July 27, 2023

Won Ji An & Taecyeon Slowly Catching Feelings For Each Other In Heartbeat Episodes 9 & 10

Woo Hyeol is slowly weakening as he continue to live being a half human and half vampire, soon he might disappear for good. With this worry in his mind, he felt frustrated about In Hae's lack of interaction with Do Sik. In Hae made it clear that she has no time for love nor she has interest on it. She was very sure that she won't feel nor experience love just like an old tree which is no longer possible to bloom flowers. But little did she know, love already begun for her. 

Woo Hyeol, also unknown that he's growing attachment for In Hae, made it possible for the old tree to bloom flowers. He used lights and wrapped the tree with them in order for the impossible to thought to happen. Aww.. Our Woo Hyeol is definitely one of the romantics. With this event, I am sure that Woo Hyeol will become that person that would make things impossible to In Hae be possible and that's her falling in love. Definitely for Woo Hyeol. 

In Hae is clueless when it comes feelings. She grew up alone almost her whole life. She had no one to rely to but herself and having feelings of depending or getting attached to someone is a experience. What more if it's love? As she continue having lingering thoughts about Woo Hyeol, she's also starting to get more caring for him. She's always on the lookout for his secret not to get revealed, however, Do Sik now knows about it and all In Hae could ever do was to not give any confirmation about it as it will endanger Woo Hyeol's existences. Do Sik is one of the desperate people that we should lookout because he's in need of a half human half vampire blood in order to survive his illness, Woo Hyeol is definitely in danger. 

Speaking of danger, I think Hae Won is another threat. As of now, she's nothing but helpful to our main leads but now that Woo Hyeol is starting to give his attention to In Hae and not to her, I think she'll soon transform into a total bitch. lol I'm just sure that she's gonna prevent our main couple to get together. Ugh, just imagining makes me irritated of her. 

But let's focus on the bright side. My goodness, both Woo Hyeol and In Hae low-key confessed to each other! I mean not literally the 3 letter word but them saying that they're happy in the mansion because they are in it. Now, step back bitch Hae Won, you're out of the picture. Especially now that Woo Hyeol danced with In Hae at the party, just meant that In Hae still is more important to him! Yay!

July 25, 2023

Shin Hye Sun And Ahn Bo Hyun Got A Happy Ending In See You In My 19th Life Episode 11 & 12

It took me a bit while before watching the last two episode of See You In My 19th Life. I was a bit busy with other dramas particularly Hello, My Twenties, Hidden Love and Well Intended Love. I'm currently re-watching Well Intended Love and it's still as good like it was my first time watching it. Anyways, I have written a blog post about my experience in watching Hello, My Twenties. Make sure to read it first before you proceed with this one.

Read: Hello, My Twenties (Season 1) | Highly Recommended Kdrama

Now, back to the last 2 episodes of See You In My 19th Life. Episode 11, we found out that Seo Ha always had been a good boy from the start and he wasn't the culprit behind killing Ji Eum's big sister in her past life. Cheon Un/Min Ki was the one who used the sword that killed Cho Won from their first life. I honestly thought Ji Eum and Min Ki are past lovers before but seeing this now made me relieved that they weren't. I mean, Cheon Un made me so mad and frustrated with his foolishness. No wonder Ji Eum cursed him to death. lol So the reason why Min Ki finally came back to Ji Eum's life (19th life) is to redeem himself and ask for forgiveness. Throughout his long journey, he understood that he was a jerk and is willing to help out Ji Eum in this life. Therefore, he was adamant for Ji Eum to try and remember who made her experience being reborn and remembering her past lives. 

Episode 12, Ji Eum rushed towards Min Ki because after spending time with the shaman bells, she managed to remember that it was herself the brought a cruel fate upon her. Seriously, that scene at the bridge in their 1st life, wherein Ji Eum curses Cheon Un/Min Ki till her last breath was tear jerking. It definitely tugged my heartstrings. I was trying so hard not to cry because I'm in the office, thankfully it was a success. 

