April 30, 2012

[AKB48] Atsuko Maeda's Sad News

I'm just starting to like Atsuko Maeda from AKB48, then my friend informed me about her, graduating. TT.TT This is really sad. I just liked her just now literally (lol), and as everyone said it.. AKB48 would be different without her. There were lots of graduation that happened to this group, but it's "ATSUKO MAEDA", one of the most popular and successful members..that came to my mind and heart (cheesy much? XD) WAAAAH I'm so sad about this.. sorry I was a bit late about this news because I just got back from this fandom again. WHY WHY WHY!!! *cries a river...

April 29, 2012


Is it obvious that I'm quite bored? LOL! Honestly I still don't have sleep since yesterday. haha! Well sleep is for the weak! Nah I'm just a big troll. Anyways, Let's start this fun :3 Why don't you guys join me with this topic too. Come on, just comment in after reading this ;)

IF I WAS STRANDED ON AN ISLAND, and was able to pick 3 people (celebrities only!! Dont ask why dammit!!LOL) to entertain, care and protect me then I'll pick Tomomi Ogawa, Suzy, and U-Know Yunho respectively. Yup! I'm combining Kpop and Jpop! Nah they don't need translations of words they just don't need to talk to one another. HAHAHAH! Oh me? If this event really happened I'll make sure that I've already learned japanese and korean languages :D LOL!  hohoho! 

Oh this is only a fan girl's perspective, of course if you are a boy, you can pick 3 girls as you like because you can protect them.. riiiiight?? ohohoho ;) But of course if you want a buddy then why not.

Why did I pick TOMOMI OGAWA to entertain me..
*cough* Obviously, Tomomi would really became a great entertainer. She's fun to be with and can totally make the atmosphere really enjoyable on a boring Island. Since Tomomi is very childish, we will just play all day long while the other 2 make the chores HAHAHA!

Daisuki Naruto!!!

GAAAAH!! I'm so addicted with this anime, the truth is I don't really like Naruto anime at first.. although I know from the very beginning that it has a great story and characters, it's just that for me it's too over-rated. The story goes on and on, the writers also gives too much attention on small characters, why don't they just end it or maybe take away some bunch of fillers, really. But set those complaints aside NARUTO is super cool!! I love it!!! Can't get enough of it. Even though I have lots of complaints about it, maybe if it ended I'll definitely cry. One of the best anime! *heart

April 26, 2012

Congratulations! Hyun-Zy Couple!

Ne! ne! ne! Have you guys heard? or actually have watched? Chyeaaah! Our Hyun-Zy received awards from the 48th Baeksang Awards independently! Gosh, they are really awesome!! They've showed that after Dream High Season 1, they can become greater actor/actress and will be successful on different careers. I'm really happy for the both of them. Congratulations!!! Bae Suzy who have created record in the entertainment industry for the first woman who have received "rookie award" on the music, drama and now movie! Gawd! You're the best ever Suzy!! Seeing you receive those awards in acting too made those haters who criticized your acting skills regretted they've ever done that! Stupid haters! And of course on the other hand, our Kim Soo Hyun received "BEST ACTOR" award! Chyea! Finally, everyone see a real talent!!!! Superb acting skills the both of you!! We will forever support you guys! *heart*

April 24, 2012


Haha this will be the easiest video-hunt I will give you guys. I bet a lot of you have this video. :) This was from the year 2009. :)
I entitled it as "PARTY SCANDAL" because they seemed to be the HAPPIEST performer on this video. You can really feel that they love what they are doing, they really enjoy it. On this video RINA and TOMO were the ones who were dancing, jumping smiling freely. Gawd they are so cute!!! Of course the other 2 can't jump and clap their hands right? Coz they are playing the guitar XD but of course they still display their SMILES, PRETTY FACES and still dances to the rhythm..

SCANDAL really loves music, and that's the reason why they appeal the most on our hearts. Best of the bests for SCANDAL!!! Ganbare! *heart

The First "YURI" anime I've watched

Hello everyone! Gokigenyou! *wow it's been a long time since I've used that word again. Haha! Well it's no ordinary Japanese word for me, this is really sentimental word for this word was eventually being used at my favorite "yuri" anime. Yup! That's right! YURI it is! Because that anime displays a proper lady mannerism, they use this always to greet and bares farewell to everyone by saying this "GOKIGENYOU" and bows down.

