September 20, 2022

Nam Ji Hyun Discovers The Death of Her Great Aunt With Kim Go Eun's Presence

Just when the 3 poor little sisters finally got some 'real' back up to defend against the evil family of Park Jae Sang (Uhm Ki Joon), episode 6 quickly dissolved it as their great aunt Oh Hye Suk (Kim Mi Suk) was found dead by Oh In Joo (Kim Go Eun) on the floor with blood scattered around. Sigh....

I'm quite sad about this. I really liked their great aunt. She's really cool and dependable kind of person. At first I didn't like how she's so judgmental and painfully honest with the situation of the Oh sisters/family. But I guess she was just trying to motivate them to take over their life and persevere. I quite understood now why great aunt was like that as I observed in the previous episodes. 

Oh In Joo pointed out how much they're alike, I think that's one main reason why great aunt didn't like Oh In Joo because she sees herself in her. She's seeing her weak self in her that it's really awful to look at all. I can't imagine how much this great aunt had gone through in order to become someone as rich, intelligent and cool she is now. I am so curious about her backstory. On the other hand, somehow, I'm having great hopes for Oh in Joo. Since they're alike, perhaps, there is still hope for her life other than staying poor and gullible. lol I just hope she'll choose the right path towards richness.. 

Anyways, the events are getting more difficult to decipher as the mystery behind the previous deaths involved the orchid flower. I honestly thought at first that the main villain is Park Jae Sang... but somehow, I feel like his wife Won Sang A (Uhm Ji Won) is the most evil. She's the one taking care of the orchid tree and giving away to people who, if not them others around them, ended up being dead. She's just so suspicious. At least we see how Park Jae Sang shows his true wickedness behind the public eye but Won Sang A just continuously acting out that made it all difficult to read her. She mentioned before that, as an actress, she's only good at acting out as Park Jae Sang's wife. Well hell yeah, she's doing a fabulous job on that I would say. 

Now that great aunt is gone, what will happen now to the 3 sisters? I'm scared. 


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