"I will never forget this day. I shall forever remember this rage. Be it hundreds or thousands of years, I shall remember this and be born again. And I will get my revenge no matter what." -Ji Eum

The scene at the bridge in their first life showed how much Seo Ha had always been caring of Ji Eum. It found it bittersweet where both of them died sitting next to each other. Huhu

Okay, back to Ji Eum and Min Ki of the present time. Min Ki told Ji Eum that it takes a carefree heart that's ready to forget everything and four words for her to break the curse/chain of her being reborn again with the memories of her past lives. But of course it's easier said than done because it has a very difficult consequence. Ji Eum had to cut ties with those people from her past, Seo Ha, Cho Won (including Do Yun), Ae Gyeong and her mother. Thankfully, Seo Ha, being the best boy that he is, promised to find Ji Eum and reconnect their lives even if she forgets everything. And it seemed that both Cho Won and Ae Gyeong were willing to do the same for her. 

Aww.. to have people around you who loves you being in their lives again and again.. what a lucky person! 

So in the end, that's what Seo Ha, Ae Gyeong and Cho Won did. And that's what made it a happy ending! It was so cheesy of Seo Ha though, using Ji Eum's techniques in getting what she wants in a relationship. Seo Ha asking Ji Eum on a date during an interview/first meeting and giving an ultimatum of 3 time confessions. Haha! It was so cute!

Ji Eum finally made peace with her past, Min Ki was already forgiven (and hopefully he won't be reborn again remembering the past), Cho Won and Do Yun finally got together, Ae Gyeong survived her sickness and Ji Eum got to meet her mother before she forgot everything. It was all beautiful.

But wait, the four words that was a requirement for Ji Eum to forget everything in her past lives, was it saying bye four times? She said goodbye to Seo Ha, Cho Won, her mother and then Seo Ha again. lol was it that? Let me know if I'm correct or not. lol 

July 24, 2023

Hello, My Twenties (Season 1) | Highly Recommended Kdrama

I watched yet another good drama via Netflix and I am confident enough to add this to my Highly Recommended Kdrama. It's called Hello, My Twenties and was actually released year 2017. I know I'm already late but if really is a good Kdrama then this should be timeless and can be watched anytime we wanted. I seriously loved this drama. I actually finished watching this while I was working in our office. lol My week last week wasn't that busy nor my works were in a rush so I was able to divide my attention into two. kk 

Anyways, I just love the dynamics between the 5 main characters. So much that I am so envious of them. Is it really possible to have such real good friends in real life or this only happens in dramas?! My life is so sad. haha! But seriously, Yoon Jin Myung (Han Ye Ri), Jung Ye Eun (Han Seung Yeon), Song Ji Won (Park Eun Bin), Kang Yi Na (Ryu Hwa Young), Yoo Eun Jae (Park Hye Soo) really made my heart melt. They established a deep connection each of them which was very heartwarming considering that they're all just roommates at the beginning. 

The drama started with Yoo Eun Jae coming to the ladies dorm. She was from the countryside so the fast life in the city and the rough behavior of people became a major shock to her. She bottled up all of her complaints about her housemates deep inside her because she couldn't voice it all out for fearing that her housemates would hate her and would cause a huge complications. Eun Jae felt like she has no home to turn back to so she had no choice but to continue on living with these strangers even if she doesn't want to. Eventually, all her negative thoughts caught up to her and snapped out to her housemates one day. And because of this sudden burst out of emotions, she discovered that her housemates were really good people too. It's just that they all are different kind of person in one household, meaning, it's given that they all have different attitude and behavior. Kang Yi Na explained to her that she needed to tell what's inside her mind because other people cannot read her thoughts at all. In the end, the key is always communication for a better understanding of one another.

This happening at the beginning of the drama really struck me so hard because I could fully relate to her character. I also experienced sharing a room (take note, only a room not a whole house) with several  people, it was an involuntary decision, I seriously had no choice because my new work at that time has this 'stay-in' policy due to Covid-19. My first day with these rude and strange people made me want to just go home quick. But since it's pandemic and desperate for money (lol), I suck it all up and live with it. It was a struggle for me really, because just like Eun Jae, I have this bad habit of thinking of what other people think of me. So it was really hard to voice out the things that I don't want about the attitude and behavior of my roommates. Thankfully, this period in my life is already done, hopefully Covid or another pandemic won't ever come again, because I don't think I'll be able to be back in that kind of set-up everyday. Yes, I managed to survive that more than a year experience with my roommates. Up until now I'm so proud of myself for being able to put up with those crazy shitty people. Nope, they are nowhere near Eun Jae's housemates... my roommates back then were just plain rude! Ugh. I still hate them till now, but guess what? One by one they are all resigning and here I am still on my spot working. Karma is a Btch! 

