June 10, 2012


Hmmm.. When I say sub units I'm pertaining to DOBONDOBONDO and HARINA tandems okay?
I think everyone knows that already. It's just my 1st time to hear the songs from their newest single.  And I saw their concept of their sub units the 1st time the photos were distributed everywhere. My 1st reaction was..
"WOW! Kakkoi desu ne~ Dobondobondo are so cool! They really give great justice to that hiphop concept!! AMAZING!! I LOVE IT!" Then when I saw HARINA concept.. "FUUUUUUUUUUU!, WTF!! Weird costumes, weird effects on the photo." Rina does not looked bad, but it's still quite disturbing.. as for Haruna.. damn!! What is happening to the world? [lol] I don't understand that concept, Haruna looked like she's portraying to be Spiderman's enemy.. yeah the octopus man.. trolololol! I'm really sorry but that was just my 1st impression, I seriously got that thought! Maybe it's because of the weird thing surrounding Haruna.. what the hell was that anyways?? = =
CHERRY JAM CHERRY JAM!! Kyaaaaa! It's so cute!! I find it really cute!! GAHD! I love this duo forever and ever. Can't wait to see their PV for this. Oh yeah! Can't stop giggling just because it's too cute and adorable to listen to. Gahd! The genre is really not my type but because of dobondobondo, they made mE love it for a while. wahahaha! I find it really funny too.. :)))  Cherry Jam~~ :)) [heart]

Ugh. I'll kill the concept makers for this! At least they could have given simpler yet looking great costumes, just like the dobondobondo, to the HaRina sub unit. Hmm.. = = They've given too much decoration on Rina and Haru's costumes.. with that star and what? sunglasses out of nowhere? and yeah to mention that weird long creepy thing around Haru. nyiiiii---yaaah!!! I don't like it. 
But yeah, these were just my first impressions over their costumes as a sub unit for the upcoming single. Nothing really harmful right? But of course I LOVE [totally!] their costumes as a group, the four SCANDAL to be more clear. Yeah the white costumes!!? They looked really gorgeous!!! Simple, summer-ific feeling and sexy!~~ That's SCANDAL for you! [heart]
And as usual they have also prepared their looks over the new single.. New photos from Enami's Salon also came out. Gawd! Tomomi!!! Looking good my dear!! As for the two they also looked good but not as stunning as Tomo, I might say. =]

Okay let me give my opinion now on the other songs, aside from the Cherry Jam =))
Taiyo Scandalous! Oh yes!! Not that rocky and outstanding as Shunkan Sentimental and Nanka Buttobase.. but it's really good to hear, It's really addicting and as you hear ever notes and words coming out from them.. you'll feel like.. Gahd This is really SCANDAL! ~~~ [yes, that's my reaction, it's because I haven't heard them from a long time now.. due to some erm.. addiction to others? =)) Finally I've got something to listen to from them [heart]

Koi no Hajimari wa Diet
To be honest this is the least favorite I got on their newest single, or maybe for their whole history. Why? I've been listening to  idol groups lately and for me this is the type of song that would actually be qualified as an idol group's music. I know, it's good that Scandal is coming out of their comfort zone once in a while, trying new sounds and beats.. but honestly it's more fun to hear them as a rock band which all of us have heard of from the very beginning. [and which is one of the main reasons why we like them] I wish they will not focus more on this kind of music instead focus more on rocky ones [or maybe hiphop for Dobondobondo, lol] .. Just my opinion though, but the song is not really that bad.. It's still great! :D It just proved how flexible SCANDAL can be. :) 

Welcome Home
As for this song, OMG!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Kyyyaaaa the blending of  voices from Haruna and Tomomi are just one of the greatest sound of all time.. [lol] I just love how they blend on this one, and the beat is really great for me. I find it really mild but very addicting. [heart]  Oh I love that chorus, on how they change the pitch of their voices just to reach some notes.. Oh I bet you like that one too!! Kyaaaaa KAWAIII!!!! 

How about you guys?? What do you think about their newest single's songs? and their costumes/looks as sub unit and as a scandal band? Just comment here [yup! I did remove the word verification in commenting, so it'll be easy for you guys to say your thoughts! COMMENT, I bet I'll take too long again in writing something about SCANDAL. haha lol, so yeah let's talk for a while] 


  1. I definitely agree that the dobondobondo rocked my world again in the cherry jam song! It's just the cutest thing!!!
    about the Harina team, the preview of the song, sounds wonderful but I must say, that costume is just too weird. now I know what that thing around haru look like! Your right!!! the enemy of spiderman or some sleeky snake thing that's just soooo!!! uwahh!!! I dont know!! haha

    I definite agree with what you said about welcome home kei!!!! I now have a new comforting song!! haha (that's harukaze in the last few months) This song is really suited to the the KBC's water and green campaign. It's a very refreshing song. haha

    Thanks for this blog update. So glad to hear from you about SCANDAL again. :D:D:D
    I hope this would give you a new start. Ahaha <3.<3

    1. hahaha yeah you got that right! a new comforting song for welcome home. Whew! I guess we can really expect a lot from their album. [excited for the PVs] hnngg.. And I'm hoping Haruna's appearance on their sub unit will be better than the photo. trololol. = =

      Yeah it's been a long time again since I last updated about SCANDAL, and yeah hopefully I'll find time and inspiration again to create new entries about them. ;D

      Thanks for your comment!! [heart]

    2. I think its better that the harina team just use a jersey like the dobondobondowith different color. haha. :D just saying. or simply that suite or costume they have without much accessories and stuff.

