November 7, 2011

Hunter X Hunter: Kuroro, Kurapika

ehe! Yeah been addicted to Hunter X Hunter again. uwiii I love Kurapika, he's smart and cool.. although he lacked in manliness, I still am in love with this guy. *heart*

I love Kuroro too tho,, this is war.. Kurapika versus Kuroro! A never ending fight.. now they have to fight over me! LOLOL! XD just kidding..

oh well.. Kuroro is sooooooo for me, He reminded me of Yagami Light (which is my husband) XD they are talented, smart, powerful and soooo EVIL! HAHA! I'm not pro-evil here okay? I just like bad guys! <3 hahaha!

Why dont we jut combine them together?? haha
okay! FAIL! Let my just have them two! <3 <3 haha!

There, just wanted to share some thoughts runnin' over my crazy head XD
Classes will begin tomorrow.. and I'm not happy about it!! Nuh-uh! haha
Have a great day everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of combining this two. Sugoi!!! Kurapica Looked more Amazing in Kororo's outfit!!!

    Kororo is so Handsome but I'm Team Kurapica forever!!! <3


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