June 4, 2012

Too Adorable to be Ignored! TakaMina

Ola! Ola! Howdy!! [lol]
Oh God! I miss writing on this blog. Haha [As if it was a long time ago since I've last written in here] lol

Anyways stop with the drama, I've passed my whole thesis proposal to my adviser now which is why I'm trolling the whole day. [lol] Finally! At this point of time I feel unburdened with it. haha! Yeah because I'm just waiting for a reply, hopefully there are no "harsh" comments.. I'm not yet ready to encounter them {T.T}
Since school reopens tomorrow, I'm enjoying every moment of this day to bits. I'm trolling around, editing photos, watching AKB vids and downloading all of them. Hee. Oh I'm also playing the guitar, I already have plenty of new songs which I already finished learning by ear. You'll hear them all soon, oh yes! My own arrangements! Hee. [been used to that expression] = =

As you can see, I've edited some parts of my blog. Like the header and the colors of texts. [I think that's obvious?] I'm not good at editing but I think I've given enough justice on my header photo. I think it does really look nice [assuming] maybe because of Acchan's beauty? She looked really stunning in there! [Blue! blue! blue!]
I also made 1 for my FB fan page [Not really edited]
I know it's now really obvious that I'm addicted to Acchan right now, but that does not stop me from looking at other idols as well. Who would not get attracted and entertained by the great Takahashi Minami? [ATSUMINA shipper-mode ON!] Oh em Gee! This girl is so amazing! She's too funny to be true, she may be not one of those sexiest and prettiest idols within Japan but for me she has this unique charms which makes me and everyone else fall under her spell. TakaMina is pure class! No one can deny how much lovable she is! Now I know why Acchan tagged the title "my favorite person" to her. Hee. [just go marry each other!] Hahaha!

Honestly speaking when I'm watching TakaMina or even just look at her photos, I say "Damn! Am I seeing an anime character?" Her actions, humor, lifestyle, poses, facial expression, the way she speaks, and the way she live her life.. ALL ABOUT HER resembles for an anime character! It seemed like I'm watching an anime film or series. [Of course, Acchan would be her leading lady! Tehehehe] I love Atsuko Maeda, and I'll love people and things that are close to her heart as well. That means I should support and love Takahashi-san as well. [To be honest, I will support this TakaMina even if it's not for Acchan! She's too adorable to be ignored]

Have I mentioned, she's too cool too? Gawd!!! [kyaaaaaa...]
Oh EMGEE! Haha! If you have seen that video where AKB members were doing a fashion show TakaMina stole everyone's heart! Not by the fashion itself but because she's too FUNNY! [wahahah!]
The pose! The pose!!! Gahahaha! [Ugh. When I saw this I just can't stop laughing!!] And the fact that Acchan was next to walk on the stage after TakaMina, I wonder how she was able to hold her laughter !! HAHAHA! [lol] I just love these two!!

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