December 31, 2023

Shin Hae Sun and Ji Chang Wook Shared A Kiss After 8 years in Welcome to Samdal-ri Episode 9

Thankfully, Ms. Ko survived that accident because if not, all her 3 daughters would be left in devastation. It means, they would continuously end up in remorse, regretting the days that they haven't given much time and attention to their living mother. The pain of regret brought by death of a loved one has always been, in my opinion, one of the worst experiences we could ever go through in this life. Because no matter how much we wanted to turn back time and make it up to them, it won't happen anymore. But thankfully, Ms. Ko was given a chance to live again and so are the 3 daughters to make it up to her. How lucky they are, if only lots of people are given such chances then it would have lessen the lonely and regretful people on earth. sigh... but that's just it... that's life. So let's no take anything for granted and live happily with our loved ones as much as we could. 

Now that we've unlocked the story behind why Yong Pil's dad became so mad and aloof with Ms. Ko's family, which is because of Bu Mi Ja's sudden death while diving, we kind of understood where he's coming from. However, it's just so wrong to be living in anger for that long and worst, he's tagging his son forcefully in his childish behavior. Like I said in my previous blog post, the pain of losing a loved one is indescribable and it's going to leave a scar in your heart for the rest of your time, however, we cannot just live mourning forever. We also have a life to live so we have to move forward. But if it's your choice, like how Yong Pil's dad is doing it, then we cannot do anything about it anymore, I just hope that he did not tag anyone along with his choices and misery. That's plain selfish! And that's the reason why Yong Pil's sufferings are doubled. Because aside from losing a loved one, he's forcefully stopping from moving on by his own father. That's so absurd! Ugh!

We all know that Sam Dal and Yong Pil love each other. They're even matched to be a couple by their own mothers since they were a baby! lol They are just really caught up in a very complicated situation, at least that's what their parents are putting them in. Geez, I hope they'll be able to learn to fight for their love this time, because if they'll wait till their parents to settle everything then their love would all be left in vain. Their love is really beautiful, it'll be a waste if it won't ever happen again. Let's see, if Yong Pil and Sam Dal would be able to go against their parents... it'll be tough though... considering that Ms. Ko is also having a heart disease. It'll be a challenge not to upset her this time. Waaah!

Anyways, our Sam Dal and Yong Pil are sharing a kiss after 8 years. Aside from Sam Dal being drunk again, what was it for Yong Pil? He's sobber and kissing her back, what was it for?! Ah, seriously, I actually understand why Sam Dal is wary of Yong Pil. The girl is still in love with him, and she's trying to control her feelings from exploding again when she spent her whole life in isolation just to cage it all deep in her heart. And then there's Yong Pil shaking her heart and world again, what should we expect Sam Dal to react? She knew they couldn't go against their parents' will, she knew Yong Pil cannot fight. So, what's the point of relying on him again this time? Sigh... Yong Pil's warmheartedness and thoughtfulness could really make anyone fall for him, but it's all a waste if he cannot fight for love. 

It's true that all this time, Yong Pil may looked like he's the only one sacrificing in the relationship between him and Sam Dal but I actually understand Sam Dal why she's being cautious around Yong Pil. She's just afraid that she'll fell hard again, she's afraid to rely on him and when she's all over him again.. she'll end up all alone just like the last time they broke up. Sam Dal knew that Yong Pil couldn't muster up the courage to go against his dad, and so is she against her mom. Sigh... I wouldn't want to start a relationship with someone who couldn't fight for me at all. It's all messed up! Now that they've shared a kiss, will this help to give them courage to fight for their love this time?! I hope so. 

December 28, 2023

Shin Hae Sun and the Whole Village Cried Help For Kim Mi Kyung In Welcome to Samdal-ri Episode 8

Holy fudge this episode was so heart wrenching that I ended up in a crying mess. Waaah! Ms. Ko, why did you even went on a dive after feeling unwell? There's really something about old people, our parents and grandparents, they're so stubborn with their health. They feel like they're still so young yet their bodies tell them otherwise. They will only listen to the advises of people around them and to their own bodies once they experienced a life and death situation. But that is, if they survived that life and death situation... there are  lot of people who don't survive at all!  Sigh... and we're also talking about the traitor disease which is a heart attack! That's a ticking bomb! Ugh!

