February 7, 2021

Kim Jung Hyun Made A Difficult Decision To Save Shin Hye Sun in Mr. Queen Episode 17

Rumors spread like wild fire, and the root cause of everything is none other than this witch Queen Dowager. Ugh. Seriously, she's one of the people I want Cheoljong to punish but being a King isn't always the most powerful one in Joseon. Sometimes watching these historical kdramas made me think how pitiful they really are behind their royal dresses and titles. But anyways, as I was saying, Sobong's pregnancy is the hot topic in the palace! 

At times like this, I wish the Royal consort Jo Hwa Jin didn't left the palace, so this witch Queen Dowager will have her match. 

What's worst in this is that she's rumored to be carrying Byeong In's child! Her cousin of all people. That's what made this rumor a way bigger concern. Yeah, we all know they have history, a one sided kind of thing, but the King and Queen had spent so many nights together why can't the other court maids or eunuch around them sweep away the rumor with this fact? Sigh. I guess they don't have the guts as they are loyal servants and cannot disclose private matters. 

As much as I wanted to celebrate Mr. Queen's pregnancy and Cheoljong becoming a father, this just became a way for their enemies to attack them. As of now, it became their weakness an the cause of their separation. Cheoljong had to leave Sobong behind in order to protect her. However, I know that Cheoljong is smart enough not to succumb to the Kim clan's plans that easily without having a counter attack or defense for that. I just hope that Queen Sobong would stay strong and just trust in him as well. 

I wish Cheoljong told Sobong his plans in handling the situation. Sobong might have better solutions than Cheoljong risking his life. They did well in handling the first wave of rumor about them, and Sobong having a fearless way in handling things might have given Cheoljong an idea or the help that he needed.


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