Maybe some of you are quite very familiar with it, but I bet a lot of you are totally clueless about it. Well yeah this anime was an old one already, and I wonder if there are still someone who dares watching it today.
The title of the anime is MARIA SAMA GA MITERU. :)

April 19, 2012

Kim Soo Hyun cares for Suzy (Hyun-Zy Couple)

Let's all rejoice Hyun-Zy shippers for we have another update about them *heart*
Haha! Should we call for a party everyone? Tahaha! Honestly, how many times do I have to tell that these two should date each other now!!! Seriously!!! Yeah that's the power of forcing.. :)) Well not really forcing, but everyone sees that they have the potential as a couple right? They really like and care for each other, which are important factors in a relationship! ;) Well eventually like can become love as time passes by, we just need to push them more and more. HAHAHA! Hyun-Zy shippers fighting!!!


Of course all of you, I think, saw my post on Scandal Magic right? About me sharing ALL the videos I've collected from the very start of their career right? Well I was really serious by that time, I'm really anticipating the "hundreds of like" on that status which I have mentioned. XD But yeah we did not get enough likes for that up until today.. So I decided not to share the videos but I'll still give screen caps on ALL OF THEM. But I know it would really take me A LOT of time to share them all since they really are TOO MANY. Hahaha! XD Yup, I'm going to share all of them one by one every blog entry I will make. :)

Let's not talk about how many gigabytes they have all taken on my external HDD. Almost all vids are in HQ, and well few Rare ones that are now hard to find , some of them are in LQ. But I still consider them as treasures since they are amazing ones. *heart*

I entitled this blog entry as "Young and Happy SCANDAL!" since this video was from year 2008. (that's hint, you go guys and find it if you have your own scandal video collection.. you can upload it as well. that'll be better XD).
So basically I don't know what they are talking about HAHAHAH! because it would really take me a lot of time if I force myself to understand every word they are saying.. but I really enjoyed myself watching it. Since Tomomi and Rina on that video were splendidly funny! Tahaha! But of course Mami and my Haruna displayed their cute and beautiful faces as well. Oh gawd, they are all so KAWAII!!!! *kyaaaaaaaaa!

April 15, 2012


I don't really want to react on this actually, but damn it's getting all over my news feed. lol
Seriously, the video was just an opinion from a fan of Scandal Band and I don't see something wrong expressing one's thoughts. The only thing that's kinda bothering here is that the creator of this video  misjudge Haruna.
"What i think is, that Haruna Ono is sad, because her dream didn't came true as a dancer and she moved to rock n roll which is 'Scandal band''

Let me correct what you're thinking so you'll be able to understand Haruna more. Yup you're right that Haru likes dancing but don't you know she likes singing as well? She's from a Caless School which teaches 'vocals' and dancing at the same time. It is true that she likes dancing but it does not mean she's bored/pissed/mad and always serious when she is in Scandal Band today. Have you seen all their PV's? If you do, you'll be able to see that Scandal Band also is applying choreography dances in their songs even if it's just a small thing. So there's nothing really regretful if she ended up being in a Scandal Band because they rock the stage and they can apply what other things they wanted to do. There is nothing to be mad/pissed/always looking serious/bored about it. Besides Haruna, Tomomi and Mami first initiated making a band when they were studying, so don't you think she might just go solo and dance wherever she wants if she really does not want to be involved in a rock band? It gives sense right? Scandal band is A HUGE DREAM success of Haruna as the leader, she loves her band and her fans.. So I hope we won't misjudge her.


First of all I would like to tell you that these photos are from the Dream High Special Making Book. And all the photos you'll see are just some excerpt of the book, make sure to buy it online or wherever it is available. Let's support them by buying our own original copies. Trololol.

I really like DH1. I honestly haven't watched DH2 up until now. Haha! Look at my grudge, it's scary right?. Tahaha! Oh I miss Go Hye Mi now! I wish JYPE would make DH3 and they will return the original casts again. I bet they'll gain more popularity and awards from all over the world. Teehee.
These photos are all in HQ, make sure to click them if you're going to save them LOL!
 Her shocked face is still pretty, DANG! So good to be Suzy.. she's a goddess!! (How many times do I have to say this? XD) Seriously Kim Soo Hyun (Song Sam Dong) what were you doing all this time in DH tapings, you should've made some moves on her! aaah!!!!! Being a Hyun-Zy shipper sure is a pain the butt. Ugh.