The scene wherein in Jin Dal, Sam Dal, Hae Dal and their father ran towards the sea shore screaming for Ms. Ko, my tears were already shedding non-stop. huhu! It was indeed a great scene how to portray their characters' fear of losing a love of their lives. Even the father of Yong Pil, I was really getting mad at him but the moment the ambulance passed through him as well as hearing out Ms. Ko's name chanted by Gyeong Tae's mom, he instantly forgot his anger and concern washed over him. It made me cry even more. Why are humans have to be so stupid like this?! We tend to take advantage of the people who's kind and loving to us, we became so comfortable of their existence that we tend to ignore them most of the time. But when they're already in that life and death situation, that's only when we'll realize that we did something wrong. Sigh... if only this can be taught in school how to not take advantage of our loved ones then... we might have prevented this often. 

But then again, I see all of this as not a fault of one side at all. It's true that Sam Dal and the sisters has shortcomings when it comes to giving attention to their mother especially her health but what can they do? they also have a life of their own. Just because they couldn't provide that much detailed attention on their mother/loved one, doesn't mean they do not care. It's just that, they are also caught up in their own problems because they are also living the life of their own. If I were to look at it on a wider perspective, Ms. Ko shouldn't have taken advantage of her own health first, and also should have listened to her instinct and experience in reading about the bad weather, because if she listened to her body, her husband's warning and to her instincts then all of this wouldn't have happened. 

December 27, 2023

Song Kang And Kim Yoo Jung Surpassed Cha Chung Hwa's Test In My Demon Episode 10

That was an exciting and thrilling episode! The Almighty disguising as a beggar shook the whole world of Gu Won by offering him an ultimatum, to choose between his own survival and Do Hee's life. Thankfully, it was all for a short while because Gu Won challenged the Almighty despite knowing that he's hopeless against Him/Her. Perhaps fate changed because the Almighty changed His/Her mind upon seeing Gu Won's will to save both of their lives. 

If I'm being honest, I find heavenly creatures, especially God to be very scary. The general public in the real world perceives them to be holy, peaceful and unconditionally kind but if we're to watch them in a movie, drama, bible stories and etc, it feels the opposite. I mean, He gives us a very scary obstacle to go through, the worst one possible, to test us. That alone leaves me fearful of Him.

I don't really read the bible and am not that very much religious but I do believe in God. I mean, all of these aren't gonna be here without Him. I think the reason why He's called the 'Father' is because He has paternal vibe. You know, like our own fathers at home, they are very strict and scary whenever they're mad at us. Ohhh... I guess, that's how it should be. Because for humans who are very sinful, naughty, evil, stubborn and all negative words to describe them, the Father Almighty has to be that 'scary' to teach them lessons and make these humans and devilish creatures to get all tamed up. Ohhhhh... now I get it.

Anyways, I guess that's what the Almighty in here whose disguised as a beggar was trying to portray. He was scaring Gu Won because he's a devil/demon after all. And He knew that it takes a life and death situation to teach him a lesson. I guess, upon seeing Gu Won changing for the better, He has given him and Do Hee a second chance and that how they're both saved. 

I'm now very much happy that Gu Won and Do Hee made it alive together. Gu Won was able to surpass his fear of combustion/fire in order to save the one he loves. Awww...

As for Noh Suk Min, gosh, he's the real devil in the entire series. He killed his own mother, killed his enforcer and mistreats his own son. No wonder Do Gyeong ended up mentally illed because of him. Can't wait to see his downfall. 

December 26, 2023

Ji Chang Wook and Shin Hae Sun's Parents Are Against Their Relationship In Welcome to Samdal-Ri Episode 7

See?! My suspicions were right in my previous blog posts about Yong Pil and Sam Dal's parents having feud and might have been the reason for their break up in the past. I haven't seen episode 8 yet so I am not sure about the details of why the parents have created friction with each other but I think it has something to do with Yong Pil's mother's death. In the previous episode, it was shown that Yong Pil and Sam Dal's moms were best of friends, they are both divers in the village. So, I already knew even before that it might have been the cause of Yong Pil's mother's death. And that's how Yong Pil's father kept blaming Sam Dal's family and even after years that gone by, the anger hasn't dissipate one bit. 
To lose someone you love because of sudden death, it's really painful and very hard to accept so I understand where Yong Pil's father's anger came from. He needed someone to blame in order to, somewhat, diminish the pain but we all know that it's all wrong. But we cannot just really tell someone that's mourning to stop all this sht and just move on quickly... it's really hard but yeah... we cannot get stuck in this painful situation all our lives. We cannot bring back the dead, no matter how much we want to or how much painful it is without them, we need to move forward because there's no other way. That's the sad truth, the reality we have to live in. Yong Pil's father can mourn for how long he wants to, if that's his choice, but at least try not to involve his child and Sam Dal from it anymore. He's a grown up man, I expect him to be wiser and suck it all up by now. It's been so long after all. He needs to stop being so selfish for once for his only son, Yong Pil. Ugh.

