June 12, 2012

Taiyo Scandalous PV Review

Okay, seriously.. can I ask this question again which is bugging me all this time now? "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD?" [lol]
TAIYO SCANDALOUS PV is out, I saw it immediately and just let the time pass first before viewing it. I don't know I was not really that excited. Everyone seemed to be very happy, and I was like.. Okaaay...

So why did I reacted that way? Well honestly, I had the feeling that there is something!! something that would actually give a negative vibe coming out on that PV. [lol I was really that nega? haha] Well to what's happening now to SCANDAL, I don't know what to expect any longer.

PV???? It's great if only they've taken a better concept. [lol]

I don't fucking CARE to those people who would find this blog entry a bit offensive to you guys, I don't really care! I just want to release this anger which is raging enormously throughout my body. I don't give a damn on you people who are truly happy and crazily liking the PV! I really wanted to comment back "negatively" on your joyful celebration towards your enjoyment over the PV, but I restrained myself because I don't want to awkwardly destroy your celebration. I did that because we all have different perspective on it. I give way and that means I respect your thoughts. So yeah I'm just going to release everything I have on my mind now on this entry. So I hope you guys will also acknowledge that there are some people who have some different ideas towards the pv, and if you wanted to comment on what I've written here...just say it in a respectful manner.

I know it's going to be very dramatic again. [lol] But what can I do? SCANDAL is pushing me to write this kind of thing. And maybe some of you think that if I'm really against the PV then why should I have to make some noise and distract everyone? Why can't I just shut my mouth? Well I really can't!! LOL! If you don't want to read my blog entry then go fuck yourself and get away in here. Or if you want you can kill yourself too. [trololol]

So then here are my reactions towards the PV

Since it is a song for summer season, pv is really fitted on the song. Swimming pool, guys dancing on the pool, girls in bikinis.. SCANDAL taking off their shirts... LOL wait WHUT??

Ah I get it! This is a PV for IDOL GROUP now eh? Oh that's cool, SCANDAL heading towards GRAVURE? Ohh that's something new! I bet people especially guys would love to see that! YEAH gain more popularity SCANDAL! That's just GREAT!
I find it really a waste knowing and hearing the song sounded really awesome! It really does! SCANDAL in costumes of white, THEY LOOKED GORGEOUS!! BUT  it's just that... the PV was kinda off for me.. I also have friends who are against it so I'm speaking not just for my opinion but as theirs as well. CONCEPT of summer is there, but CONCEPT for SCANDAL isn't. If they wanted to make it feel SUMERR-IFIC, they could have make BETTER concept than that. I know they are pretending to have a competition between the "ALMOND CRASH" [please take note it is "CRASH" not CRUSH! (c) TokyoHive] and DOBONDOBONDO.. they seemed to be having fights with water guns, glaring at each other, and what? Competition in revealing their bodies? or maybe a competition showing their bikinis at the very end? trying to get that yellow flag on the swimming pool? Ohhhh GREAT! THAT'S A ROCK BAND FOR YOU!!! A GIRLY ROCK BAND FOR YOU.. that's what a ROCK band should be defined! awesome isn't it? [yeah right]
I'm really going crazy with this, I know I sounded like I'm bashing them.. and ranting over them.. but I really am not. I love SCANDAL.. I've loved them and witnessed their hard work towards their dreams.. I witnessed how hard working they are in gaining what they have today... I loved them for they are THE GIRLS who ROCKED so much with Shunkan Sentimental, Nanka Buttobase, LOVE SUVIVE, HI-HI-HI and many songs! They were sooo awesome!!!! I LOVE THIS BAND so much that I'm so angry and against to what changes they wanted to apply.

OFFICIALLY TAKING OFF SCHOOL UNIFORMS === I accepted it because their ages won't be fitted on the school uniforms by then and in the future.
OFFICIALLY TAKING SUDDEN MAKE OVER [blonde, cutting of hair, giving some highlights, different  mature costumes] === I accepted that because I respect them as a GIRL who have different changes on their looks. They are trying to make experiments, they are just human who wanted such normal things.