I'll put quite a lot of Suzy pics out in here okay guys? hihi. I don't know every time I'm seeing Suzy's face I really am well entertained. It eases my mind and somehow I'm inspired. haha! The same feeling I got when I met SCANDAL. Yup too much fandom it is. I don't think I'm a weird girl fangirl-ing a girl too, and even younger than me. haha! Well, I'm not weird because I'm seeing fangirls having the same situation as me. Tahahah! Go Suji~ah! I'll always be your promoter, protector, big sister, manager or whatever it is! Haha! I'm here to spread the BaeSujiMagic!!! Yup! It's official! I'm going to call my fandom for Suzy as BaeSujiMagic! chyeah!!
Since my name is keismagic, and scandal magic is also my creation.. I think it's about time to spread the magic in all of my fandom. yeyeye!

I'm really depressed lately, it's all because of my thesis. No matter how much I think of it, I just find myself not finishing it. I'm still on a long way to end the proposal and the thesis itself. I'm quite nervous now, and I'm really pressured. You know that feeling? You want to finish it all but you can't because you overly think of it? Augh. I'm currently on that situation, good thing I have some people to talk with. They are so mature and awesome to give me some advice. Huhu, I'm really touched honestly. Thank God I have friends like them..

So aside from those friends, Suzy was the other one the comforted me. hihi. Just listening to her and IU make my day back to normal. Sigh.. I love these two. But I'm the pictures I'm staring the whole day are no other than.. tadahhhhh.. SUZY!!!

April 14, 2012

MAMA by EXO MV Review

Well I have seen this MV the 1st time it was aired, can't believe I actually watched the two versions from EXO-K and EXO-M. And surprisingly, I did not regretted taking time to watch it. I honestly thought EXO as over-rated kpop group again from SM Entertainment. Well that was my 1st impression maybe because SM Entertainment overly introduced this group with endless teasers. "Holy cow, it's another teaser from EXO again! Fck you SME!!!" was my reaction everytime I open my facebook account and see updates from ALLKPOP. Whew, I thought they'll never debut these kids and will forever just release teasers! Gawd, seriously how many teasers have they released? Ugh. Don't want to know now. LOL!I think SM Entertainment really is now preparing themselves from the breakdown of Super Junior. Well they are quite old now, and maybe the agency wanted to secure their #1 spot when it comes to having the most popular boy group in town. Go ahead SM, break your own idol groups, go clash EXO and SHINEE! trololol!

Okay, let's start this review now.
1st impression, wow this is a Satanic song! LOL! Yup that was a creepy entrance from the boys. Forget the history story, whatever SME! If I really did not open the CC button for english subs, I honestly thought they were performing some satanic-chant on the start. Gahaha which makes it even scarier, it took me a while to recognize that they are speaking ENGLISH! trololol. Oh koreans. Oh well, just stay pretty and handsome! XDD
 But in all honesty, I think this was so awesome!!!! Augh.

April 11, 2012

Update about IU and Suzy's Friendship

I really get excited when I'm seeing IU and Suzy's names on the same news or articles. GAAAH! Too much happiness, I can feel it flowing to my body. Augh. Can't stop giggling I just love these two!
Well obviously, I'm a huge fan of the two's close friendship. It's really tough for idols to find someone they can trust nor be friends with, since entertainment world is about competition. No matter what you see on the camera is not always real. Right? Correct me if i'm wrong. But I bet what I just said is for real. Our idols talking, playing, laughing with one another on the same stage doesn't mean they are close. Sometimes, artists act friendly when there are cameras and fans around. Whew! That's why I love these two. IU and Suzy's friendship is really for real!! Gawd! I just hope they will last forever. I really want to see how mature IU is to take care of Suzy. And I hope they will be close even if people starts to compare them to one another. Seriously people please stop comparing the two. They are totally different!!!

April 8, 2012

Kim Soo Hyun what more do you want?