I really love Yong Pil's character, like.. really really! BUT! Sometimes his kindness and selflessness irk me at times. If only he has the guts to fight for whatever it is on his way in loving the love of his life, then I wouldn't really get irritated like this to him... because... what can we do with all his great ideal traits for a lover or human being overall if he's a total papa or mama's boy? I do get it, he doesn't want to leave his dad all alone now because their mom is gone... but heck.. Yong Pil is sacrificing his self, his happiness and love in this kind of situation. Truth be told and it might sound a little off or heartless but.. Yong Pil is also aging... he needs a partner, obviously he wants to be with Sam Dal, and so.. he needs to act it out! FGS!! Geez... man up, yong pil please! fight for your love against your dad by having the guts to explain to him that it wasn't their fault that his mother is gone. 

December 24, 2023

Song Kang Was Given An Ultimatum by Cha Chung Hwa In My Demon Episode 9

The culprit behind the late chairman Ju's murder case has been revealed and it was none other than the eldest child, Noh Suk Min. Geez... the writer really made us looked fools for accusing different innocent people in this drama when Suk Min has always been the one with the biggest ulterior motive to get rid of his own mother and rise to power. kkk We shouldn't be blamed for this though, I mean, look at Noh Do Gyeong's maniac facial expressions looking like a psychopath ready to do some massacre anytime and there's Ju Seok Hoon also who's been annoying us all in pestering Gu Won and Do Hee's relationship even after getting rejected by Do Hee. Ugh... so who can blame us for being judgmental? kkkk

Anyways, so all along Ju Seok Hoon is really concerned with Do Hee. I guess he's really madly in love with her ever since. If only he made Do Hee feel not so alone before, or if the story is slightly different from what it is now, then I would have given him a chance for Do Hee. But no, that's not the case at all. This drama ain't about giving us 2nd lead syndrome because this is, after all, 'my demon' and it's all about Do Hee and the demon himself, Gu Won. 

Speaking of Do Hee and Gu Won, they finally had their much awaited honeymoon. That took quite a while but that was definitely a hot scene! Kissing under the rain shower then continue onto bed scene. yummm! lol All seemed to be going well with the relationship of Do Hee and Gu Won but it was only for a short while because the Almighty has told Gu Won that he will perish soon because his powers are all gone and the only way to get back his powers was for Do Hee to die. Geez... we're gonna witness this grueling fate of both Gu Won and Do Hee. I just hope they both will be able to survive this. 

December 21, 2023

Jung Woo Sung And Shin Hyun Bin's Attraction To Each Other Grew Immensely In Tell Me That You Love Me Episode 1

I already started watching the Korean remake of the 1995 Japanese drama called Aishiteru to Ittekure (Tell Me That You Love Me). Originally it only has 12 episodes but the Korean version will have 16 episodes! Nice! For those who liked the original drama and are fond of the story, having a longer version would be wonderful if it'll convey a more detailed yet still intact with the original. I'll be very honest, I haven't really seen the original drama but after watching the Korean remake, even I've seen only the first episode, I knew that this story is going to be one of my favorites!

Jung Woo Sung and Shin Hyun Bin taking the lead roles for this drama?! Dang! I knew it'll be gem! Just one episode, I'm already so hooked to it! So basically, Jung Woo Sung's character is named Cha Jin Woo. Cha Jin Woo has a hearing impairment and is not used to speaking because of this disability. He uses creating art/drawings in order to convey his feelings. He knows how to appreciate beauty also so he uses his camera to capture it all. I love that despite his disability, he ain't afraid to travel and appreciate the world and find inspiration in them to create wonderful artworks. I guess that's how it should be, appreciate what we have and can do and not pity ourselves and do nothing for the rest of our lives. I think this kind of mindset is also appropriate to those who do not have disabilities. We should all learn how to appreciate what we have and give our best shot in whatever it is that we can do instead of focusing on what we do not have and cannot do. In that way, we can enjoy and achieve a lot in our own lives.