Anyways, Eun Jae's story really made me tuned in to the drama but I was totally hooked into it when I found out about the other characters. The story of the other characters really made me feel alive again. After some time, I was happy, sad, angry because of all of them. I love them so much and I am pretty sure that their story would melt your heart as well!

This is definitely a highly recommended drama for me. Better check it all out y'all, I promise you won't regret it!

July 20, 2023

Hidden Love | Recommended Chinese Drama | Addicting Teen Love

There's a lot of popular on-going K-dramas right now and mostly are rom-coms. I won't deny that rom-coms are very entertaining and all but it seems like I am not a huge fan of it at all. Somehow, I really am looking for depth in the story/plot which is something that most (not all) rom-coms couldn't provide to me in a long run. You know me, I want to react over something that I'm watching, I want to always talk about my insights and share it with everyone. For romcoms, it seems like my interest isn't for the long run. Like right now, I enjoy King the Land and Heartbeat but it's like a passing time, just a feel good drama for me. Nothing to react about at all. lol So if you observed, I already dropped the two from reacting to it. Same thing happened to me when I watched Crash Course In Romance. I tried sticking to it till the end but I find it a bit dragging and difficult to do so. 

Since I'm not fully invested right now to any on-going Korean drama, I found a substitute! Gosh, I did not expect that I would really like this. It's not a Korean drama but a Chinese drama and it's called Hidden Love starring Zhao Lu Si and Chen Zhe Yuan. I thought that I wouldn't like any Chinese drama because I find their audio dubbing a bit distracting. I've tried watching a drama before but that's just my experience. But this one, Hidden Love, my goodness I think I fell in love with it and that I don't mind this problem at all. The lead actors really has a huge chemistry especially when Sang Zhi (Zhao Lu Si) became an adult. 

There's really nothing extravagant about this drama, Hidden Love, you can predict what's gonna happen next really. But there's just something about the actors that would make you want to watch it till the end. Zhao Lu Si, I honestly thought that she's irritating as fck when she was younger but as the plot shows her progress in becoming an adult it made me really love and in tuned with her feelings. I guess all girls growing up and having this unrequited love would act the same as her. Her first love, her first heartbreak, her whole journey made me love her character so much. I thought that I wouldn't get affected at all with her but damn! When she's crying I found myself crying too! Waaaah! It's like Sang Zhi (Zhao Lu Si)'s pain is also my pain! We suddenly became one, while I was watching her. lol 

Setting aside Sang Zhi character for now, the male lead actor was even a sight to see! Not the most attractive man out there but, goodness gracious I'm so in love with him. His character, Duan Jiaxu,  is the typical handsome man, all smiley like everything's all find but is actually suffering from family struggles. Typical for any dramas out there but her charms and charisma would really make you wanna watch him till the end. Till he and Sang Zhi become a couple! AHHHHH!

There are a lot of side characters that would make you love as well! Sang Zhi's family, especially her brother Sang Yan (Victor Ma), I really love him! His tough love towards his sister Sang Zhi will always be funny but I always find my self teary eyed whenever he's taking care and looking out for Sang Zhi. I love him, really. Aside from him, Sang Zhi's friends are worth watching as well. Damn, almost every character in here are so interesting, there's no waste! But I hate Jiaxu's father's creditor though. lol His a btch!

Aside from the interesting and loveable characters, the plot itself is something that I find so attractive. This is like 25-21 when it comes to age differences. But here, the male lead is actually 5 years older than the female lead and that's what their love so complicated especially when they meet each other as older brother's best friend slash tutor and a high school student. This trope isn't really new but the story telling of this drama would really make you hooked. In fact, I already love it. 

July 18, 2023

Shin Hye Sun Remembers Her Past Hatred Towards Ahn Bo Hyun In See You In My 19th Life Episode 10

Holy shocks! I feel like I now have the gist as to why Ji Eum and the others are being reborn with their past memories and judging by the episode 10, it must be because of vengeance. They cursed their enemies till their death which became so powerful to the point that they carry on this wrath of vengeance till their next lives. The twist was just that, they forget their first life where all this curse begun or came from. Only when they're able to get a closure to this curse will they be able to get reborn without remembering anything in their past life. This sounds pretty decent to me as a concept for this Kdrama. lol 

