November 27, 2020

How To Monetize A Blogger (Blogspot) Website - 3 Easy Steps | Google AdSense

If you have passion in writing for variety or specific topics then it's about time you learn how to earn money with it. Lots of us are dead tired of the unending boring routine in our respective jobs that's continuously sucking the life out of us, which is why I am writing this to tell you that there are still other ways that you could work on in order to get away from the stress and boredom you are feeling in your current work. 

I do not write this to promote that you resign from your full time job and just create a website for monetization. You have to remember that money takes time in blogging/writing so if your patience is short then I suggest you stick with your job that gives you salary every month then just make blogging/writing as your hobby/ part-time work. Eventually over time, once your blogsite or brand is already built up, you could earn lots of money with it and you'll finally have a choice to quit your boring and stressful job. 

Here, let me tell you how to monetize your blogsite quickly, step-by-step:

  • STEP 1: Create Your Blogsite
It all comes down with the basic but most important step, create. Create a blogsite where you can write about certain topics that you have strong interest with. One major tip to remember though is to do not pick a niche that isn't close to your heart because eventually you will get tired from writing about it and could drag you in a very stressful way. As much as possible we do not want to add more stress in our lives with our hobbies. Hobbies should make us happy and enjoy our lives so let's leave it like that. However, if you really like to upgrade your niche once you have established already your website, then you could still do so. As long as writing for such niche or topics wouldn't make you feel awful in the long run then it's all fine. Do whatever you like, there are no restrictions as to what you want to talk about. 


Let me share to you my experience when I started creating this blogsite. Before, I really am into Japanese music and culture and because I wanted to express my opinion over the things I'm hearing and seeing about it, I've created this blogsite. Eventually my topic grew wider as I begun to tackle about Korean pop music and Korean dramas, but to sum up everything they are all still under 'entertainment' niche.

I think I was in 2nd or 3rd year college back then when I started becoming active online. I even created Facebook pages where I could get my audience/readers too, everything went successful back then. However, since I have no idea about website monetization that time, I've missed out this great opportunity of making money out of this hobby. Since I got so much time back then, I was so active and so the traffic I get for this blog was really a lot, up until now I was wondering how much money I could have earned that time if I've applied for monetization. I still am regretting for not being well informed with online monetization before that's why I wanted to help out everyone who are starters in blogging now. 

  • STEP 2: Make Lots Of Posts And Be Consistent
It was around May 2019 when I've decided to apply for Google Adsesnse monetization, and this blogsite is already existing approximately 9 years then. Although I've deactivated this blogsite years 2017-2018, and only re-activated January of 2019. It was a huge mistake that I've deactivated this knowing that it would really affect the traffic and this site's ranking to search engines. It took me a year again to make my posts visible to search engines all because of that mistake. What's worst is, not only this mistake took a toll on traffic and ranking but also to my ticket in getting my application approved quickly. It took me 2 tries before receiving an approval. It feels like I was rebuilding my brand all over again and it's all because of the deactivation instance or not being consistent with updating this website with posts. But anyways, at least now I'm back on track again and will continue to be consistent with my entries. For you who's still applying, you show instill in your mind that consistency is really a huge key in getting approved by Google, it doesn't mean that you need to post everyday! Once or twice a week will do too as long as your posts are informative to a point that it would gain some traffic but of course, if you can post more then that's better.
May is the month when I applied for Google Adsense

  • STEP 3: Apply to Google AdSense
When you think that you've posted enough valuable entries on your website then it's about time you apply for Google AdSense for Monetization. Go to their website and create an account then provide your site's URL for them to check for approval.

When I applied in May 2019, my first try, my blog already has 300+ published posts or blog entries. If you think about it, it was already a lot and yet I still got my application rejected the first try. So I figured out that I need to be consistent with my posts and achieve a reasonable amount of traffic more than I was receiving back then, so I worked hard on it and applied once again after only 3 days and I was beyond shocked when I saw google AdSense emailed me their approval. Although I did post actively since January, I still made sure to post everyday in that span of 3 days before I re-applied to google just to show them that I'm taking it seriously and that my website has something to offer to the readers and researchers. Here's what that approval looked like:

I hope you all find this useful, if you have further questions then leave them in the comment box and I'll do my best to answer them all.


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