As for Shin Hyun Bin's character, she is named Jung Mo Eun. She's an aspiring actress and is busy auditioning to different projects left and right. However, despite her hard work, she's always ending up taking the guest/minor roles if not an extra. She was an ex-flight attendant btw.

So the two of these characters end up meeting each other in Jeju. 1st was at the seaside where Jung Mo Eun's scarf flew by the wind and Cha Jin Woo picked it up and gave back to her. 2nd was by the vending machine, 3rd was when the van honked Jin Woo but couldn't hear it, and it was only in their 4th meeting that Mo Eun was so sure that Jin Woo couldn't hear at all. When a fire broke at the restaurant they're in, she saved him by taking him with her to exit the place. After that, they hang out in Jin Woo's place to eat and there they felt the attraction for each other grew even more. I think in their first encounter, they already knew there's already the attraction. And after the got separated, their feelings for each other grew immensely because they've been missing each other so much as if something was already missing in them. 

Waaaah! And there came the scene where they finally saw each other at a crossing lane somewhere Seoul!!! Kyaaaah! That was definitely a heart fluttering scene especially when Jin Woo was already narrating how finally... like, finally... someone came to his life making an effort for him. Greeting him via a language that he only knew ever since. huhuhuhu what a lovely and heartwarming scene. I'm so sad at the same time happy for him. Life is so difficult as it is, but what more for him who has a disability... sigh... 

Bae In Hyuk and Lee Se Young Are Tangled In An Unfortunate Fate In The Story of Park's Marriage Contract Episode 7 & 8

This is crazy. If you're going to watch episode 7 & 8, just like me, back-to-back within a day, it'll make you feel how fast everything shifted. Kkkk I'm not sure if it's because they have to comprise the story into only 12 episodes (as per AsianWiki) that it felt rushed or that's just part of the story telling? Hmmm With how the story progressed from the previous episodes, I think it's only right to hasten things up considering the number of episodes. At least now we know answers to our questions regarding Yeon Woo and Tae Ha's twisted fate.

All this time I thought Yeon Woo time travelled to the future only because she was given a chance by a mysterious woman/butterfly who once saved them before. But I was wrong. Yeon Woo fell from the well and time travelled because someone killed her and it was none other than Tae Ha's step mother's slave/assistant. I really thought there was no other incident that happened from there. Lol Talk about a huge revelation for me. 
I also thought that Yeon Woo time travelled in order to change their fate but the intention of the mysterious lady was to only show Yeon Woo what really happened and why their fate keeps repeating itself. Seriously, this is so tragic. Am I watching a tragic story for real? I thought there will be antidote for all of it but why do I feel like it's not going to be a happy ending? Hmmmm...  we still have 4 more episodes the root cause of why their stuck in this twisted fate. I feel like the grandpa has a major role in this. Come on, grandpa. Identity reveal now please! Kkkk I honestly am suspicious of grandpa. I don't know if he's a real ally or an enemy at all. Ugh. 

December 19, 2023

Ji Chang Wook's Dream Is For Shin Hae Sun's Dreams Come True In Welcome To Samdal-ri Episode 6

To make a person become your dream would really be heart fluttering for romance but in reality and in our modern society, this would would make Yong Pil looked like a laid back person and to many people who cares for status and all that ain't really good. But who cares, Yong Pil is just that and this is a rom com drama so let's leave him be. Kkkk kidding aside, if I were to dig deep about Yong Pil's personality, I could still see how he's responsible despite putting others before himself. He has a job, helps the community in completing their tasks when he's available, he cooks at home and above all these, he has time to mingle with his loved ones like friends, family and other town's people. As long as Yong Pil is enjoying what he's doing, then that's what really matters. I think that's what makes him invincible and happy. Who cares what other people think? He's admirable with his contentment and passion for helping out Sam Dal and his mother in achieving their dreams. I'd love to have a Yong Pil in my life. Sam Dal surely is lucky. 

This about Yong Pil, however, is in contrast with Sam Dal's dreams. Sam Dal wants to become big so she wants to be out of the town and work hard like a dog instead of being comfortable. Lots of people in our modern society could relate to her. Those who wants to work in the city and earn a lot of experiences and money became fulfilling to them. To become someone so that no one would make fun of their status in life. It's understandable, some people really find it hard not to think about what other people say especially when you grow up in a town where everybody loves to gossip. Ugh. I hate those people. I think this contrast plays a huge role in Sam Dal and Yong Pil's relationship why they separate ways in the end. I'm so curious about it. 