Ji Eum seems to have a clearer glimpse of her 1st life wherein Seo Ha and herself were caught in a very unsettling situation. It was clearer but the meaning behind it is still vague. And what if they're really just mortal enemies and that this cruel fate was playing with them and made them lovers in this 19th life in order for their wrath to be forgotten? Geez. Can you continue to love the person with all your heart knowing that he/she made you and your family suffer from the past? This is Kdrama so... I'm expecting the unimaginable scenario. kk

I'm a bit disappointed about Seo Ha's mother. I was expecting that she'll serve a very important role that involves the reincarnation thing, like she might help the lead characters to redeem themselves from their mistakes but surprise she was just there to expose her ex-bestfriend's corruptions. But hey, at least Seo Ha and his father seemed to be on good terms now. That smile they shared was a bit awkward for a father and son but I guess that's just how their relationship works with each other. I thought that Seo Ha's father may be a villain but it seems like he's nothing but a workaholic fool. His company is everything to him and that his family comes second only. And for this reason perhaps jumping from one woman to another was quite easy for him, just like what he did to his late wife and his wife's best friend. ew. 

July 16, 2023

Ahn Bo Hyun Accepted Shin Hye Sun And His First Love Are The Same Person In See You In My 19th Life Episode 9

Seems like the people in Ban Ji Eum's first life are already gathered in her 19th life. That's the reason she's beginning to have glimpse of her first life and will open answers as to why she's being reborn with the memories of her past life. Judging by Ji Eum's memories coming back from her 1st life, she, Min Ki, Seo Ha, Cho Won and Do Yun were entangled by their cruel fate. This is a major guess, but I feel like Min Ki is the master of Ji Eum and he's in love with her. This love turned jealousy when Ji Eum fell in love with Seo Ha. But since Seo Ha and Min Ki are from different camp/side/origin, they're enemies. Cho Won died and Min Ki might have told Ji Eum that she got deceived by Seo Ha and was the one who killed Cho Won reason why Ji Eum avenge her. Ji Eum killed Seo Ha but Do Yun might have been there for Seo Ha and killed Ji Eum in return. Hmmmmmm.... what do you think? 

I haven't really read the webtoon but I feel this will likely by the scenario or probably similar to it. I will have to find out in the next episode. 

Now that Seo Ha accepted Ji Eum's confession of her being Ju Won, with matching proofs here and there, things got a little better on his side. He managed to convince his uncle to turn himself to the police and confess his crime from the past. Seo Ha got a little character development and became more cheerful finally. I honestly am rooting to find more diversity to Seo Ha's character. For the past episodes, all we ever saw was this melancholic Seo Ha, which I understand why he's like that but I find his character way too bland. He's just a boring guy. If I were to compare him with other chaebol heir with traumatic experiences, his character would be at the last spot on being interesting character. Sorry not sorry. You know what? I'll say the same for Do Yun's character, just minus the part that he's on a different social class. 

Anyways, the tension will begin already in the next episode and we'll find out the truth about the ill fate of all these important characters. 

July 13, 2023

This Is What Made Me Enjoy Lies Hidden In My Garden | Reaction

I still couldn't move on yet from Lies Hidden in My Garden because it gave me visualizations on some of my darkest imaginations. I really have a weird kind of thinking that sometimes bother me whether am I the only one thinking about it or there's a lot of us on this planet. haha! Let me share what I'm referring to. 

1. Joo Ran's situation of depending on anyone but herself. For someone who sometimes is indecisive with my decisions in life, I actually am kind of relating to Joo Ran's situation. To the point that I'm having goosebumps how similar she is to me and how it answers my question of 'what if I lose myself because of over depending on others later on?' Joo Ran showed me how frustrating it can be to become like her. I do find my similarity towards Joo Ran but not as severe as her yet. Thank goodness I'm awakened quickly from this lack of self esteem and trust, so this seriously inspired me to actually become a better version of me. LOL 

2. Hae Soo confessed that she didn't kill her husband but she stayed with his corpse because she could not accept that her husband died. And so she kept her husband's corpse until the foul odor of it was already smelled by her neighbors. Only then, the police found out about her dead husband.

I know this is crazy  but I actually have this kind of scenario in my head. Not exactly the same but just similar. The question of what would happen to someone if they don't burry the corpse of their loved one? Just continue on living with it like nothing happened? I know it's gross but yeah, this drama showed me exactly what might happen. Haha! Creepy, Ikr! 

All these crazy things going inside my head and thanks to this drama I get to visualize what could have been. kkk No, readers, don't get scared to me. 