Kim Soo Hyun what else do you want more in a girl when BAE SUZY is the perfect girl?

I honestly don't get it, if I really was born as Kim Soo Hyun, I'll definitely get her! Tahahah! But I'm a girl and a different person so I'll pass.. XD I'll just be her manager/promoter/big sister and support her all the way as much as I can!

There were lots of activities MISS A have been doing, but of course as we all know Suzy is the busiest one. She has lots of solo photos coming out as she have more projects than the other members. Hmm.. I think there might be some secret war over these girls, I wonder if they are really close to one another when there are no cameras in front of them. I bet the other 3 members are quite or a bit jealous over the fame/projects/attention and even special treatment at JYP. I'm not against it though, I love Suzy she is the best and she worked hard for this day to come of being known to everyone. I just hope that other members and Suzy still are close, or has a good relationship.. we don't know what's really happening. Good luck Suzy!
Since there are lots of projects, there are lots of photos of Suzy are coming out these days. I honestly can't even get on track with the news as I don't have enough time to spend in drooling or staring Suzy's pictures. Tahaha! XD
Anyways that is our topic today.. I'm gonna prove that Suzy is the perfect girl for any guys around the world, aside from me. trolololol!. If Kim Soo Hyun didn't take his move over her, well I think it is his lose already. I don't want to offend anyone but I think he's blinded already. *sigh Though I really want Hyun-Zy to be real couple. = =

April 6, 2012

None can separate Hyun-Zy Couple

Recently I just read a news about Lee Jae Hoon (Suzy's partner in Introduction to Architecture) being jealous with Kim Soo Hyun. It was revealed that Suzy's been choosing our Kim Soo Hyun when she is asked to choose between her leading men. And yeah Jae Hoon maybe watched some of the broadcasts and jokingly said that she felt sorry on the phone with Suzy. Tahahaha!

Suzy felt sorry about this too, so she said she will not choose again when she's asked to pick between them. Damn! Don't do that Suzy.. just tell and let us fans know what your heart really desires!! ahahaha HYUNZY forever!!

Read the whole news here: Lee Jae Hoon is jealous of Kim Soo Hyun

I'm sorry Jae Hoon you cannot break the Hyun-Zy romance!! They are for real! tahahah *I'm just assuming though LOL! But I might say, Jae Hoon is also cute and has baby face despite his age. I really admire guys who know how to take care of themselves. iyeah!

April 4, 2012

It's Fun to be with Kim Soo Hyun

I'm a fan of this guy ever since Dream High, and even though I still haven't watched The Moon That Embraces The Sun, I know that he acted well and caught lots of women's heart. :) But sorry guys, Kim Soo Hyun is already taken by Bae Suzy (in my own world! LOL Hyun-Zy shippers!! FIGHTING!)

During DH Soo Hyun shows his dorky side which made everyone in the set love him. And during his TMTETS, he did not fail to make everyone happy. XD
Let me share you some photos that caught my attention, well just so you know I still haven't watch the drama itself but since it's a good drama everyone's blogging about it and made me saw lots of screencaps as well as BTS. Okay, hope you guys will enjoy all these photos! ;) Don't forget to support Hyun-Zy couple! 
I'm not mad nor jealous about this Han Ga In and Kim Soo Hyun love team, because Han Ga In is already married so I don't think they'll be able to do something fishy. nyahaha! Unless they are really sinful! XDDDD kekeke

April 3, 2012

Suzy did it again

*sigh* Yup Suzy addresses the rumor of her dating relationship with Kim Soo Hyun.. She said that they are just good friends that's why it's only normal for them to text messages to one another. I just hoped that she did not do such a thing.. it only stresses out that they are just friends forever. It just give heartache for Hyun-Zy fans. DANG IT! Kim Soo Hyun please make moves on her already!!! aaaaaah!!!!

Suzy you really don't have to address this issue regarding Soo Hyun you know. Let the imagination continue from the fans. LOL!

Keismagic WGM: Kim Soo Hyun and Suzy Couple (Hyun-Zy) #1

I don't know if I've been trolled about the news of Suzy joining We Got Married with INFINITE's Myungsoo, but damn, this is the only prank that I'll be happy with if I really find it as a joke. Seriously, please let this news not be true and I'll be the happiest big sister alive on earth! XD

If WGM, really encouraged Suzy to be part of their variety show then they are the WORST ever program in South Korea. How can they let her join when they know that she's still in under-aged girl? And even if that We Got Married is just for fun just a variety show, mindset of other young people watching "suzy" in a marriage sure would give different vibe. You know what I mean right? 

