November 5, 2011

Thinking Of You: MATT DALLAS

HAHAHA! how's the title?? XD <3

I just watched this music video last week, and forgot to update the blog. :))
just wanted to share that it was my first time to watch this music video, yeah IM OUTDATED!! lol! But I swear I liked the song but never tried to watch the music video wholly. The song is thinking of you by Katy Perry. And know what? I LOVED IT!!! SOOO MUCH!! and the music video is really good. you can feel the emotion from the characters as well as through the lyrics. :))
plus!! MATT DALLAS is a WIN!!!! <3 <3 I was totally fallen in love with him.. :))
I searched some details about him.. and found some issues about him being gay?? nuh-uh! I dont think soo.. I dont believe it :P
Yup! It's an issue and totally a rumor.. but that fact is it isnt true.. based on my readings from some articles. haha

it's already 2011 and soon to be 2012.. and this MUSIC VIDEO was out at about 2008. HAHA! Proves that I dont watch nor interested with western music at all.. Well maybe I was in to them but not as much I do for J-rock scandal.. you know.. hmm... sad life?? LOL! or maybe I'm not interested with Katy Perry's music videos at that time since in contains a not so child preference :))) oh yeah I'm matured now HAHAHA! LOL!

Matt Dallas is Katy's 1st love on the video, the one in army suit.. you guys should've known that already with those pics given above.. Isnt he lovely?? *heart*

1 comment:

  1. ,.,,gonna keep following ur blog kei,.,!!! enx


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