Aside from the 2 points that made me like this drama, I also love the actors and actresses involved here. I think they did an excellent job portraying each of their characters. Although this ain't a 10 out of 10 drama as it indeed have flaws and vague direction of answering details like (who killed Joo Ran's sister, was it just suicide in the end? I think this is what a lot of viewers are so confused about. And for me, why does Jae Ho make Sung Jae drink milk when he's allergic to it? lol).

Anyways, what about you? What made you stick with this drama till the end? I saw a lot of viewers not sticking with it till the end because they find it boring. Well, we all have different preferences so I don't judge them but for me, I really enjoyed and loved it. 

July 12, 2023

Lies Hidden In My Garden Ends With Kim Tae Hee And Lim Ji Yeon Living Their Own Lives Happily | Recommended Kdrama

Lies Hidden In My Garden finally ended with Joo Ran finally owning responsibility of her own life and decisions. Up until the very end, I wasn't sure what exactly was running through her head when she was executing the plan with Sang Eun against her husband because obviously, she too, was still confused on what she should really do. She was basically trying to figure out things while on the spot, whether she should help out her husband or stick to the original plan with Sang Eun? 

When Joo Ran asked the question as to why he killed Soo Min, it felt like she was trying to find a justification to the decision she was already inclining to which is going to the original plan with Sang Eun. She wanted affirmation that she's doing the right thing because she couldn't decide fully on her own. She doesn't trust herself yet. So when Jae Ho finally showed his true colors in front of Joo Ran, she finally stood for herself, probably out of fear for her life that made up her mind. In the end, she pushed her husband down the stairs when an opportunity came. 

If I'm being honest, I hate Joo Ran throughout the series. I really understand the frustrations coming from the viewers commenting on my posts in our FB page. I find it really funny but this ending episode made me realize and remember that... Joo Ran is really not mentally stable. Her final statement as the defendant in court made me more understanding of her kind:

Joo Ran's final statement as the defendant:

"I lived in a house with a garden. It was a house with a garden that looked big, well-maintained and green from the outside. But even before the stench began to come from the backyard, I was living in fear that others might see my anxiety. I just hoped that they saw me as a woman living in a house in the highest place and with the biggest garden. During that time, in our backyard, a girl was murdered by my husband and my young son even after witnessing it had to keep his silence and endure his agony for his weak mother. If I had seen who my husband really was a bit sooner, if I had been able to convince my husband sooner, if I had been living my life on my own instead of relying on someone to protect me, maybe things could've been different. That's what I regret. 

Also it took too long for me to realize what Id protect was not my family but my anxiety. I've been wanting to escape so badly. I deeply regret it."

Joo Ran had been suffering in anxiety for a very long time to which she succumbed on relying to others to ease her mind from whether she's doing the right thing or not. She puts her trust on others because that's what made her mind at peace. And that's what made her so dependent on everyone around her, specifically on her sister, reason why she got totally lost in her life when her sister died. She has no one to rely on when her sister died, their mother seemed unreliable so that's probably why Joo Ran's mental health worsen. That's when Park Jae Ho took advantage of the situation and entered the scene, proposing to Joo Ran and offering her to be her sole guardian now that her sister is gone. Proposal while holding a funeral? That's when you should know that the guy has some hidden agenda. A very wicked one. Turns out that Park Jae Ho is a psycho that's looking for a woman that couldn't decide for herself. Someone that has strong dependence on something in order to live. That's Joo Ran for Jae Ho.

Joo Ran living and relying on Jae Ho throughout their marriage, Joo Ran lost herself and became weaker as a human being. For someone living with her, witnessing her fragile state, I'd definitely get annoyed with her and might resent her. I fully understood where Sung Jae was coming from now when he exploded during his dinner with Joo Ran. Exclaiming that she was too weak. 

Thankfully, Joo Ran met Sang Eun. Sang Eun showed her how to make big decisions in order for her to live. That big decision though that I'm referring to was killing her own husband. Joo Ran asked her before executing their plans together against Jae Ho whether she regretted that decision and Sang Eun said yes she regretted it but she saw it as to saving 2 people, herself and the baby. She was looking at the positive side despite the dark crime she did. That talk was definitely an eye opening for Joo Ran in taking a big leap towards taking responsibility of her life. 

