May 29, 2024

Jang Ki Yong Turned Out to be Chun Woo Hee's Saviour In The Atypical Family Episode 8

With episode 8, I think it's clearer now what's happening and what timeline we're all looking at. Bok mom's power is precognitive vision through her dreams and from the very first episode of this series, she had been vocal about dreaming of Da Hae wearing the Bok family's ring and it was Gwiju who gave that ring to Da Hae. Now let's simplify and connect the dots:

Bok mom- dreams- FUTURE

Gwiju- time travel- PAST (Da Hae's future)

It just meant that both Bok mom and Gwiju's powers are all related to Da Hae's past and it'll soon become their future. In the PRESENT time, there exists 2 rings, which is originally only 1 ring. I assume that it was Gwiju's clear sign that he's the one who will save Da Hae in the past during the fire incident to do not cease existence in the present. It's actually pretty cool if you think about it.

But what I still don't understand in this whole thing is that, what is the story trying to achieve?

1. To cure the modern problem that made Gwiju's powers disappear? (depression)

2. To save Gwiju's senior colleague from dying? Is there really a possibility to change this when he's already burried?

3. To save Da Hae to correct all of their timeline again. (gwiju, mom and da hae)

I think it's 1 and 3. I'm not yet convinced that Gwiju's gonna alter the past with senior colleague coming back to life in the present.

WAAAAH I need more episodes to clear the cloud in my mind! kkk

How about you?? What are your assumptions/theories about what's going on with The Atypical Family?

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