November 2, 2011


erm,,, since  I've posted it on the late blog and the blog's gone, I think I need to put this up once again.. but this time will be picking a quite more good angle of pictures representing their  uniforms/outfits. Hopefully people will realize how special these uniforms are when it comes to their career.. knowing and recognizing them not only because of their talents of playing band instruments nor their beautiful voices but also because of their signature outfits or school uniforms.. In this entry I will only show their "SCHOOL UNIFORM" concept.. so BABY ACTION wont be on the line.. it'll be on another part or so..

So then let's begin this article.. I'll be giving my own thoughts and give you guys hints on my favorite uniforms of them.. Make sure to leave comments on what you think about their uniforms and do tell me about which one's your favorite among the rest ;)

NOTE: Everything's arranged chronologically.. If found any mistakes please do inform.. but I'm sure they are accurate since I have SCANDAL SOURCEs my own <3

Let's start with their indie uniform which was used about the year of 2008 wherein they got signed up with a few Record Labels such Kitty and Tower Records then later got signed with EPIC RECORDS JAPAN which marked their debut release of DOLL.
well, supposedly this was the 1st look of their uniforms.. which evolves into a much nicer ones which are shown with these ones below. 

Used on their PV's and promotions of Space Ranger, Koi Moyou, Kagerou and ended till DOLL period.

Still a product from their 2008 uniform, this time it's a bit more stylish and all..These uniforms were used in the promotions and pv of SAKURA GOODBYE

From the same year 2009, as they released their single Shoujo S these uniforms were used which got out from their old concept of black long sleeves uniforms.

October of 2009, Scandal released their single of Yumemiru Tsubasa which marked with 2 different uniforms
Both of the uniforms were used on the promotion of the said single. This blue one here was also used from the PV unlike the other black These blue uniforms were also used on the BEST SCANDAL in one of the album's covers.

These black version of the said uniforms, other than the promotions, were also used on their release of their 1ST MAJOR ALBUM, BEST SCANDAL. These uniforms were also used on their 1st Live Tour entitled Best Scandal, Best x-mas 2009, and more.
^wow they got back from their black uniforms again, with another style of it. haha

ohhh.. wait within the single of Yumemiru Tsubasa is where we also heard Beauteen, also have it's very own uniform.. there are also 2 different version of it. the black and white

here's the white version

here's the black version :)


erm.. so 2010.. Shunkan Sentimental would be the 1st one in here. What can I say.. one of the best uniform for me, and I love how they used these uniforms on their rocking performances. love it!! ;)

uniforms first seen at La Cittadella live covering Secret Base, next seen on temptation box photobook. 

these uniforms were used on ANIMAX MUSIX SPRING 2010, I call these uniforms to be "secret base uniforms" although it's a BLACK one.

here's the blue version.. which always call the "secret base" uniform. LOL! Coz it really did gave a lot of impact to me when they used these uniforms on the PV.

and so after shunkan they released their single Taiyou to Kimi Ga Egaku Story, which were also for the theme of SUMMER. This song marked by 2 different uniforms/outfits. The 1st one which we also see from the pv, or similar to them were these ones. The showy belly costumes haha! Coz well.. that was summer right? and they need to cope up with their own concept of a beach party or somethin'

and this one below is the other uniform yet still used from the promotions of Taiyou to Kimi ga Egaku Story. 

The next single that came out was Namida No Regret which this song sets the first attempt of SCANDAL to do ballads.. and I say they nailed it! wohoo.. These uniforms were one of my favorite uniforms of SCANDAL. I think they really fit and they looked like pure as angels when they are on those uniforms. haha.Actually there were 3 uniforms that were used for the promotion of Namida no regret.. aside from the original one which was the 1 one here below.. there were 2 more. 

 this one below were also used in cover of their Namida no Regret single, but it was stylized into another level to make it more beautiful and be used to the promotions..
  this uniform above evolved to something like this. (see picture below)
(the princess are coming on your way, let the red carpet roll!! haha)

Those uniforms were also used for the promotion of Loups Garous anime as well as Hangame

After the release of Namida no Regret single, they released their 2nd MAJOR ALBUM which was Temptation box.
at the era of temptation box we've seen these uniforms on their temptation box photobook
^partnered with a vest later on. haha love how creative they are XD you'll see that later on.

under temptation box, they had several guestings, lives, concerts and all and they've used these uniforms.
including to their concerts were their major one.. Tempation Box Zepp Tokyo tour, lives and gigs on music cube, as well as for ANIMAX MUSIX FALL etc.

