December 4, 2020

Tale of the Nine Tailed Finale Episode (A Happy Ending?!)

And finally we reached the end! Again, it's all thanks to Lee Rang's character that saved not just the ending but the whole show. Seriously, I've had my heartbreak when in the end Lee Rang has to sacrifice himself and his happiness from his new found family to get Lee Yeon back, but I wasn't surprised at all. Maybe in this lifetime, it's Lee Rang's fate to suffer for the consequences of his sins, in this case it's to die in the end. On another topic/character, I must say, I've never depended too much on Ji Ah getting Lee Yeon back since she's so incapable since the very beginning. All she ever done was nag the Granny at Samdo River to bring back Lee Yeon but hey I guess that was effective summoning the King of Darkness all thanks to Granny's unlimited phone calls. lol But still, Ji Ah's character never weighed so much to me, because all she ever portray is being the human girl that the nine tailed fox Lee Yeon loved. I guess that's her sole role in the story. 

Anyways, thankfully Lee Rang's there to add some spice throughout this boring storyline. If it weren't for him, I'd bailed up from this show to be honest. I thank the writer for giving Lee Yeon a half brother who'll save him from not getting reincarnated. All is well in the end, and we got our happy ending. Lee Rang's reincarnated too with the same kid face that Lee Yeon is very familiar with. It's the best scene for the last episode for me, and the only thing that really matters. Clap clap! It means Lee Rang's gonna have a chance to his happiness yet again.

What got me curious though is Lee Yeon's story telling of becoming human and yet at the ending scene he transformed back again to being a Gumiho. Does that mean he's back being the nine tailed fox? Must be his fate.

The finale episode garnered a 5.78% in viewership rating and it's recorded as their 2nd highest rating in the entire show. The highest one is from their pilot episode.

Overall, I'd say this show is fine, not as impactful as Goblin or Hotel Del Luna, but just fine. Nevertheless, I've enjoyed the show but it's all thanks to Lee Rang. 


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