      But still i'm a certified blind scandal fan so, I don't really care. If they're experimenting with their looks and music, I'd still support them as long as their music is pleasant to my ears. hehe

      Keep the blog update coming kei! sorry, i sometimes don't give feedback.
      I'd try my best in the next updates to support you! :D

  2. I agree with you totally. I don't want to post this over FB since I know I'll receive a ton of bashing for it... But I think SCANDAL... Particularly HARINA (Almond Crush) has more passion for popularity now rather than being in a band.

    Recently.. I just feel as if the strength and conviction of SCANDAL in being a band is diminishing. Look at Almond Crush... Seriously? It annoys me. And not to mention the times when RINA blogs and takes pictures of herself... her LEGS for that matter... What do you make of that? I'm a girl so I don't fangirl as much but we all know (I'm sure they're aware too) that most of their fans are boys. RINA posting something like that sounds a little desperate of her. I get that all artists and media-people aim to be popular but I just hope that they're popular because of their talent and not their faces or legs (OH GOD!) If they keep going on this way, they might just get categorized as Kpop, which I, with all my being detest.

    Listen to Shoujo S and HARUKAZE for example... Listen to the obvious difference in HARUKAZE after using auto-tune. It's heart breaking since I've been a fan for so long... Then they come up with something like this. Don't get me wrong... I love Taiyou Scandalous and Welcome Home and Cherry Jam. But the HARINA song... It's... Appalling.

    I just feel cheated. They say all those inspiring things about being in a band and loving it... But when they have the opportunity to not be a band, they just change all of a sudden. It's like if they could just turn into an idol band, they would. Not that there's something wrong with an idol group. I just feel... disappointed and sad. I miss the real SCANDAL I fell in love with.

    1. Well it's good that I'm not the only one who have that observation over the sudden changes. Not just by their looks but on their music as well.

      Yeah you're right "auto-tune" is slowly becoming part of their songs. It's sad to hear it because they are becoming so much like a kpop-tune or an idol group tune. But I guess they've done that out of curiosity and experimentation on how they will sound? They also mention that they wanted to try different genre [as far as I can remember in one or two of their interviews] It's not really bad I might say, but hopefully they will not give more attention to it which they really did. Like on their newest single, they've mixed rock songs, hiphop and a pop idol music. [Maybe that's one of the changes they wanted to apply now and in the future too, something different!]

      And yes, I agree with you about their consciousness about their looks. Maybe they want to do some experiments as well? [lol] I don't really blame them for posing sexy on their blogs, changing music [for a while] and acting like an idol group.. maybe they just do that in order to gain popularity and tell themselves THEY ARE COMPETITIVE, and FLEXIBLE enough to compete with other mainstream idol groups or KPOP idols in Japan. Maybe they are too pressured on the popularity of others which lead them to change something from them. I guess we cannot blame them for that.

      But I'm sure, they don't forget that they are still a ROCK Band.. since they all proclaim themselves as the most powerful japanese girls band from the very beginning. I just hope they'll realize their real goals and not just gain popularity by adapting with what's trending/ or on mainstream.

      THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT! [heart] I just hope you'll put your name too so I know what to call you! :))

    2. Yes. I can't agree more. :)
      I completely understand your point...
      Oh and by the way, the name's Ray-chan. (lol I guess I'm not so anon anymore. :P)

      Good job with keeping this blog and the FB Scandal Magic Page. ^w^
      More power to you! :>

  3. i agreed with you....the concepts of dobondobondo is so cool, but i dont like harina concepts. they look like an alien (im sorry, but that's the truth)

    by the way i miss their natural hair....

  4. At first I LOLd. for a 4 members band having a sub-unit sounds like they going to have separate activities for each sub-unit...
    And LOLd again on what you've said that Haru looks like the octopus man.. xD

    ok, for the song previews Welcome Home is my favorite and Koi no Hajimari wa Diet is my least fave.. Koi sounds like a techno pop? I thought I am listening to perfume or something like that.. xD
    but as a Rina biased, it really made me so happy to hear the voice of my ichiban.. ♥

    I am so agree with you.. \o/

  5. I think that is just the evidence that once you're into the ILLUMINATI WORLD, you change. That's all.. And I agree with you dude.. ^__^v


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