November 2, 2020

Han Ji Pyeong, Nam Do San and Seo Dal Mi Giving Best Life Advice In Start-Up Episode 6

Seo Dal Mi is finally taking her first step as the CEO of Samsan Tech as she takes control of her people and it's all thanks to their mentor. Ji Pyeong's words always have been truthful and pierce straight to the heart, he would really knock some sense to anyone's being. I like his strong character like that, always straight to the point and it doesn't matter if the other's offended or not. He's like a reminder that not all people will sugarcoat their words for you to be complacent on your current state, he'd throw you honest words and it's up to you if you'll take it personally or take it as a constructive criticism and work on yourself. Here's where Do San's advice of filtering noise/words will be best used at. Just because someone gave their two cents of opinion or advice to you doesn't mean that you'll have to absorb everything like a sponge. You're not as worthless and brainless as that, right? You have to filter out everything and absorb only the ones that worked for you. Dal Mi's actions were the best representation of that! She took Ji Pyeong's harsh advice and started taking control of her people. But she did not confide to his advice of making the CEO to have the biggest stock shares rather she pushed through with giving it to Do San instead. Hell! That's so badass because it worked! Ji Pyeong got no words for her after that. Dang, I really love this drama's characters! They all give you important lessons applicable not only for start-up businesses but life in general. This is seriously a superb drama, the best so far of 2020 for me! Truly inspiring!


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1 comment:

  1. Another masterpiece indeed! Suzy baby (Dal Mi) is ♥️♥️♥️


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