December 9, 2012

I Love FF Writers!!

These are my confessions.. lol
I've got a wonderful day today! (forget thesis!) Actually it started since last night, when I was able to found out something for me to read. To be honest, I grew up not wanting to read anything. I hate books, and every time my friends are talking about different kinds of novel/books I really am not interested. So I ended up clueless to their topics. (Up until now) lol.

But fan fics.. stories made by writers from their heart and from their different point of views about some situations and characters. Getting myself within AKB fandom I started to read stories written about my OTP in JPHIP to be exact. Glad I was able to be informed by a friend about this site having lots of wonderful AKB (atsumina) stories. It's like a glimpse of heaven. :))

Even if you say these fan fic writers are not professional in writing, not as good as any professional ones (of course) but I must say.. we all have unique imaginations. And that's what makes every story unique. I love how these people can manage to think of something out of the ordinary, that's what I'm always looking at. Whether the story was written good or not as long as a good story-line is there, then count me in to be one of your fans.

December 6, 2012

Maeda Atsuko Memorial Calendar 2013

Because I love Atsu so much, I feel like wanting to share some "photos" from her Memorial Calendar for 2013. Yay! Pretty much, and so cute as ever. Also today I'm going to update my Atsumina fan fics so better get ready for updates before the week ends. Yosh.

December 5, 2012


Today I've decided to loosen up things a bit with my life. As some of you might know I'm currently doing my thesis and yes hopefully part of 2013 batch to graduate this March. Right now I really am not doing great with thesis, to be honest I'm currently in a depressing state about it. Thesis for Architecture students isn't that easy compared to other courses. I'm not saying other courses' thesis are easy, it's just that no matter how I look and compare things... Architecture students doing thesis are in the worst state of hardship in my own opinion. Or maybe I shall prefer about "some" students like me. 

We're not doing a group thesis, it's an individual one. We choose a client make a project for them and make every plans feasible as they really are going to be built in the future. That's our job in and outside school. We're just in training.. but this training is too much.. I and my other batch-mates are having a hard time.. Maybe we aren't that prepared much? Or shall I say we lack concentration all trough our previous 4 years, that we did not study very well and make a good preparation for the 5th year/thesis year.  

Right now I have a few classmates that withdraw in continuing their thesis projects due to immense amount of stress and pressure we all are experiencing. I'm quite sad about the news, and to be honest I've gone through the status of dilemma whether to continue or not as well. In the end I've thrown all the doubts and fear and continue doing my thesis. Hopefully I will till the end. There are a lot of temptations, mistakes and hardships appearing and if we lose concentration in achieving and visualizing our graduation this March, we are "definitely" dead. 

So to lessen up the stress a bit and prevent myself from losing my sanity, I've decided to just enjoy my fandom today. My Maeda Atsuko and Atsumina fandom... I might say being a fan girl/ fan boy really is so awesome, making all the pressure and stress fade away even in just a short while. And right now I'm drowning myself with the love I have for Atsu. haha. Been watching AKB's Tokyo Dome Concert since yesterday and repeating everything today. 
I'm so well entertained. And currently loving every bits of it. I'm discovering songs too that I just heard just by watching that concert. I am not that well known to their songs from before as I have been in this akb fandom not in a year yet. I love to discover more things about them, but I'm not rushing things.. I will know all of them in a matter of time. So yeah. 

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