December 1, 2020

KAI Debuts Solo With Breathtaking 'Mmmh' MV

I've watched Kai's debut song MV of Mmmh and it was sounding really good! To be honest I wasn't expecting anything from Kai's voice since he was more of a dancing machine than a singer and was really shookt that he portrays both in his solo debut. I'm really impressed and quite amazed despite the appaling Mmmh title of the song but heck it was so catchy and I have no choice but to get whipped after all. He was indeed a gem inside and out of EXO, he's a god in dancing and has huge fucking potential in singing! Like wow! When I'm listening to this it makes me feel so relaxed. The vibe has it and his voice is just giving me comfort. But, I have to say that I feel differently when 'watching' the video 'coz heck he's so damn fine and his moves is killing me deep inside. lol it's very sexy in a way that I can't take off my eyes from his body moves. Aw, I love Kai now and it's all thanks to this solo debut. He deserved it and so is the praises he's getting for it. 

Solo debuts really has magic when it comes to showing off one's real capacity that doesn't show fully when in their respective groups. I'm really happy what I'm hearing and watching with a solo Kai and I just cannot wait to see too what's install for Wendy's solo debut in the near future. Please SM, make it happen! Do something nice to Wendy and her fans for once!


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