BUT THE ONLY THING I CAN'T ACCEPT is that.. What is this? ARE THEY REALLY TRYING TO OFFICIALLY change their SOUND? their GENRE of MUSIC as well? Relying on AUTO-TUNE sound? [pertaining to their other songs] And what else? DO THEY OFFICIALLY wanted to gain popularity because of adapting to what's on mainstream?? IDOL GROUP-CONCEPTS? -show some skin [gravure-themed], -few idol qualified music- what more in the future??]

I know maybe some of you think that, "Hey Kei watch out your words, you're totally under AKB48's spell... don't you remember they are IDOL group as well? They sport bikinis, much high-leveled on what SCANDAL has shown on that PV! Maybe you're OVERREACTING!!"

FUCK YEAH!!! THAT'S THE MAIN POINT HERE!!!!!!!! I know AKB48 sports sexier themed PVs, photos etc etc... But that is EXPECTED!! I have KNOWN and LIKED them as an IDOL group from the veeeery beginning. It's natural they do that!! They were assigned to do that!!!

BUT SCANDAL?? I've known them for being THE MOST POWERFUL GIRLS BAND in Japan! [which they themselves proclaimed] We've known them for their rock gestures and music!! We've known and expected them to show us REAL MUSIC! ROCK MUSIC! WHOLESOME IMAGE! AWESOME BAND who sticks to their instruments and make us fans crazy on how they play it, on how they create music and not because of sticking to what's on mainstream!!! Not showing off something they do NOT HAVE! NOT SHOWING SOMETHING THEY DO NOT FIT IN!!!!! That PV made me realize am I really still watching SCANDAL? What else will I expect in the future? who are they???

Gahd! I'm so sorry if you find my words really offensive.. but these are just out of concern and love towards the girls. I've been rooting for them since I've known them. I've supported them on the goals they wanted to achieve, and I will still do in the future. But SCANDAL is pushing every fans who stuck themselves on the old scandal band. [sigh] Seeing them changing the things we liked from them the very beginning is really getting very disappointing. I won't ask myself in the future if one day I have decided to end this fandom.

 Again I apologize for my offensive words, but hopefully you guys will understand my words. Thanks for reading this LONG novel. LOL!! So give me back your comments.. What do you guys think about the PV? or should I ask what do you guys think of the SCANDAL today???


  1. as what i heard from the previews of their 13th album...i agree they sound like idol groups right now still love them of course...let's see if what will be the feedbacks after they release the album and someday they could stick back to their old genre of music...

  2. Its really sad they have changed their appearance and other things that much of their fans don't like... But its clearly understood that they've became more matured and changing their uniforms into costumes.. I knew them since 2008 and since then, I have been crazy about them all day long. But what matters most is about their career and continuing to play music to entertain us with their awesome songs. Some would against them having boyfriends and getting married, but I am not against it since its they life, they do what they want and not for us to matter about it. Well, back to the topic to reply your post... As I said, as long as they entertain us with their awesome songs, that is what matter most. No matter how they change or trying to gain more popularity, it doesn't matter. They said once in a interview that changing their uniform styles into costume styles and losing some fans because of that. Haruna said it doesn't matter, but I do agree with Haruna, as long they could play music for us fans, it is already very good. But well, if they did the opposite of what they are doing now, I might not become their fan any more. By the "opposite" I mean that becoming more seductive and yeah...

    I might be going out of topic on the comment, hope you don't mind.

  3. Yeah.. We have same reaction, they don't need to pose sexy or show some skin because they're not an IDOL group, they're a BAND!!!
    I still can't accept that since they posed on that Playboy mag..
    That's not their industry anyway so WHY??? SCANDAL why??!! *tears start to flow*

    as for the PV, i like it.. it's cute..
    but the image of a rock band is goneeee!!!
    and I'm still bitter at the last part.. I'll admit it, it made me excited but I'm sorry I am thinking of AKB not SCANDAL..
    because the SCANDAL i know won't do such thing...
    but.. but they did it already.. *tears flowing*

    They're really not the SCANDAL i know anymore..
    but I swear to myself that I'll support SCANDAL no matter what, so I'm still a fan even though i don't like what's happening right now..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Actually I found the PV ok... maybe cause we are used to conservative no naughtiness (you know what I'm saying...) I quite liked the PV (call me a perv) because its summer and has the "summer pool/water have fun" vibe. Who doesn't wear bikinis in summer? seriously?! personally I don't... because I'm not used to it.