Let's talk about Sam Dal's hard work throughout achieving her dreams. Look at her struggles! She was treated poorly but it was all part of the journey, she understood that it's better to push through all obstacles because at the end of the day, it was all for her to learn how things are in her field! So I fully understood why she couldn't comprehend why her btch of an assistant is acting the way she is towards her. Stupid assistant, she really irks me so much! She felt like she already knew about their field but she's way too inexperienced and needed more to learn! Sam Dal knew what she's doing in training her assistant because she's been there, she knew what it is that she had to learn first! Sam Dal knew how competitive the world is in their field and that she needs to excel in order to shine but that wouldn't be achieved if she'll go hasty about her training. Sigh... Stupid assistant, she can be happy for a short while for stealing someone else's work but time will come that she'll discover how inexperienced she still is in comparison to the other competitors in their field. Sigh.

December 17, 2023

Shin Hae Sun Reconciled With Her Friends After A Misunderstanding In Episode 5

This is such a wonderful and heartwarming episode where it showcased how lucky one person can be when you have real good friends. True ones, for that matter. True friends where they'll choose to stay in your life during the good and the bad times. Life is definitely much more worth living when you're surrounded by such people. I hope everyone, including me, will have such wonderful treasure in this lifetime just like Cho Sam Dal. 

4 guys and 1 girl, this means war when the only girl in the group gets bullied by another person especially outside their circle. Oh boy, that reporter surely got unlucky meeting 4 of Sam Dal's friends in their town. Thanks to the police officer also for being fair to Sam Dal with her concerns about the sh*thead of a reporter. Ugh. Seriously, I know that it is a reporter's job to get huge scoops in order for them to have a greater value in the field that they're in but still, they should at least still remain human at all times. It seemed like some reporters aka Ahn Kang Hyun lost their humanity and dignity in digging up scoops by invading their subject's private life. It's awful that there's such kind of reporter or just person in general to do such things especially to those who are already having a hard time with their current situation like Sam Dal. 

But anyways, on the brighter side, Sam Dal finally was able to witness the sincerity and concern of her friends with how they saved her from that reporter's intent to ruin her more. It was indeed such a beautiful scene but at the same time infuriating because of the reporter. Thanks to this encounter though, Sam Dal and her friends are in good terms again.

As for the other characters, you know what? I think I'm liking the strong sister/eldest sister more and more. She's hilarious and just so easy to watch! This actress really suits her role. hahaha!

Song Kang And Kim Yoo Jung Are Willing To Sacrifice Status For Love In My Demon Episode 8

We're already halfway through this drama and I am so happy with how the relationship between Do Hee and Gu Won escalated since the start. Demon Gu Won being powerful and fearless, now has become weak and fearful because of Do Hee. Love really make us weak, don't you think? It's very much understandable in the sense of how human feelings works. We're so attached to the person we love and we're willing to sacrifice anything for them just to make them happy and secured. We want them also free from any harm and sickness, we're worried asf for their well being that somethings we forget to take care of ourselves. Geez.. Falling in love, or just love in general, is definitely a weakness especially for someone who has a lot to lose. I think both Gu Won and Do Hee made great examples of this situation about love.

Do Hee is willing to sacrifice her position as the next chairman of their company in order for Gu Won not to get hurt anymore while Gu Won is willing to accept weakness and his fate in order to be beside Do Hee all the time and protect her. Oh these two, I love them both. Love really is equivalent to a lot of sacrifices along the way and they both represent this. 

As for the people who harms Do Hee and Gu Won, I really do think they are working in unison. The whole family related by blood to the late chairman Ju, I feel like they are all working together. But wait, for this episode... does this mean that the 'anonymous' suspect is really Noh Do Gyeong? Is it really him? Hmmm... whatever it is, I am so excited for their doomsday to come especially the crazy freak guy who shifts faces all the time. That maniac needs to get punished like he's in hell! Gah!
Anyways, let's talk about the kissing scene. kkkk they reminded me of Gu Won and Sa Rang from King the Land with all the water showering them while kissing but I honestly prefer Gu Won and Do Hee though. I mean, they look really amazing and the love they have for each other is beyond human because we have a demon involved as well as they both have a lot to lose for love. kkk What about you?

