November 23, 2020

Follow Your Dream, But What Is Your Dream? | Start-Up Episode 11 & 12

I took a break from blogging for a few days due to busy schedule, so how's everyone going? 

Anyways, I came back to react to Start-Up's latest episodes. I honestly didn't like the turn of events in episode 11 that's why I waited for the 12th episode to do wonders for me and save me from retreating to watch the remaining episodes. Tbh, it affects me as well when they did not play Wendy's OST 'Two Words' yet in episode 11 and that made me really upset. I mean, we've waited so long for this OST to be played in the drama and we still didn't get glimpse of it in this episode. Thankfully they played it on episode 12 when Dal Mi was getting ready for her date with the birthday boy Do San. I was a bit relieved to hear Wendy's OST but I still thought that they could have at least played it in one of the most heartbreaking scenes. The impact that Wendy's OST could achieve for this drama has so much potential in conveying a heartbreaking scene and yet they didn't use that well so I'm very disappointed. However, I'd still say that episode 12 was a very good one with how the story progressed boosting more developments on the characters. 

In episode 12, we got to see how much of a sacrifice is needed in order to obtain something big. Do San was realizing his dreams with the help of Dal Mi and now he's offered something huge for his career. In the case of Do San here, he was not ready for the consequences of reaching out to something big because all along he was nurtured in his own comfort zone. He's been curling into his own bubble that there weren't any improvements to his poor peers and and outlook of what he's capable of. Dal Mi, despite being left all alone, knew that Do San has to step up and continue to better himself by venturing out of his comfort zones and hone his talents even more. 

This concept trying convey is that maybe there is a fact in the saying that you can't have everything. There's even a superstitious belief that if you're lucky in business then you are not in love or vice versa. This must be it. Or maybe, it takes a right time to have both. At this point, I really am not sure what the writer is trying to pull off. Will it show us this or will it show us regrets from the character of Do San in the end? This is something we could anticipate in the remaining episodes. 

On the other hand, Han Ji Pyeong, he really is the opposite of Do San when it comes to protecting their loved ones. I've mentioned before that Ji Pyeong really has a harsh way of telling the truth, and it's something that could offend or make someone change for the better of themselves. We have seen that in episode 12 too, the outcome of his words and actions. A harsh truth ain't for everyone, some take it as their dead end and some take it as their start. Some wanted it sugar coated, some wanted real and straight. But despite it all, I still love Ji Pyeong's character. He protects the people he loves by telling them the truth from the very start to do not prolong their foolish beliefs and begin to step up their game. It's evident on how Dal Mi and Do San grew as  business people, he has a huge influence on them. Nothing's gonna change my mind on that.

Can I just point out as well how heartbreaking it is when Ji Pyeong found out about Grandma's illness? It's when he tried to return with a strong principle again after being accused by Yong San that he killed his brother due to his harsh criticisms. It was so painful that I had to cry to ease the pain. lol And him continuously denying the nickname 'good boy' that grandma kept calling him was such a pitiful situation for him. The strong Ji Pyeong is questioning himself, denying to be called a good person because he thinks otherwise after discovering the consequences of his words and beliefs. Running a business is his strong point and he's been striving for such a long time so it already made him who he is in the present, so when giving out an advice he's actually coming from what he believed in that worked for him. But then the day finally comes that he discovered that his advices turned out to be something that almost everyone hated about him. So I kind of understand how awful it is what he's feeling, he was questioning himself, his beliefs for that matter. Thank goodness, Dal Mi and grandma was there for him, pulling him out of depression, confusion and self pity.

In Jae and Dal Mi is starting to recover their sisterhood! Or maybe, their strong bond was there all along and did not vanish from the very start. It's just that they have their own pain to suffer and it made them cold and disheartened with how everything went with them. But still, the care In Jae has when she already knew what's gonna happen with her sister upon the 2STO's acquisition of Samsan Tech and the way she dismissed her co-worker from saying ill words about her sister were screaming that she still love her very much despite their competition. Their competition was all along just a front to show one another how strong they have become from choosing different paths. It's amazing and so interesting how this drama is telling us their story. I'm so glad that it didn't end like they are at each other's throat to prove their point to each other. I love it so much that I'm anticipating their development more now that Dal Mi's keeping her pride low for In Jae in order to pursue a new beginning. It's amazing how Dal Mi's growing as a mature adult when it comes to perspectives and it's so inspiring at the same time! 

Anyways, that part where Do San talked about what the word 'Dream' weighs for him was such a relatable scene. The advice follow your dreams, was never an easy task to do especially when you do not know exactly what it is. Ugh. Wait, I'll cry in the corner and come back soon. 

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