June 9, 2013

AKB48's 32nd Single Senbatsu Election (5th SSK)

Okay.. There were quite a lot of surprises this election gave us, don't you think? There are also quite a lot of expectations from the fans/wotas which a few of them ended up being disappointed. (including me?ww) But what's done is done, so all we can do is just react over things and share our opinion towards that event and then accept later on. (vise versa www)

Witnessing  the election through live stream was already enough for me to observe small and big things at the same time. I just wanted to elaborate and share my opinion over things that had happened. A few things that I find very essential to me. So let me start this.

1st: I would start now with Miichan who ranked 18th now from 14th last year. It was actually expected for her to drop her ranking all because of the stir she got involved with. But to be honest, I am glad that people didn't fully detest or abandon the kid. Besides, I think the over-reacting fans could've been the just the ones that lost their trust to her. (those silly bunch of people)

From Miichan's speech:
“Just as my hair has grown out a little, I too have grown a little. Thank you for not deserting me.” — Miichan (via cyanically)

Congratulations Miichan! Keep moving forward!!

2nd: Tomochin drop in ranking. This is already obvious for me I guess. For her to have joined the elections despite announcing she'll graduate sooner or later, what exactly she was expecting on the results? We all knew that there are quite a lot of sensitive wotas out there. They might have been very disappointed with her graduation announcement and lost their spirit in voting for her. Who knows?

Her speech was very honest and a few of the statements are forward as well, which I was not really expecting. She was very disappointed I can really feel though and I feel the same. :( tomochin *criesssss T_T

From Tomochin's speech:
“Frankly, I really hate the Sousenkyo.” (via cyanically)

3rd: To the the courageous woman who announced to stick with SNH48 fully, cheers to Sae! Now that one I think is a big slap for Aki-p who's actually making the members confused to which group they really belong. Though it was a very good decision from Aki-p to have put her on SNH since she got a higher rank this year with 10th spot. Congratulations Sae!

4th: One of a few things I've been looking forward to. Takahashi Minami's rank to this year's election. My reaction when she was called at 8th spot after Kojiharu? Slight disappointed but I'm happy with the improvements remembering how she ranked at the preliminary results.

Congratulations Takamina! I'm sooo happy for you.

5th: The most shocking and heart-stopping moment for me. Mariko-sama's graduation announcement. :(
The time when Takamina broke down in crying, I already foresee what Mariko-sama's going to announce as her speech progresses. It was unbearable that to be honest, I broke into tears. It was really really heartbreaking especially when one of the MCs asked Takamina's opinion/comment on Mariko's announcement. Takamina kept of saying 寂しい word, which she honestly said that she'll be really sad without Mariko now on the team.

Everyone in AKB48 and its sister groups has different importance in the success and character of the group. Mariko-sama's existence in AKB48 was really unique and will be really missed. The motherly/sister advice, care and affection to her co-members, it'll be all missed. AKB's very own paparazzi and QUEEN of trolls, it'll all forever be Mariko. It's saddening that the group has yet lost another limb. A very significant and unique one.

Mariko, you made me really cry hard for you. :(((( I love you forever and will support you. I'm not really against this graduation announcement of hers but I still cannot hide my aching heart for this matter. Imagining the group without her is so sad! Especially knowing that Takamina's probably relying on her at times of difficulty on her GM job. Takamina might have been very open to her co-1st gen when it comes to loneliness, and if that speculation of mine is true, then I'm gonna cry yet another river! UWAAAAA :((

Come to think of it, only NO3B's left on the 1st gen!!!

Jurina,Nyan nyan, Takamina, Miichan and other's crying face for Mariko-sama's announcement... I will never forget. :(


6th: Lastly, the results. Who would've imagine everything went funny. From dramatic atmosphere on Mariko to this remarkable happening. Sashihara is the new CENTER!

The preliminary result was already a hint on how powerful Sashi wotas are. It was a sign, a message to all fans of Yuko, Mayuyu who are all candidates for the center spot. To be honest the most fit for a center position now is Mayuyu, (knowing that Yuko might graduate sooner or later) so when she was called at the third spot I was really shocked. So much like when Yuko and Sashi themselves reacted on it. haha. That was funny by the way. I already knew who'll win as the MC called the 3rd person. Mayu :'(

It is a confession, I like Yuko so much. I have a huge respect on her. And being 2nd, I find it very offensive. Yuko is such a huge person in comparison to the others. She's been through a lot for always being overshadowed. Although I admit I also laughed at the the final results, and even though Yuko's smiling. I kinda feel deep down there's still a wonder of whether "what did get wrong?". Who knows.

Also there was a scene when the MC was about to call now the 2nd person, we all saw Yuko praying. But what was she praying for? Of course the obvious fact there is to WIN. or was there another reason? the opposite?

Knowing that Yuko has a huge opportunity awaiting outside AKB, she's still not graduating. Seemed like she still haven't fulfilled her purpose in the group? Could it be that?

Everyone deserves a good position, they are all working hard. It's up to them now how they'll be able to accept things and move forward. Though despite the results, I might say I really enjoyed this election this year. It was full of surprises. Congratulations to all.. Sashihara, although you don't have that center aura www I congratulate you sincerely. www


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