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Go Kyung Pyo's Career Went Downhill As He Continue To Speak His Mind Without Thinking in Frankly Speaking Episode 2

So it's confirmed that due to the electrocution that happened to Song Ki Baek, it affected his brain that causes him to act out of his personality. The fact that he can speak things that only he meant, he has become an adult who do not lie. This is so freaking awesome in my perspective because not all adults cannot lie because we are all living in lies. lol I mean, there's always hierarchy in our society especially in any workplace, we always try to be that 'role model' to suit any job we wanted. Speaking insincere sweet words and flattery has become a major skill to survive this hierarchy. Most, if not all, adults working could relate to that for sure. This is a sad truth, but yes, even giving respect can become a lie. It's all for survival and we call it 'professionalism' nowadays. This is why I'm amused to what's happening to Song Ki Baek, him speaking only the truth. However, since then, his career is starting to crumble. Not all people are ready

AKB48 Nostalgia

I don't know if it's just a temporary feeling, but my AKB48 love is resurfacing. It's quite a shock since I'm sure I was over them. lol But here I am now, listening to Maeda Atsuko's Flower single. hah!

And before I even found myself listening to her again, I was re-watching AKB48 graduation concerts earlier. Can you believe that? It's a first miracle in my 2016! lol Seriously, who would have thought that this could happen?

Perhaps because facebook automatically plays a video on my feed about the recent reunion of original members that caught my attention. I did stop scrolling when I saw Maeda and Oshima together again. ww And Sayaka, I miss you so much too. Tomochin.. omygod my feelings right now, I cannot control. Haha! It's fun knowing that I hadn't erased my downloaded videos and pictures of this wonderful group. Ahh, I love myself for that.

Anyways, I pretty much have the urge to continue my fanfics right now. Hopefully this motivation and overflowing nostalgia ain't gonna stop, so I can fulfill that wishful thinking. I wonder if there will be people from way back who will be happy to this announcement. Hello my fanfic readers, I missed you all. lol

Come to think of it, it's my first blog entry of the year 2016! Yay for that! Happy New Year everyone, even though it's a bit late for this greeting. But hey, it's still January! Better late than nothing! www

I'm not that updated anymore about the girls, all I know is that Takamina is about to graduate. (or she graduated already?) lol Now that's exciting. Can someone tell me updates about them? If it's not too much to ask for. Oh god, I have a lot of catching up to do. Although I pretty much am informed that Atsuko is single again. HAHAHAHA!

Pics were from her birthday? I can't believe I hadn't even remember the date. Ahhhh... Anyways I think I'll be forgiven. Omygosh, I love this feeling again... 


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