    We have to be more flexible with them and stop being such a tight ass. SCANDAL is a pop rock band not a hardcore rock they have to option of adding pop to it (though, get RID OF THAT SYTH BACKING SOUND AHHH PISSING ME OFF!!). The sound still rocks and its a cool song. I don't get why people are dissing SCANDAL for being too "idol" like? I mean they still make their music and work hard, being who they are... Idols are awesome anyway so if you trying to diss SCANDAL by calling them idol like your dissing Idol groups in hindsight...

    Besides you can clearly hear the guitars and band in this song... (unlike Haruka)

    Their all over 20 and are considered adults they have the freedom to do what they want! Whats with all this "they shouldn't dye their hair" "No they can't wear bikinis" seriously peoples GROW UP! I bet you see women in bikini's anywhere and you don't complain about but SCANDAL you do?

    Not all PVs are going to be same... if it was all rocking about it would be boring wouldn't it? (No variety)

    I just urge fans to be alittle more accepting neither do I want them to be blind fans either...

    Its not about mainstream... if they have the budget their gonna make a bigger PV

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  6. While watching the PV, they're not really acting all IDOL-like. Btw, Taiyou Scandalous is produce by ORANGE RANGE's Naoto, Their sound and PV are similar to this. As it's Producer, he would most likely have a major hand in how the theme would go. It may not be SCANDAL rock-style, but ORANGE RANGE-style.

  7. IMO its their summer Season Album, like their costume in Taiyou to Kimi ga Egaku Story MV

  8. to Add, its summer, its time to show some Skin :D

  9. I agree, as a male i too like the girls showing skin, and stuff like that. but lets put that testosterone down and lets define SCANDAL again, they are THE MOST POWERFUL GIRLS "BAND" in japan, and i dont remember a "band" being defined as gathering/entertaining fans by exploiting the fact that they are a "girls" band and showing shit like this. ok, now for bikinis, i want to see girls in bikinis, for a "girl band" though, i dont believe that bikinis and the works are needed, because all they have to do is rock out and deliver the most amazing music they can deliver for fans, and not deliver fan service.

    "We have to be flexible", yes i do believe that we need to be "flexible", but flexing isnt enough to accommodate this. i dig their whole image transformation some of it is quite good, some so-so, and some just outrageous, but yeah i can "flex" with that. their genre however, rock with pop/other genre is fine but pop/other genre with a hint of rock isnt the same, i loved them coz of the fact that they are a girls band that does rock genre.

    Next is the way they do their music, they PUT SOOOOOOO MUCH EFFECTS, that the band just blends in with the effects and the background, this should be the other way around and that the effects blend in the background while making the band pop.

    You dont get why people diss scandal for them being idol like? i'll tell you why BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT A FUCKING IDOL GROUP, they are a GIRL BAND and i dont know if you can spot the difference but IDOL GROUP AINT GIRL BAND.

    About them working hard, yes i know they are working VERY VERY VEEEERY HARD i understand that but they are working very hard on the wrong direction, thats what im sad about. Their music, is cool? guess what ITS NOT THEIR MUSIC its from other artist/composers. ok before bashing me that they do their own music as well, here is my defense NAME ONE, ONE MUSIC AT ALL THAT THEY MADE AND THAT HAS BEEN THE MAIN PART of a release from them? they are just inserting their "own" created songs as a part of a release and makes the songs of other artists/composers to be the main part of that said release, and again this should be the other way around.

    They are adults i get that, dying their hair i dig that, wearing bikinis i can dig that if and only IF, they wear it on their private time and not as a means of racking in more fans and money.

    "not all pvs are gonna be the same", yes this is correct i want variety but i would like them to focus their pvs in delivering that oh so AWESOME music and not other things, let the extras/background give that vibe of summer, and let them deliver the music.

    mainstream, one way or another they are going to start or follow the mainstream, i can dig them starting a mainstream but following it, yeah sure just as long as it doesnt involve BEING A FUCKING IDOL GROUP, they are supposed to deliver the MUSIC WE ALL LOVED, the FANS LOVED and not those magazine sexy poses and the works, but to be honest i am a man soooo yeah.

    if this comment seems a rant/bash of any kind to SCANDAL then my friend we are gonna have a hard time.


