January 28, 2014

Número TOKYO 2014年 3月号

No matter how busy and crazy life can be, there's no way I'm going to miss posting these pictures here.

Atsuko's NUMERO magazine feature is really blazing hot and surely all his fan boys and girls would go crazy about this.

I tell you! This is getting hotter and hotter! 

You enjoyed that one, didn't you? You're welcome! 😂

January 25, 2014


Hi! It has been a while right? I know, geez what is life if there is no fandom? ww Good thing no matter how busy I am right now in the real world, I still try to give small glances on my fandom. 

Before being so active in my work/career, I still can write and update stories, blog entries as fast as I could coz I have the time. But now, there seemed like I got no time anymore for fandom.

With all honesty I just cannot take the tiredness I feel right now because of work. It seemed like days just pass by and all I do is work and work, getting stressed and fcking frustrated at some client/projects' problems. Although I know it's good for my career as I am exposed to different opportunities/situations but still, sometimes I just feel like I wanted to have some break even just for a whole day without thinking about work. (oh let that be a whole week please) Yup, I have no breaks on weekends either. I am thinking of quitting at my part time job every Saturday since I am also working as a freelancer taking projects on my own. (don't forget my full-time work) Three jobs at the time is quite interesting, right? But trust me, if you're in the world of architecture, you're going to feel how I feel right now. So stressful.

I am so adventurous at all things I'm doing, I got greedy so I wanted to learn and earn a lot at the same time. (For the sake of Atsuko lol) Though I have been thinking that all these will be a huge problem for my health in the near future. So.. I therefore conclude, I stop ranting over here and get myself back to work. lolol

I don't know how to end this seriously.. hahaha oh well...

Have you guys seen Atsuko's 2014 calendar? Let me share to you guys what are my favorite photos of her in that calendar. Actually everything is lovely but these three are the best! Let me tell you why!

January 2, 2014

Struggles Of Being Maeda Atsuko

I've been thinking about what will be my first post for the year 2014. w
I was about to blog about Yuko's graduation announcement at Kohaku, but then again I refused to do so because it's too depressing. Sigh.

Don't get me wrong, what I'm about to tackle right now isn't positive either. haha

Today, I did not go to work because I needed this day in order to fully rest and catch up some energy. So I managed to read some articles about my various japanese fandom. But since I am too dedicated to someone named Atsuko Maeda, I end up reading articles about her. And what made it interesting was, I end up reading about Atsuko's lovelife or what everyone knows "Atsuko's first romance".

It's actually my first time to see myself reading and talking about this matter, since I don't quite give a damn about her relationship/s. Unless that'll be Atsumina or sort of related with the 48girls. w Well it surprises me for this odd behavior as well, I guess I'm just bored? That might be it. And it's also a first time I'm searching Onoe Matsuya on google and didn't close the tab for quite a while. I should be considering this my first achievement in 2014. I shock myself at concluding that this guy looked good too. Just OMG!

SO here let me start this.

I read this Matsuya Onoe's mother approves of her son getting married to Atsuko Maeda (Josei Jishin) article and made me once again realize how tough it is to be Atsuko. Just reading the comments solely bringing up about her "talent" or acting from this issue is quite stressful. I wish she's not reading these kind of comments though, it'll be too bad to handle everyday. And to bring out yet another burden for her, I read this: Atsuko Maeda's NHK period drama "Asakiyumemishi" struggling to get good ratings which I'll sadly quote these:

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