^those vests were used a couple of times and have been paired with 2 more uniforms. I know you'll notice them! ;)

later they released their single Nanka Buttobase which they used these uniforms.

these uniforms were used for AFA X event on Singapore.

and so after this, they released their MINI ALBUM R-GIRL'S ROCK which marked with the following outfits/costumes.
these uniforms were 1st seen on the promotion of Loups Garous but standout to the public on the promotion of R-grils Rock.

for November's Halloween event here's Scandal's uniforms :)

uniforms used at their LIVE  entitled QUATTRO MIRAGE VOL. 1
^this was the event wherein Haruna raised the "NO MUSIC NO LIFE" banner <3

this costume here was also used from R-GIRL's ROCK period till the promotion of Pride Single (which was till the early 2011) as they do lives.

here's BEST XMAS 2 celebratiooooon uniforms

and when they take off their front dresses here's what they looked like:

BEFORE ending 2010, here are the uniforms they used at109 Men's Celebration


the pictures for PRIDE single came out late 2010.. but the single came out at the year 2011.. February 9, 2011 to be exact. 

since PRIDE single came out with CUTE song, I'd rather say that this uniform below still is part of PRIDE uniforms. :)

I think we've seen these uniforms from Girls Festival and Loup Garou Talk and Live. :)

next to PRide was Haruka which was released at about April 2011.
the uniform used was this one below

after Haruka we got LOVE SURVIVE.. which is the last one for this blog entry.. coz they are the ones before BABY ACTION.
Uniforms used were these ones..

and before we got to see their single, we've seen them doing lives or concerts with these uniforms.. so i'm putting these uniforms with the LOVE SURVIVE era. :) And yeah there are 2 versions for this.. the black and white.. I just noticed that occasionally they like having versions of white and black for their uniforms... I ask myself.. why NOT GREEN? BLUE versions? XD

LS lives/concerts uniforms BLACK

LS lives/concerts uniforms WHITE

^those uniforms we've seen them from AM2 till their ASIAN tour.

as I've said before, BABY ACTION uniform will not be posted in this blog entry.. you'll find it maybe the other part of this ;) SOON!

AHMMM... So yeah.. my TOP 3 favorite UNIFORMS are:
TOP 1: Shunkan Sentimental
TOP2: Namida no Regret (the one they used in PV)
TOP 3: Namida no regret!! HAH LOL! wait ahm.. what else?? hmmm.. okay i'll pick PRIDE uniforms. why? idk :))

How about you?? what's your TOP 3? FAVORITE UNIFORMS/OUTFITS of SCANDAL so far? (BABY ACTION NOT INCLUDED!!!!)

I still am clueless on what kinds of outfits they are going to have in the future.. I just hope that they are still cute as their school uniforms.. haha oh well.. Let's just support them on their way. <3

To show your appreciation for this blog entry .. Please do share this article to every Scandal Fans out there ;)
and yeah FOLLOW/JOIN THIS SITE for more updates to come!!
Hope everyone will give credits if photos seen are used. thanks for reading!



  1. LS Live Concert. They reminds me of SUPER SENTAI...But the red one should be Haruna :p

  2. Which part of Baby Action outfits suits the definition of uniform except for the common black color and Dr Martens footwear? I may add that you missed the stripe shirt/ black vest version they had on Curedoll Magazine Vol 1, in which they also wore the Shukan outfit. Great article though. I like the Shukan the best because they're stylish and each had a design of its own. The red jackets really rock. Haruka outfits are nice too, but Haruna's neckwear and plastic accessory on others pretty much ruin them.

  3. Nice! All uniforms, it is hard to choose the top3.
    1. LS lives/concerts uniforms BLACK
    - I don't know why, but I like this outfit from the first time I saw it . It is cute and cool, simply but awesome.
    2. Shunkan Sentimental
    - They really rock in the PV, and the outfit suits them, great combination.
    3. Namida no Regret (PV version)
    - Like kei said, they are like angels, and the song fits to the outfit. An emotional, beautiful song and SCANDAL in angel outfit ... But even whitout the song, the outfit suits them.

    Well this is my top3. But I also Beauteen (white and black)...

    Hope this wasn't too boring, and if you have some free time, you can watch my
    Scandal 5 year special fan video on youtube ...
    Thank you and sorry kei, I hope you are not angry, that I spread my video here.

  4. :) Awesome! Scandal is the number one female band!!! keep it up! good work galsss :)

  5. nice all uniforms are far more awesome
    1. LS lives/concert uniforms black
    - Because it is cool to their image making them more beautiful and lovely rock and roll band
    2. Nanka buttobase uniforms
    - because it reminds me of my memories of being cool and rock & roll kid
    3.LS lives/concert white
    -because it is also cool like the black but it gives more of their girly gender

    This is my top 3

  6. Wow, you did research on this! Good job :D
    My top 3:
    1. Pride uniforms
    - I love black and white color combination plus their blazers have studs on it. I really like the simplicity
    2. I know you said Cute uniforms fall under Pride but let me fangirl on this specific uniform
    - Love navy blue with red. It has a polished feel to it. Plus the hats! I dunno how to describe it but everything's coordinated
    3. Haruka uniforms
    - THIS. I couldn't take my eyes away when I saw the PV. The uniforms are soft to the eyes but because they paired it white DMs' the overall look was edgy yet feminine.
    I also liked their sakura goodbye uniforms because it's black with minimal white


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