      Honestly speaking with a few who have commented, I don't think you guys took time to read this blog entry COMPREHENSIVELY. I have warned everyone in Scandal Magic about read first before commenting.. but few ones seemed they don't REALLY know how to read. [lol] It's really pissing me off, that you are pointing out something that was ALREADY WELL EXPLAINED on the blog entry itself! You're just repeating everything which if you could have read and understand the blog you will NOT COMMENT SUCH THINGS... ESPECIALLY THE ANONYMOUS ones.. I'm pissed off with people who comment without even knowing what the main thought is.

      OKAY.. BACK with Cyrus... I agreed on your comment but hopefully you won't stress out your hatred towards IDOL GROUPS, though I do get it you're just trying to make things clearer by comparing the two. But yeah, chillax and SUPPORT AKB48!! HAHAHAHAHA LOL!! [heart]

    2. no hating anything/anyone, im just separating what is an idol group and what is a girl group.

  10. Ray-chan here.

    Okay.. Let me narrow my thoughts here...

    1. They're going more mainstream. As a band, they held so much conviction with the uniforms (which I understand is getting a little old school for their ages) but nevertheless, this is catering too much to the demands of media. Look at MAMI for example. We all know she used to be healthier and in a sense, it made me feel better since I too was at that size... But then MAMI started to get thinner and if you look at Taiyou to Kimi ga Egaku STORY, she didn't show her belly there. I was so proud of her then but then she succumbed to the "you're beautiful if you're thinner" propaganda. What happened to your conviction? Next example would be RINA. RINA is pretty. I KNOW. I F'n know that. But SCANDAL is a band. Not just 'the popular member's band' I hate it when RINA gets all the screen time. I honestly even feel she's trying too hard to be all cute even when posting in their blog (for crying out loud she takes pictures of her bare legs!!! What are you trying to do?! Make the testicles of your male fans explode so they'd worship you forever?! You're a band!!! OMYGOD!) Anyway, I think all members are screen time worthy for the fact that they are part of the band! But why is RINA getting more? Just because she has the most fans? And to get more attention for the band, she needs to hit the spotlight like she's the only member? MAMI always got the smallest screen time before (my theory is because she's the least attractive and the healthiest - to which I really disagree since she's my favorite) It's unfair!
    2. Competition. We all know Jpop is just trying to level up because of recent Kpop invasion but does SCANDAL and Jpop for that matter have to go with the flow with that? I don't think so. SCANDAL is SCANDAL. And no amount to hair-coloring, costumes and make-up could change that. I love SCANDAL just as they are. Japanese straight hair, glowing complexion without any make-up and simply amazing Japanese fashion. Why do they have to cater to the wants of media? It's saddening. Jpop shouldn't stoop down to the level of those Kpop fakes.
    3. Change of genre. Taiyou Scandalous was produced by NAOTO of Orange Range. I know that collaborations are fairly common and it's okay. But they sound completely Orange Range-y in this single. It's not them anymore. This is not much of a concern for me until I heard the song. The instant I heard it, I knew it was someone else's work and idea. I can't see through the shadow of NAOTO at all. I can't see SCANDAL anymore. I don't listen to Orange Range and I don't know all their songs but I have a good 2 or 3 Orange Range songs in my iPod. Guess what. It sounds so alike I'd rather call this a Orange Range single.