December 16, 2023

Song Kang Is A Weak Creature Without Kim Yoo Jung In My Demon Episode 7

I guess we've already entered the frustrating part of the drama. Geez, I ended up absolutely mad about the happenings and villains here. I don't think it's necessary to look for the mastermind/anonymous killer anymore when all of the relatives of chairman Ju are aiming to infuriate me! They are all the same to me! Ugh!

Seriously, as of this moment, all of chairman Ju's relatives by blood are suspicious to me including Ju Seok Hoon. I have a huge feeling that Ju Seok Hoon is the mastermind. Why? Because Noh Suk Min and his son Noh Seung Ho are showcased to be the obvious suspects in putting Do Do Hee out of power but it doesn't necessarily mean that they're automatically the prime suspects for Chairman Ju's murder. We still have an anonymous suspect. Why do the writer has to create an 'anonymous' suspect? For what purpose? Obviously, directing the viewers to another character that has huge wrath against chairman Ju and Do Do Hee and so I'm guessing that it might Ju Seok Hoon. I'm not entirely sure yet the reason behind it, but I'm pretty sure if it's him there's a grave story for it waiting to be told. 

Judging by the voice and gestures of the anonymous killer it's supposed to be a male, right? But I wouldn't really take out Noh Su Ahn to be a prospect of being the mastermind/killer of chairman Ju as well as Do Do Hee's threats and multiple attempted murders. Sometimes the killer always portrays kind and protective when in the outside world like Seok Hoon and stupid like Noh Su Ahn but when in their own individual worlds, they're nothing but psychotic and vicious. 

Anyways, Noh Suk Min is the one who's spreading rumors about Do Do Hee while his son Do Gyeong is directing orders to the crazy piece of sht of a killer who changes faces every time. But, the anonymous killer is also directing this person, so does that mean they are all connected and doing everything as a team? Hmmmm... what do you guys think?

Okay, enough with all the speculations and guesses. It's time for me to talk about my poor demon Gu Won. Waaah! It's heartbreaking to see him powerless and calls for Do Do Hee helplessly. A great creature like him becoming weak after getting involved with a human he's slowly falling for. Ugh. It's already a repeated trope in a fantasy kdrama but I'm still a scker for it. huhu! I hope Gu Won and Do Hee would soon have upperhand of the whole situation again.

December 14, 2023

Lee Se Young Remarries Bae In Hyuk In The Story of Park's Marriage Contract Episodes 1-3

So I finally had an extra time to start watching Bae In Hyuk and Lee Se Young's newest drama called The Story of Park's Marriage Contract and just by watching the first 3 episodes, I already felt the complexity of the storyline. Of course, someone from past travelled towards the future courtesy of a mysterious lady that once helped them before. As someone who do not read sysnopsis of a drama, this really surprised me. I mean, the start of episode 1 was going so well. Kang Tae Ha (Bae In Hyuk) meeting his childhood love in the form of Madame Butterfly/ Park Yeon Woo (Lee Se Young) and it also turned out that they were arranged to marry each other by their parents later on. Everything went smooth which also made me tiny bit suspicious then it already happened... Kang Tae Ha died in the 19th century right after their wedding ceremony due to heart disease. Lol from a married woman to widow overnight! 

Anyways, Kang Tae Ha and Park Yeon Woo seemed to have a cursed fate as the cycle of Tae Ha having a disease repeats itself in another lifetime. The mysterious lady made Yeon Woo travel towards the future to meet the reincarnation of her husband and let her figure out to how stop the curse. Hmm... now I'm curious what happened to them in the past and who are at fault this time. Being punished in this cycle of cursed fate ain't new at all in the kdrama world but I'm still curious how it's all presented every time. First that I encountered with the same theme was Goblin then Hotel del Luna and etc etc, this time I wonder how another writer present it in his/her own style and imagination. 

Park Yeon Woo meets and remarries her husband in another lifetime but obviously, Tae Ha couldn't recognize her at all. Yeon Woo ain't treated well at some point but eventually getting better day by day as Kang Tae Ha catches feelings for her. But in all seriousness, I understand Tae Ha very much. I mean, I would think that Yeon Woo is strange and even crazy asf if I don't know her history at all so I wouldn't really blame Tae Ha for being protective from the likes of Yeon Woo. 

I searched about this drama after watching the first 3 episodes and found out that there would only be 12 episodes for this project. hmmm... for having a complex storyline, I wonder how they would pull this out in just a short period of time! Can't wait

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