May 9, 2012

My Favorite AKB48 PVs

Oh yeaaah! Yesterday was again an adventure day for me. It was actually the most tiring adventure I had more than my last trip. Even though that it's nearer at our place, heck it was more tiring than I thought. We stayed the whole day at the city hall and looked for our respective sites for our thesis. It was really tiring because we go to different rooms for assistance and talking to the architect of the City was actually "WTF"? I've learned quite a lot from him actually but few stories that he's talking about is quite exaggerating at the same time becoming off-topic. I'm so sorry for my awful attitude, but I did tried to laugh at his jokes really. (even though I did not get some of them) LOL!
And btw, I would like to thank my bestfriend Nathaniel for making my trip to their City a success. Without his help I would not be able to go to the places inside the city as well as my routes for going back home. LOL! You're the best! This may sound exaggerating but I'm really really thankful for your help, hahah! Maybe it's really hard on your part to teach me the ways again and again, so I'm sorry too. :)) I'm not really good at directions Uwaaaa T.T So yeah thanks for the patience! 

Okay, let's get onto the topic now. If you are one of my avid readers of this blog (a fan that reads my blog without having their bias artists on topic) then you'll be able to realize how much I love AKB48 now. It's really sad though that my laptop got broken (inverter problem) and I still am not sure whether I can salvage the files like the most important things now on my laptop.. MY THESIS FILES and AKB48 FILES... OMG, I'm going to cry now.. FUUUUU!!

So in order to make myself happy I'm using my big bro's laptop right now, and download everything I needed. LOOOL! I'm also watching AKB48 videos, and it really is fun! So yeah let me share you my ALL-TIME favorite Music Videos of AKB48!!

I think this is my favorite of all (so far, I guess?) I love the costumes, the dance step, formation of the members as well as the song itself! It also gives the vibe of ACCHAN being the QUEEN of AKB48. All the members are on their knees and look up to her. It was so amazing! I REALLY LOVE IT! She's so pretty and dances gracefully, she's amazing and there's no doubt about it! SHE'S THE FACE of AKB48!! Daisuki Atsuko Maeda!!!
AHHHHHHHH!! I'm going to die!!! Y U SO CUUUUUTE ACCHAN!! The moment when she fall down as the tomato, and said Ohayou I was like "Oh dear, I can die now peacefully" ugh ugh ugh! Seriously this PV is so kawaii all throughout! I can't stop giggling seeing the members and my heart can't stop beating so fast while seeing the prettiness and overload cuteness of ACCHAN!! GAAAAH 

Who would not like to see these girls on their young and fresh faces. Cute dance choreography is also being showed. This  really kawaii! chyeah
Acchan is so cute from before until now. Haha But I was shocked by how amazing and cute Mariko's face before, she's quite chubby and her curly short hair also compliments her face. Yuko and Takamina faces are also kawaii! 

I  love seeing the members following orders from the captain!! Takamina you are amazing not just in that PV but every time you're showing care and leadership with your members.
Aside from the amazing and powerful song, the choreography, cinematography as well as the costumes are very well synchronized! It was really perfect and I love it!

Here are the special PVs for me, not part of my favorite but holds very significant meaning to me.
On this PV, at last no 12 senbatsu on the center or on focus, they are all equal. No pressure to the 12 and the ace! This is AKB48 not just the 12 senbatsu! :)
(Although I'm really happy when the 12 members I recognized the most are on camera.. It's so easy to detect them. coz they are the most special for me)

Aside from loving the uniforms, I love the story of the PV too.. though it's a bit simple just like the cinematography of the video, it still holds an impact to all avid AKB fans. The war between no. 1 and no. 2, being separated by the captain now begun to affect the whole group and at the end, they all reconcile. Happy ending. It's like even if there is a competition going on in the eyes of the people watching them, competition between the mindset of the group members, whatever the result is they are all still friends at the end. They are willing to help one another because of the bond that they've created as a group. 

It's really nice, I can relate the video of how akb48 was when Acchan wants to leave the AKB4, they may be some people trying to stop her from graduating, few quarrels and problems, but in the end Acchan leaves AKB with the support and love from her group. Same thing with Acchan showing that she's still part of the group and wanted the best to all of them.. Such a sweet story of friendship. I really like it. 


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  1. no namida surprise??
    it's the PV where i came to like acchan..
    idk, i just can't resist on her crinkled nose smile in that PV..
    so i was surprised why there's no namida surprise? lol

    1. hello kath :) I also like namida no surprise because it is full of Acchan, but it's still not part of my favorites though. gomene XD


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