Da's unemployment was solved too! He has decided to follow the footsteps of his uncle with their business, and he finally got his first paycheck from his uncle too! He was no longer asking for money; he is already the one that buys his family a meal and even bought his mom a gift. What a sweet child he really is. No matter what it is that he wanted in life, I'll support. At least now, he knows what he wants with his life. That's all that matters the most! 

Bin Dae Yeong, after freeing his employees such as nurse Do and Jeong Woo because of their dreams, was once again back to his Neotube BUT now with an avid fan/subscriber/girlfriend who's very supportive of him. Whatever endeavor he's going to take, Hong Ran will be there for him all the way. Because she didn't date him to get impressed by him after all, she only wants his pure kind heart!!! Such a beautiful couple. They're really a match!

Overall, I really love the show! I'm gonna miss the whole gang especially Jeong Woo and Ha Neul because they really made me laugh and cry throughout the show. They really grew on my heart, how can I move on without them now?! lol Would I recommend the show?! Definitely YES! 

March 17, 2024

Park Hyung Sik Asks Park Shin Hye to Become His Wife In Doctor Slump Episode 15

Jeong Woo and Ha Neul finally overcame their slump and rose back up again. With all things settled regarding their careers, will it be applicable to now settle down? Hmmm... Jeong Woo seems to be satisfied with wherever he is now in his career, he has lots of money back too since he won his trial and was proven innocent but Ha Neul is yet to become a professor so there's still a lot of work to do to achieve her dream so I think settling down will become difficult. As much as I wanted them to choose themselves and get married already, there are factors needed to be considered first and Ha Neul's career is one of them. Jeong Woo seems to be open minded about it too and is willing to wait but the question is for how long will it take?

Nam Ba Da on the other hand who I wanted to get a job out of their family business seems to have a little chance now since there's only 1 episode left. Unless the drama speeds up and that '6 months later' appears, there will become a chance that Nam Ba Da would have gotten a job by then. It's 6 months since I relate it to the preview for the next episode, Ha Neul appears to be needed to go abroad and will leave Jeong Woo alone in that period of time. Jeong Woo said he can wait but can he really?! Will we be able to witness a wedding after 6 months? or will they get married first before going abroad?! 

Hong Ran finally accepts Daeyeong after having 2nd thoughts. Daeyeong showed his sincerity and asked her out in person thanks to his daughter for teaching him how to do it. Seems like Hong Ran's son and Dae Yeong's daughter are in favor of them to be a couple already so everything is smooth now with their relationship. Can you believe that, they only started from being an accidental follower on social media then progresses to becoming lovers. Everything is possible now in our modern day world! kkkk

March 16, 2024

Lim Se Mi Is Not Kim Kang Woo's Mistress In Wonderful World Episode 5

Okay, I'm gonna stop accusing Yuri being the mistress of Suho now. lol I think it's clear to us now that the neighbor lady is the one. If this is the case now, then wtf is wrong with her!? How dare she speak to Soohyun from the previous episode saying that she was a good mother? Now that I think of it, it's probably a sarcastic remark and actually meant that she's a good mother but NOT a wife to her husband. Ugh.... this lady surely is thick face and a whore! I bet she has something to do with Soohyun's son getting outside their house in the past too. Remember that she was present outside their gate when Soohyun came back from the airport?! I have a feeling that the neighbor lady and Suho were already having an affair from that time and that this neighbor got obsessed with him and made a plan of separating them, so she targeted their son to cause them separation. Geez... if Soohyun found out that Suho's mistress was the cause of her son's death in the end then... it's really over for them. But I really do hope that the mistress would get punished and not get rewarded with Suho at all! Wah!

I think that Suho really loves Soohyun genuinely. He regretted everything that happened, and I don't think that he has continuous contact with the mistress in the present either. Their meeting was only a confrontation whether she's the one who sent the photo to Soohyun or not. Judging with how Suho reacted when Yuri talked to him, I actually felt his regret and love for her. Can't blame Suho before though, he was pushed away by Soohyun before, so.... I think Soohyun needs to understand the reason of his actions. 

As for Sun Yeol doing his job for Kim Joon. I think it's gonna backfire to his relationship with Soohyun if ever they'll get closer. After all, Kim Joon is still the one that backed up the driver who hit Soohyun's son on the road to get bailed out of severe punishment. And please, don't get me wrong here, the relationship that I'm referring to is like a mother-son kind of relationship and not love relationship for couples, okay?! They both lost a loved one and therefore I think they could comfort and treat each other like a family to finally heal and slowly move on with their lives. But with the way Sun Yeol is doing the dirty jobs for Kim Joon, I would no longer be surprised if Sun Yeol has something to do with Soohyun's son's death either. I mean, Kim Joon and Suho are obviously not in good terms so... waaah! boom it's that complicated and that's what make this drama so thrilling for me! yay!

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