June 21, 2012


uwahaw! It's been a long time since I last updated here. Hmm.. sorry minna you guys can't stalk at me for a while. LOL. I've been very busy lately with school stuff, I can really feel that this is really the thesis year! I'm stressed! But of course my fandom is still there to cheer me up. Lately I've been reading and now writing fan-fics of my OTP  in AKB48. Ohohoho~ you know who they are [lol] And I'm going to post it in the forum wherein I'm so entertained so much. People are really nice there too, so far the best forum for me? [haha] Yes, it's JPHIP!!  Visit them and join as well! It's really a big community so I bet everyone will not be bored there.

I might say I'm proud to be a member in there. Finally I found myself a forum that will keep myself active there. Yeah if you can't see me trolling around here on my blog you can see me there. I wonder if you'll be able to recognize me, but it's really obvious on my name there. Hahaha! I won't give direct link to my profile, catch me if you can. [yes I'm just assuming you'll stalk me, trololol] 

Anyways, that's all folks! I'll update this blog as much as I can if I have something more interesting to say. hahaha! Ciao~ For now lemme show you some pics of Acchan I've been drooling. She's so cute! Kyaaaa


 [I sense complicated situation in here. TakaMina staring at Acchan. Minegishi and Yuko staring at TakaMina.. Ohohoho~~ What a great atmosphere... love is in the air.. wahaha]

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