But well honestly, even  if Suzy is under age or not, I still don't want her to join this WGM. I don't know, it just don't feel right. I will definitely get angry over it and might end myself disliking her. There are lots of Suzy anti-fans around the corner and they are saying that she's a whore for liking and being liked by most of the guys in their entertainment industry. She's still young yet she's getting a lot of attention, for I know she's beautiful, talented and very funny. Though I just hope that she'll be careful with the actions as well as shows she'll be part of. 

ENOUGH with this. Whether Suzy and Myungsoo will be part of WGM or NOT, I will still support Kim Soo Hyun and Suzy (Hyun-Zy) couple till the very end. I will make my own we got married. LOL!!! And I shall start it NOOOOW!!!! 

WARNING!!! This is NOT for real, not the real we got married. This is my (keismagic's) own category in the  blog. Please be reminded with this before commenting. Thank You! Also, please do NOT copy my own edited images or else YOU'RE DEAD! lololol XD 

This part/episode is entitled:
"The Hyun-Zy Wedding"

So do you guys want our newest couple?? kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa fan girl screaammmm!!!
What do you guys think?? :">

April 2, 2012

MISS A Suzy in We Got Married??

I want to cry already.. I can't believe this news, but it was already announced by WGM management. HUHUHUHU!! My world and my heart suddenly stopped while reading the news about it. AAAAHHHH!!!! She's my little sister I dont want her to be with other guys except for KIM SOO HYUN!!!! NOOOO!!! I'm sorry but I will not accept this. I might grow up cursing that guy from INFINITE named Myungsoo! I hate you guy!! You just found yourself an anti-fan!!! argh curse you!!!!! *cries a river* TT^TT

 She's even an under-aged girl yet they are going to let her marry for that fcking WGM?? DAMN IT!!! I DONT GIVE A DAMN!!! IF SUZY IS WITH KIM SOO HYUN, I can really understand it because they've been friends, co-worker for dream high, established a love team together, and KIM SOO HYUN is matured enough to take care of this girl!! So what the fuck is wrong with you WGM management!!!! augh!!! Seriously!!! You guys are not thinking!!!!!!! 
I know it's just a variety show.. But DAMN!!! I WONT ACCEPT IT!!!!

SCANDAL at Good Rocks Vol. 26 (and other Magz)

Sorry for not bringing up SCANDAL lately on my blog. Anyways here they are once again. :)
Honestly I'm not that updated about them anymore, because I only check my sources once in a while. I'm sarreh XD Here let me share the photos I got again.

at Good Rocks Vol. 26
Aw. I really love them in those black suits. Simple mafia looks, yet it's so amusing to stare at them XDD. Augh! It'll be better though if Haru's hair have grown longer and turned back into black. Mami? Nah I think blonde looks good on her! ;)

April 1, 2012

Baby I'm In Love with YAI

Wondering who's YAI? Tadaaah! It's Yoo Ah In~~ I know, you've heard his name somewhere before my dear :) Yup! He's the known Geol Oh from Sungkyunkwan and now taking a lead role on Fashion King!
Just like I've said on my previous blog entry about Sungkyunkwan, I just fell in love with this guy! Not just in the SKK drama but also in reality. Seems like Yoo Ah In's sure have this "bad boy" charisma.. and I like it!! NO! I LOVE IT!!! GAAAH! Well I surrender! All of you now know that my ideal guys would be someone who have these characters:
- Good Looking (definitely XD)
- Has Bad Boy charisma (of course sex appeal is there, manliness, strong appeal ugh!! *faints XD trololol)
- Someone older than me (Yup he needs to be matured and be gentleman)
- Sweet (even bad boys have soft sides right?)
-A fashion god!! ahhhhhhh!

And I think Yoo Ah In possess these characteristics.. So everyone!!!!! Let's welcome him to my world.. We shall get marry today Yoo Ah In! WAHAHAHAH! You're now on my list and you can't get away from me.. LOL!

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