In the end, she decided to be responsible of her actions. Taking punishment in killing her husband, in protecting Sung Jae and the friend that inspired her, Sang Eun, with her testaments. Decisions after decisions, Joo Ran no longer cared about regrets because at the end of the day, it was her who decided things for herself. And that's the beauty of living your own life, being able to direct your own life to the path where you wanted to take. At this point, she no longer wanted to be a prisoner of her mind and her husband, she wanted to be herself and that's enough to continue on living even with lots of regrets. 

I honestly am very happy with this ending. Joo Ran made a decision to live her for herself but after she comes clean of her crime while Sang Eun chose to burry her dark secrets in the past and continue on living for her child. One decides to live morally clean while the other didn't. They're the opposite personality wise, but they both impacted each other's life. And I am glad, that despite them not hanging out personally, in their mind they still think about each other as they moved forward. Their relationship? According to Sang Eun's response to the visitation paper, they're friends and I love it for them! I'm happy that they found the will to live now that they're free from their cruel husbands. Yay!

Should I recommend this drama? Definitely! I enjoyed it very much!  

July 11, 2023

Taecyeon Successfully Warmed Up To Won Jin An's Heart In Heartbeat Episode 5

For someone who had lived their life fighting alone, I could fully understand In Hae's emotions. Just looking at her, I already know that she's a woman toughened through time. She had no choice but to keep on moving, running like a hamster on wheels. Life would literally stop for her if she stayed still and that's something she cannot do. But that's the problem as well, even she herself said it. That despite spending time working hard, it seems like nothing in her life is progressing. And that everything went down the drain. That's one of the downside of just 'working hard'. There has something to change. 

Dating is a luxury for In Hae as what she told Woo Hyeol who asked why In Hae hadn't experienced her heart beating in love. She may looked like possessing a hardened heart for surviving alone in this world but she actually has the most fragile one. Any small act of kindness and compassion thrown at her, In Hae would definitely swayed and melted. Just look at how she was taken aback by Woo Hyeol's words and action which she received after revealing her life struggles? Woo Hyeol told her that she's admirable and that he's proud of her with a gentle pat on her head. In Hae's heart instantly got swooned and that's how this chain of kindness continue on to another. She was moved by it and felt good that's why she wanted someone else to experience it. And that's what she did as she said those touching words to her student/patient before she left the school. Seriously, if Woo Hyeol continue on taking care of In Hae, she would definitely fall in love with him. 

But there is a problem. It seemed like In Hae has some 'secret crush' on Do Sik and vice versa. Woo Hyeol might actually have a hard time taking the lead in In Hae's heart but I'm pretty sure he'll win in the end. kkkk 

Kim Tae Hee Deceives Lim Ji Yeon In Lies Hidden In My Garden Episode 7

Holy fudge! This episode was so intense! All this while I was over the edge of my seat, thinking about whether Joo Ran and Sang Eun's plans to dispose Jae Ho would succeed. But then boom, the ending scene happened where Joo Ran betrayed Sang Eun at the last minute and Jae Ho took over. 

It's true that I was fully indulged in Sang Eun and Joo Ran teaming up but I couldn't help but think thoroughly Joo Ran's sudden determination and alarming decision to eliminate her husband. After having confrontation with Sung Jae from the previous episode, it's true that it's not surprising that Joo Ran would come up with that decision, however, it's still strange wherever I look into it. Strange in a way that her plans with Sang Eun were going smoothly. Knowing Jae Ho, a person who knows everything that's happening inside his household, for him to not notice Joo Ran's sudden change of demeanor would definitely look so strange. Don't you think so?

Throughout Sang Eun's plans and Joo Ran agreeing to everything, I didn't doubted their team for a little while until 'd-day' came. When Joo Ran was making that smoothie I suddenly thought of the golden question of "what if Joo Ran was faking it and that she's actually protecting her 'family' here? Would that mean, Jae Ho knew everything and this is their way to corner Sang Eun to their house to finally put her into silence?" I had goosebumps and then Joo Ran went out to fetch Sang Eun outside. Joo Ran's emotions were showing and Sang Eun thought of it as her guilt for trying to deliver their evil plans, but little did she know... it was her guilt towards her. She was deceiving her from the start! OMG!

