I can't believe these parent/s of San Ha and Hae Jun are coming back to get them after years of abandonment. Did they really think their children are like puppies where they can abandon them anytime they want and just get them back once they changed their minds? You know what, they're even worst than animals. Sheesh! Biological dad of Hae Jun came back to get him just because he didn't have a child with his wife and that he doesn't want to share his wealth with his wife's family. It's so ridiculous. And we have San Ha's mom coming back saying he wants to live with him after abandoning him so easily in the past. And did she just said that she wanted to try forgiving San Ha for what happened in the past? An incident that all decent human being could tell that it's the parent/s fault for leaving two kids all alone by themselves. Where were they during that time anyway? Sigh. She's awful! And what really frustrates me most with this comeback of San Ha's mother is the fact that she's using her daughter from another husband of hers to get San Ha back to her. Seriously, the way she's telling her little daughter that San Ha would come to them to Seoul and will play with her, it feels like the mother is looking forward to make San Ha a baby sitter again. lol Seriously, that mom is so selfish and just ridiculous.
All these parents are in no par with Juwon's dad. Juwon's dad is so kind hearted not just as a parent but as a person in general. But then I won't be surprised if Juwon's dad has some sad story to tell later on too. Because we all know that the kindest person always has a sad, if not tragic, backstory. But before that, I just hope that these problems that had occurred with San Ha and Hae Jun's awful parents would be resolved. Kudos to Juwon's dad for being so understanding of the people involved in their situation. Sigh.
In episode 4, I'm in awe of how good the relationship of San Ha and Hae Jun were. But it all crumbles down because of their current situation with their parents. I'm a little bit disappointed with Haejun's actions in here tbh. I get it that he also has family issues and has different perspective of things especially when it involves a mom, but he cannot push other people to think same as him.
San Ha was trying his best to be the mature person from the start and tell his side of story, but Haejun always disregard his feelings. San Ha is also just young and very sensitive with family matters so... I really understand how he ended up blurting out hurtful words towards Haejun like that. At the end of the day, he's just telling the truth.
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