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Byeon Woo Seok Questions Kim Hye Yoon Whether She Came From The Future In Lovely Runner Episode 9

That scene where Im Sol stressed out that she wants Sun Jae to leave her alone was so painful to watch. There's definitely a pang of pain in there for me, what more for Sun Jae though? In his mind, probably, his unrequited love was not desirable and to be pushed away like that makes all of his efforts and sleepless nights thinking about her all wasted. Wasted in a way that he won't know what to do with his overflowing love for Im Sol. In kdrama this is romantic because viewers like us know what exactly is going on between them, but if it were to happen in real life without them knowing anything that's happening then it'll all look so creepy! lol Good thing that it is a Kdrama we're watching. kkk  Anyways, because Sol was completely drunk in that one night in their field trip, she unconsciously sang Sun Jae's song Sonaki. A song that wasn't released or publicly known yet in 2009. Of course, Sun Jae, being that crazy in love with Sol, he would believe everythi

No Acchan anymore?

This is bad! This is really bad!!!! Just today AKB48's new commercial under Haruyama was released, the concept was about girls in men's wear Cool Biz. 7 members from the Senbatsu were part of it. I was really sad to see Yuko was the one in the center and not Acchan anymore. Acchan was not part of the commercial either, now I can really feel the absence of Acchan. I have an awful feeling right now *sobs in the corner* Acchan I miss you! It would have been cute to see you on men's wear too!! waaaaaaaah!!!
They should have just get 6 members really, so it would not be painful to see the center. Augh. I wonder what Acchan feels after seeing this.. GAAAAHH Screw you Aki-P for doing this!!!. I bet she's now sad, ugh! Don't worry Acchan you're better than all of them! Daisuki!!! *heart*
You can see more of these videos (solo vids,, etc of the 7 members) on the Haruyama Channel on youtube.

Actually this was the latest CM, the other one in black suits were feature/broadcasted last February.. like this one below. Acchan was still not announcing her graduation in here, so I'm really thinking why they did not chose her to be part of it. What the hell is happening really? 

Oh well, Acchan let me put your photo in men's wear too! Chyeah Hana Kimi! Speaking of this title, I still haven't seen it yet. And I'm not yet planning on watching it, I'm not yet ready seeing her kissing other guys.. noooo! "ATSUMINA" plsssssssssssss..... trolololol!
