January 12, 2021

Lee Dong Wook's Tale of the Nine Tailed Leading lady Jo Bo Ah Sent A Sweet Gift To The Set Of His New Movie

Seems like Kim Bum is not the only one who's booked and busy! A new Lee Dong Wook movie is on its way as the production started filming for it. To show support in this cold weather, his leading lady in Tale of the Nine Tailed, Jo Bo Ah, sent a coffee truck to the set of "Single in Seoul".

Just recently, Kim Bum shared via Instagram (Lee Dong Wook and Jo Bo Ah Showed Support To Kim Bum On The Set Of His Upcoming Drama) that he received a coffee truck from  Lee Dong Wook and Jo Bo Ah. But this time Jo Bo Ah solely gave Lee Dong Wook this coffee truck today, January 12. 

I could tell how much thought was put into the messages written on the banners, there was even a 'user guide' talking about Lee Dong Wook's personality. 

Dong Wook oppa might sometimes get irritated, whiny, or say weird things, but it's all because he's affectionate and wants to get closer to you. Please don't be taken aback, and just endure it 10 times. You can become close friends.

This was really cute! Dong Wook expressed his gratitude over this sweet gift via Instagram, posting a photo of himself with the coffee truck. He captioned it,

Thank you, Bbo. (feat. Lee Dong Wook user manual). As expected, you know me so well.

Follow Kim Bum on his Instagram account: leedongwook_official


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