  11. (continuation)

    4. Popularity Popularity Popularity. Is this all they ever think about? What about substance? Dying their hair, wearing less clothing, collaborations, lack of substance in their songs and titles for that matter (Taiyou Scandalous... :|) It's just different. FYI, my favorite SCANDAL song is Shunkan Sentimental which is teeming with meaning. Ever since they went all out in changing styles, their substance and music has been suffering. They may have gotten more popular, they may get more fans but then in the end, all of this will be temporary. Do they honestly think they'll get loyal fans? These fans are only skin deep fans. Superficial ones! They only like SCANDAL because of their faces and not their music. I'm sure SCANDAL is aware of this that's why they keep posing for mags (Playboy for one!) and for a goddamn lighter company. It's annoying. If they want to be liked because of their looks and not their music, then go be models. They keep producing more songs for popularity but I believe quality is better than quantity. I'd rather wait for months for a noteworthy single than auto-tuned crap. The conviction they once had to just be happy as a band completely disappeared. I thought being in a band made you happy. Why are you doing things in units now? To garner more attention? Why are you suddenly losing your band sounds? Because Jrock is underrated in Japan? I just want them to be themselves again.
    5. Auto-tune. Need I even explain why? I want to hear Haruna's real voice and not some computer. If I wanted to do so, then I should've just listened to VOCALOID. At least they're not faking. But SCANDAL is. They're faking Haruna's voice which changed for some reason. (Too much alcohol? I'm not sure) But taking care of your voice and training is part of the job. Haruna used to be my number 1 but whatever happened? I hate pretending and faking. She did it... As much as I still adore her she's not as mature as she used to be. How sad.

    I'm pretty sure I've got more to say but I'll stop now since I have school... But. As a final word, I love SCANDAL. They're the very first Jpop band I ever loved and until now, I still do. It's just that this will take a lot of getting used to. Whether I will get used to it or not, I've yet to discover. I hope things get better soon for them, for HARU's voice too. I don't want them to tread the same path as Kpop or any superficial band. I love them... I'm just not sure to what extent I could still support them sadly.

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    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @Ray: I can understand your well explained comment, and knowing that you also participated on the last blog entry I made it made clearer that you really get my point! I'm glad someone could track everything I'm saying and I really think you got the right to comment about it since you exactly know what I was talking about.

      Great comment and thanks for understanding. And your detailed explanation of your main thoughts ANSWERING the blog entry is really worthy to read no matter how long it was. It was fully explained that I wouldn't wonder where they are coming from unlike other people who have commented without further analysis and basis.

  12. @Rinaja: I know what you are pointing out but at that part, I think I'm too obvious that I was talking about the WHOLE SCANDAL as what they are becoming right now. Also I think I was also clear that I stressed out a few songs not just Taiyo Scandalous.. and I made it clear that it was a song that I liked because sounded great.. But since the title of my blog entry is about Taiyo Scandalous Review I would not blame you for not understanding that part. Although I'm sure that I was clear on the blog entry.

    And about the WHOLESOME thing I said, the point here is that we've known them as a band.. which now is adapting to what an IDOL group is doing.. Remember they pose on WPB? WEEKLY PALYBOY MAGAZINE? that was a long time ago now but I did not saw that coming.. I wasn't expecting them to do so.. If you were to SEE THE WHOLE MAGAZINE.. other poses there were in "nude". It's totally getting on my nerves since they were A BAND!!! which people especially MUSICIANS/BANDS looked up to.. WHY ARE THEY EVEN THERE???

    And when this PV arrived you know there's already something they wanted to apply as mature ladies.. they are totally adapting what IDOL/GRAVURE is doing.. I know it's NOT that harmful to see them Once, TWICE? with nothing really showing except them trying to tease everyone by unclothing...


    I hope I was really really really clear about that, I'm sorry for the CAPITAL letters but I just wanted to point out the main thought I want everyone to get.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @rinaja: Haha it's all cool, I understand it :) AKB48? Exactly, AKB48 is an idol group which I'm currently following right now which also means I know what they are doing for a living. As for SCANDAL they are a band, which I know if they are stepping away their natural self. I observed it because I know what exactly IDOL groups are doing and since I've known SCANDAL as a band.. I don't want them to adapt on Idol works/style/events/etc etc [lol] because it's not them who we have or I have loved in the very beginning. Heee..

      Thanks for participating on this entry.. everyone really have different perspectives.. I respect that, I just got too hot because I'm guessing few anonymous did not really read the blog entry. [lol]

      I had fun reading the comments, but it's just that my mind is also coming lots of ideas which made me want to reply on some of the comments. =]
      So peace! :))) [heart] :)))

  13. @rinaja before you comment on the post of kei kindly first define the word ROCK MUSIC on your own...the song is a pop having digitalized effects using a computer so it can be a rock music...you will noticed a rock if you heard the heavy playing instruments of guitars without the effects and powerful lyrics and tempo at the same time...i can say these because i've been in the rock music since i was a elem and also i listen all the type of sub rock genre music...hope you will understand that there new song is a pop music not like the old ones having ROCK ON every time you play you will get headbang....


