May 8, 2023

Uhm Jung Hwa Strives To Achieve Her Dream At An Old Age In Doctor Cha Episodes 2-7

I binge-watched Doctor Cha yesterday from episode 1 to episode 7 and boy it's been a while since I've enjoyed watching a Kdrama. Doctor Cha really stresses out the journey of a middle aged woman trying to get back on her feet and strive to become a doctor but generally speaking it fits for anyone who aims to achieve their dreams. A show to passes a clear message that whatever age you are you can achieve you dreams but you really have to persevere and endure all the struggles that will come your way.

Speaking of struggles, I don't know anything much about medical practice but after watching several medical kdramas, I just know that residency is like the hardest part or at least the period where a lot of strength is needed since they're building/gathering experiences. Watching Cha Jeong Suk, at her age, working hard and running errands for other professors really tires me out. But seeing her push through it all, makes her a very inspiring person. She's really something!

Well, there was one time where she almost gave up. It was when the old lady from prison broke out from the hospital and all the chief of the institution were mad at her for tarnishing the reputation of the hospital. But thankfully, we have Chairman Oh to the rescue. Our protagonist Cha was put onto the spotlight because of her good heart as a doctor to Chairman Oh. He donated 100 billion won to show his gratefulness to Cha Jeong Suk and demanded the hospital to treat her right and let her continue achieving her dreams. He even offered to fund Jeong Suk's studies if ever she wanted to become a professor in the future. Seriously, that was so satisfying to watch especially when all the professors, director and doctors were there to witness one of highlights of Jeong Suk's career.

On another topic, I really hate everything that's circling around Seo In Ho and Seung Hi. They make my blood boil and I just hate them so much for cheating behind Jeong Suk's back. Also, it seems like Seung Hi is ready to destroy Jeong Suk's family for her daughter and self. She's really an evil witch but Seo In Ho's no better. He's the root of all this and I hate it so much when he's manipulating Jeong Suk. I can't put up with his bullsht anymore. I hope Jeong Suk will find out about his sins soon and maybe she can finally move on to a better man like doctor Roy Kim. It's an award for anybody if he/she will find a person that can bring the best out of you and I think Roy Kim is that person for Jeong Suk. I just hope that Jeong Suk will be wise enough not to give her husband a 2nd chance if ever she'll discover his sins. Never ever go back to someone who treated you like shit, Jeong Suk or I'll be very mad at you!

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