October 31, 2020

5 Tear Inducing Moments Of IRENE Expressing Her Love For Fellow Red Velvet Members

We have all seen and heard how Red Velvet members love each other as some of them are expressive about it, our leader Irene is not an exception to that. Despite sporting a firm demeanor in her individual projects and other public events, once she's with her Red Velvet members and Reveluvs, her soft side always comes out. As a person that shows her love mostly by actions, there are still a few moments wherein Irene expressed her genuine feelings towards her members through words. Here, let us show you some of those tear inducing events:

1. During an interview for KBS Song Festival in 2017, Irene was asked by the interviewer on who is the most memorable person for her at that time, she answered with certainty:

"My members. Even without saying anything special, them just always being by my side gave me lots of strength."

2. On this one, Irene shared her perspective regarding her members' charms on the interview portion of High Cut Vol. 184 published in 2016, 2 years after their debut. With the way she responded in a detailed manner, you can really determine how she's watching her members closely from the very beginning.

3. We all know that Irene is the leader of Red Velvet and it's a position that carries huge responsibility to keep the group intact. When Joy and Irene were interviewed in Yang & Nam show in 2016, we got a few glimpse on how hard it must have been for Irene being both the eldest and being a leader of the group. Despite responding positively when asked what are the specific difficulties of being the eldest of the group, Joy explained that while the members expressed their stresses, Irene never did. Yang Se Hyung, the host, then claimed that he understood Irene's position saying "If I'm just as stressed as the members, the whole team collapses". After hearing his words, Irene noticeably started to suppress her tears. 

Just the fact that she denies the difficulty being a eldest/leader just meant how much she wanted to look strong for the sake of her members. If that ain't love then I don't know what it is. 

4. There are already several occasions/interviews wherein Irene revealed that she already treats her members like a real family. With this information, we already know how close they grew together since their debut. To express such outlook and feelings towards people who were once strangers to her life surely is very touching. It gives us fans an assurance that no matter what happen with Red Velvet in the far future, their close relationship/friendship would still remain for the rest of their lives. 

5. When Red Velvet guested in KBS Guerilla Date in 2018, Irene shared her truest feelings in naming what she was thankful for at that time. She referred to her members while saying these tear jerking words:

"I say this all the time. I just enjoy being together like this. Having them next to me."

Irene really loves her members. Hopefully the members are all by her side at this difficult time. Fans on the other hand can wait till all of them are ready to face the public again, Red Velvet and Reveluvs are on this together. 

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