Now I feel so bad for Sang Eun. The scene where her mother was letting Sang Eun go, to live her life on her own, made me so sad. The mother knew everything that's happening inside their family and even though she may look mentally sick, she's actually just stating facts of what she had seen. She also saw how Sang Eun was suffering because of their so-called family and even though it was hard for her as a mother, she's letting her daughter go. Which Sang Eun took this chance with a heavy heart. Augh. I'm always a sucker to mother-daughter/son sad scenes like this. *crying 

In the end, Sang Eun chose to live her life only to be deceived and killed by the Park family. Life is cruel indeed. 

But wait! Have you seen the preview for the next and last episode of the series? Jae Ho was trying to kill Joo Ran! I think what we're seeing in today's episode ain't the full picture yet. Anyways, whatever it is, it's obvious that Jae Ho decided to only save his own life here. He'll abandon his family who knew about his secrets. Geez, if this became the case then he's a total psycho for making us believe that he's doing all of this to save their family. Wah! What can we expect from a criminal like him?

July 10, 2023

Yoona And Jun Ho Shared A Passionate Kiss In King the Land Episodes 7 & 8

We are already halfway through the series and so I'm happy that aside from the progress Gu Won made with his relationship with Sa Rang, Gu Won also found himself an ambition. Before, Gu Won was like a happy-go-lucky kind of person and doesn't really care about family business but after he met Sa Rang, this attitude changed. Also, typical for a chaebol character, Gu Won was able to meet the real world because of Sa Rang. He managed to experience and eat a lot of things that a commoner or simple citizen go through. Finally he's a full pledged human being on planet earth. It was indeed a good point in his life that he met someone like Sa Rang. 

That kissing scene though, is something we should talk about. I think they managed to finish a song before the ending credits and ads rolled/popped out. lol Kissing in the rain, who wants that anymore? We're gonna aim that kissing in the sprinkler scenario! kkk 

Other thing that I won't get tired saying every reaction posts I'll publish here is the fact that I envy Sa Rang's friendship. I mean, anyone who has those kinds of friends will never be alone... I assume? Their friendship didn't end when their youth was gone. Actually, all three of them feels like they're forever young with how much they enjoy each other and have some fun whenever all 3 of them are together. Despite the hardships of being a working adult, they still make time to get together. Da Eul for example. She already has a family of her own, managing a work and a household but never forget to visit her two friends to hang out with them. Ain't that a beautiful friendship? huhu 

Speaking of Da Eul, Da Eul's husband is lazy AF! This is one of the reasons why I don't want to get married. Being stuck with an asshole and a lazy bum. Geez, I just really wish that the person I will marry will be the one that I will cherish forever and not regret in the end. Please God, I beg you. 

Shin Hye Sun Revealed A Secret That Shocks Ahn Bo Hyun Immensely In See You In My 19th Life Episodes 7 & 8

This is crazy! Ji Eum finally confessed to Seo Ha that she was Ju Won!! Seo Ha got guilty that it was a relative of his that's behind the death of many people. Cho Won and her family grieved so much for Ju Won, Do Yun and his brother suffered at the loss of their father as well. Knowing all of this, Seo Ha couldn't help but blame himself instead and that's what made Ji Eum finally decide to reveal the truth about her being Ju Won in order to alleviate Seo Ha's guilt and continue on with his life. 

I honestly do not know what to feel about it. At the early episodes of this drama, I've been excited about Ji Eum confessing the truth to Seo Ha but now that we know that there's a negative consequence by doing it, I feel like I no longer wanted it. Just look at Ae gyeong currently suffering right now. I can't take the fact that the same fate would also happen to Cho Won and now Seo Ha. Min Ki is already like a CCTV around them, killing the happy vibe and I feel like he's responsible in correcting Ji Eum's fate. 
Speaking of Min Ki, he's also the same as Ji Eum! Being reincarnated over and over again and remembering the past. Min Ki said that in order for Ji Eum to find out why this is happening to her, she must find the people from her 1st life to get an answer. And it so happened that Min Ki and Seo Ha was part of Ji Eum's first life!!! But what exactly is their relation to her?
This trope reminds me so much of Goblin. It feels like they've done a sinful deed from the past that fate is punishing them depriving them of happy ending. Waaah! 

I seriously haven't read the webtoon but I am so right about the short haired girl being Seo Ha's mother. The question is... what will be her role in coming back to Seo Ha's life and reconnecting with Ji Eum/Ju Won?

The thing that I don't understand yet though is why Seo Ha's father doesn't want Seo Ha to find out the culprit behind the car crash. Why is he protecting his brother? Was it just about saving the family from embarrassment or there's more into it?! 

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