June 2, 2013

Preparations for Maeda Atsuko's 22nd Brithday

Since I love Maeda Atsuko very much, I've decided to prepare something big for her birthday. I know some of you might think that it's still so fucking early  for that but you know, I'm a busy person and time flies by so fast when I'm working. So in order to do not let her special day pass by like any ordinary days, I'm preparing in a much earlier time.

So here are my plans... I hope some of you who are interested will participate to answer some questions and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Plan #1: Party!

Of course like any other birthday celebration, a food preparation for that will be granted. I shall be making my own party here at my house and well, I'll try to post it on my blog as well. That's for July 10 exactly. If you want to celebrate it with me then that's fine.. let's meet! :))) But heck that's a working day, maybe at night? XD

Plan #2: Gifts!
What exactly are the best gifts for her? Tweet her a hundred times saying Happy Birthday? lol that's a fcking crap. I still am thinking about it to be honest so I'm gonna leave this as 'not available' yet :)))

Plan #3: Fanfics!

Since I'm into writing stories and shits, I'm going to post 10 fanfics as a countdown for her birthday. :) I'll start posting by July 1 till the grand celebration which is July 10! =) I still got a full month in writing those, they could be an update to my on-going fanfics or NEW ones. So far I can see they'll be OS if not updates for contract, hold my heart forever, and reasons.

So to those who are atsumina shippers out there, make sure to look forward to it. Spread the news and well let's all party together. www

QUESTION 1: If I'm going to ask you all, what's your favorite AKB song that you feel like somewhat fitted to Atsumina's story? What is it?

Comment below and whichever gains several votes for it then I'll take it and write something about it.

QUESTION 2: Aside from Atsumina whoelse do you want to pair with Atsuko? (This should be fun). www

Also here's the golden rule for these fanfics. If ever Atsuko announced she has a boyfriend (not Minami or Yuko) within the timeframe, I will void every fanfics and maybe sulk in the corner and shred everything into pieces. wwww just kidding, but wait I might be serious D; LOL

Please be reminded that these fanfics will be posted here and only here. Maybe a few preview paragraphs somewhere but the whole story shall be read in here. Thanks =) 


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  1. Couples aside from the forever legendary Atsumina that I want to see: Atsuko + 1st gen members namely Mariko, Nyannyan, Miichan, and Tomochin. And if Atsuko announces that she has a boyfriend, you should be happy for her as she has found her true happiness even if that person isn't Takamina.

    1. Ofc I'll be happy for her, what makes her happy will make me happy too. But in this case I guess that will be on a later part. www because I need to grieve first lol

      Thanks for your answers.

    2. lol yeah as long as she's happy then everything is fine, but then why grieve? Okay okay I understand any man who's lucky enough to be with Atsuko will have to face the wrath from her fans first lol. Let's see an AKB's song that I feel fitted to Atsumina, honestly there's a lot, let's see.. how about dakishimeraretara, I don' know if that fits Atsumina or not I just like the lyrics.

  2. Hmm.. If Acchan founds her love... it will a total shock to me. but I'm happy for her and pray her the best for her. I hope the man can protect her and endures many hateful comment from her wotas... hahhahaha..

    Akb Songs... maybe Sakura no kini narou or migikata or flower? I'm into mellow songs recently hahaha.. and about the pairing... I still vote for Atsumina (everyday atsumina, hohohoho :D) but if you insist... atsutomo kinda rare to find, you should make one someday. :)

    When you gonna update your OS Reason and Contract? Gosh.. your fanfics is like coffee to me.. so addictive.. hahahaha XD

    I'm going to send flower to Ohta Pro for Acchan's Birthday. Many japan florist and gift available for English customer. how about send her something too? cakes, chocolate, push toys, and wine also available (according to some web i saw in Google). I'm still at Japan during my business trip when Acchan celebrates her birthday, i hope i can meet her.., coincidentally.. hahahaha..

    P.S: I met Harugon at JKT48 Handshake Event and I asked her about Acchan. She answer me with a big smile, "Acchan is fine :D. Thank you for asking!" (she answer me in Bahasa Indonesia, I found it very cute.. hahaha) and then the bodyguard drag me out before I can reply her.. -_-" hahahaha... I glad she's fine ^^.

    I'm looking forward for your next project~ ^^b


    1. Hi Nao-san! Finally I'll be able to reply to you. lol

      Yeah whoever man that Acchan will pick will surely have to stay strong on wota's rants. www (pls let it be 'takaman)

      Those songs are really great (migikata & flower seemed to be overused in a fanfic already don't you think? but if ever I'll use them again I'll make something different)

      Updates for my other on-going fanfics shall be part of this own project of mine. I wonder how many chapters will they get tho. Just 10 fanfics and I'm done

      As for the present for Atsuko. Wow you're in Japan at that moment? Lucky you! I wish you'll be able to see her. Send her my heart.. lol I mean best wishes www <3333

    2. If it's Takaboy I don't think the wotas will rant because it's a given lol.

  3. kei i saw your post in facebook!
    Pls send me a copy of your fic contract ang hold my heart forever
    I really appreciate it!
    Thank you so much :)

  4. hi kei nice to see that theres a blog like this, me too i love acchan so much, she is the reason im such a fandom of akb48. Kei from where are you? it seems where both the same place xD. Acchan honto ni daisuki desu..otanjoubi omedetogozaimasu


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