December 2, 2011

Reminiscing a Love Story

It's really funny how I ended up watching Love story of Android 18 and Krillin on youtube. LOL! freaking funny but I would say I was really a supporter for this couple when I was a kid,. How cute XD 
I love how android 18 loved Krillin no matter weak the guy is.. weak and SHORT! haha! I was really wondering how their relationship worked until now XDDD (everlasting love? LOOOL) anyways love is really blind and full of mystery. =)

Though just like I said I love this couple from DB, they are just fantastic to watch. And how they blush >////< wahaha! and.. and.. how tough the girl is in the relationship and Krillin is more like the soft one.. the happy giggling moment is when Android 18 gets soften emotionally with Krillin! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa *A* (He got the moves like Jagger! XD)
HAHAHA! Funny! XD wow i'm bringing back an old EPIC anime. I'm a fan of this show, it's just awesome! :)
how odd, the creator of the videos liked Celine Dion's songs for such anime.. maybe they want an old to old relationship for the video and song? haha okaaay.. I'm just imagining things. 
although this makes it even more cheesy hahahah! XD


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