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Byeon Woo Seok Questions Kim Hye Yoon Whether She Came From The Future In Lovely Runner Episode 9

That scene where Im Sol stressed out that she wants Sun Jae to leave her alone was so painful to watch. There's definitely a pang of pain in there for me, what more for Sun Jae though? In his mind, probably, his unrequited love was not desirable and to be pushed away like that makes all of his efforts and sleepless nights thinking about her all wasted. Wasted in a way that he won't know what to do with his overflowing love for Im Sol. In kdrama this is romantic because viewers like us know what exactly is going on between them, but if it were to happen in real life without them knowing anything that's happening then it'll all look so creepy! lol Good thing that it is a Kdrama we're watching. kkk  Anyways, because Sol was completely drunk in that one night in their field trip, she unconsciously sang Sun Jae's song Sonaki. A song that wasn't released or publicly known yet in 2009. Of course, Sun Jae, being that crazy in love with Sol, he would believe everythi

Let me be the drama queen. [lol]

I'm sad last night and I cried the whole time of it until I fell asleep. This period is probably the hardest time of my life, and I don't know if I can handle this situation or not. Probably you say I'm being emotional and dramatic now, but yeah I guess you're right.. But I just wanted to write about it coz somehow I feel a bit okay when I'm writing my thoughts.. especially on my blog.. [sigh]

I'm currently on the process of doing my thesis, and no my problem isn't about thesis but something private and the most important part of me. I've became too happy lately because of my achievement on my thesis getting my work approved in one go, I've even celebrated it but at the end of the day and the celebration came my worst nightmare. The news that change the inside me.. It was unbearable and broke my heart into pieces.. gosh.. I'm so emotional on this, yeah I'm too weak to handle these kind of things and I really don't know how I will concentrate on my thesis now.. GAHD!!!

I believe you exist but I dont have that much faith, but this time I'm coming to you and I hope you'll welcome me and my prayers... you know what it is.. 

Okay lemme stop this now.. [sigh] I just wanted to somehow forget about my problem a little.. so I try to find ways to relax and just entertain myself..
I watched K-ON movie last it was good and all, I love it..I enjoyed it but its really not healing me fully.. (and as if everything's gonna be okay? tsk)

Anyways I tried to find entertainment too on my ichiban, Maeda Atsuko.. and yeah it did worked out a bit.. but just like K-on (which is one of my favorite anime of all time), it just wasn't enough..

Yeah I know I shouldn't rely on just fandom to overtake the burdens right? lolz But I still say they do still help even in just small bits... just like now, I'm really helpless with my current problem so literally, I cannot do anything..  tsk the worst feeling ever.. being useless..


  1. She ran out of toilet paper^

  2. @anon: whoah! How did you know? geez you're so great.. so great just like my shit!


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