October 20, 2024

Park Shin Hye is Determined to Protect Kim Jae Young in "The Judge from Hell" | Episodes 9 and 10 Review

From 13.6% viewership ratings last week, it's now only at 11.4-5% this week. Seems like the viewers don't like the idea of d3m0ns losing their powers because of falling in love again. How many times has this plot twist been used in many kdramas already? Well, generally, so many concepts has been repetitively used even on different dramas too so it's a matter of how good and different the story telling would be now. So far, I'm really loving The Judge from Hell. I, too, don't like the idea that Justitia would weaken at some point in this drama but if the writers can only think of it to write a good character development for Justitia then I'm not gonna complain at all. I just really love Justitia as a character so I'm just gonna embrace these changes she'll go through. I also like Han Daon, so they have my blessing. lol 

The ending scene of episode 10 was sad btw, but I believe Da On is still alive. In the preview, Da On's vehicle smashes through an enclosure so I'm not that really worried if he got killed by Paimon protecting Justitia. Speaking of which, Justitia pledge to protect Da On in the ending scene only for Da On to get stabbed protecting her from Paimon. Oh, love birds. They're good for each other, so how can we even complain with them falling in love? kkk

Episodes 9 and 10 are just as good as the previous ones and I love how there's insertion of new demons to fight Justitia like Paimon. The action scenes are superb and it's always fascinating how these demons use their powers to fight. It just proved also how strong Justitia really is as a demon, just in case we're too focused on her being dehumanized, it's a good opportunity to redeem Justitia as a demon. It's like, hey she's still a demon after all, after watching these kind of fight scenes. kkk 

So there are only 4 episodes left for this drama and Satan's real identity hasn't been revealed yet. You know what? I, too, have theories of my own and I'm gonna share that in here. Despite Kang Bit-Na's fiancé being an obvious bad person as well as the brother being serial killer J, I still have a feeling that Satan is Jung Jae Gul (the assemblyman). I mean, if you're this powerful creature Satan, surely you're gonna have pawns to work for you, right? Jung Tae Kyu and Serial killer J are humans living like devils under the control of Satan who I think is their father. What do you guys think? Share your theories here.

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