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. haha clearly you dont know genres, please just stop you are hurting every musician out there.

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  14. Okay, removed all my post, continue you're discussion minna.
    Sorry for the stupid comments.
    Wont do it again. :D

    1. You shouldn't have erased your comments, it all came out now that I'm talking to myself and the others too. [sigh] I hope you won't do this again rinaja.

  15. i loved the pv...its colorful, playful and its entertaining
    plus since the guy from orange range was behind this... it does sound/look like something orange range would have played

    firstly i liked how they showed a lot of skin (but probably because im a guy)
    secondly come on it's summer :D of course they won't swim with shirts on XD or they could but why would you do that.. unless youre really fat.. nah jokes but seriously i think the end bit was just to cater for the fanboys... and it wasnt like they took it all off
    thirdly i dont think scandal would change their genre (why would they? they're awesome the way they are as a POP band) and as for both of the duo ...they both have different genre from SCANDAL(not that much difference really, its still pop) ...they're not trying to be scandal, because its a different thing...

    alright for the autotune thing that you were talking about in the other songs.... im just saying almost all pop songs have autotune in it ...and if your talking about the song in the previews that ive heard (im guessing that was the one by haruxrina duo) where they use really heavy autotune.. i think that was the point of the song, it was not to sound like a "rock" song... its suppose to be a really poppy/cute song by the duo not the band, much like how dobondobondo is trying to sound like a hiphop duo ...so i dont see what's so bad about that...i thought it sounded like what it should sound like..

    and lastly "If you don't want to read my blog entry then go fuck yourself and get away in here. Or if you want you can kill yourself too. [trololol]"
    ...that was pretty bad, you shouldve stopped at "get away in here" ... people dying or killing themselves is never funny ... im just saying :/

  16. Its called "something for a change".
    Been following them for 2years+ but i never hated any changes they did so far.
    And why not for the skins?

    all in all. the song and pv is catchy.
    i love it.
    if some ppl doesn't like it, they can choose to not watch the pv or stop being a fan. :)

  17. To shorten your long post: they are being manufactured. Everyone sees that but refused to accept it except to some people that arent blind or not being delusional. Like myself I'm kinda sad to their current transformation it's like I can't really defend them to the point that they're not like one of those mainstream idols and trying to be fit, i can't go on as a delusional fan and that's what i really see now

    1. im not delusional and i can see that they ARE manufactured, they are not being manufactured, they ARE manuffactured... i think the reason for this is unlike other bands most of SCANDAL's music was written for them not by them ...similar to how idol groups work.. they dont make their own music, the music is given to them to perform....which means how they are gonna sound is up to the people who made the music for them (most of the time) ...they might make some of their music, but in the end its all up to the composer/producers

      ps. i do love scandal, there have been some changes... visually
      musically to be honest they havent really changed that much it still sounds like SCANDAL to me

      aside from the two duo ...they're suppose to sound different from the usual scandal sound

  18. cool and awesome pv and single for summer pls promote more on scandal and also they are awesome and much cooler in other j-pop bands and also I do love scandal band and their music because it always reminds me of my past and future experiences

    :) hahahahahahahah

    cool pv scandal pls have a concert or live her in the philippines

  19. hey~ kei...
    I happened to re-watch all Scandal PVs and it was a great remedy, after all the (negative) reading I did here. I highly recommend you do the same, it's really uplifting ^^

  20. Hey just enjoy this new song, no need to make an argumentation, SCANDAL will still be the Most Powerful Girl Band after all :)

  21. I guess they're called SCANDAL for a reason. I'm ok with the whole pv except for the last part. That was unnecessary. They didn't need to prove they're sexy because they are beautiful and talented which make them sexy! I'm just hoping this will be the last time they exploit themselves. The song on the other hand, grew on me and is now one of my favorites. But Switch will forever be my favorite song from them. :D


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