June 27, 2012

Fired Up!

Yeah, the title of this blog entry could give me the chills already. Recently, I've been chillin' out even if my other classmates are totally givin' out their whole time to their thesis. Honestly, I'm makin' the fool out of me, saying I'm busy and all but the truth is I'm just wasting my time to the things that are not on my priority list. Even though I tell myself to get serious with my thesis, I'm still here chillin' out giving craps for presentations we're havin' all this time. And as time passes by I can truly realize how stupid I was all this time. What am I doing? Why am I not that serious with this? This thesis is the beginning of all, to prove everyone that I've spent all these four years and now fulfilling the 5th year having to be all worth it. To spent a lot of money and time for those years, how can I not be serious on the last one? Gahd! I'm fully fired up now.

I'm so proud of my thesis adviser. No matter how lots of people are afraid of him, [I included myself on these people but that was from before] I can sense his professionalism and yet "CARE" for us his students for thesis. No matter how loud he talks to us in the classroom just to give out advises, there's this inspiring words coming out his mouth. He's not just blabbing on us or anything and I can really assure myself that he will not let go of us until the very end. He's willing to help us as long as we do our best and show A LOT OF EFFORT on our side. And I can fully understand everything. Thanks to him, I'm so inspired that I'm willing to give now my HUNDRED PERCENT! I want to receive his praises!!! This will be one of the greatest achievement I could ever have in my entire career as a future architect. He's so high!!! I want to reach his level :)

I really appreciate all his words, I can actually cry not because of fear but because of appreciation. He's so nice to give us his words. He's so awesome. Since he is that high I wanted to make sure his words to us will not be put into waste, of course we need to work hard! WOOO! 
As of now, we are done with conceptual analysis. My concept and building form are now accepted all I have to do now is make it more elegant and functional as we go to the site development plan and floor plans! Heee.. GANBARE KEI! 
Since I'm in the good mood today, lemme share with you photos I collected from my different sources of SCANDAL news and photos. Erm.. please do give credits to my blog if somehow it's your first time to see all these photos. Hee.. well that's if you're going to share them. Anyways have fun and thanks for reading my blog entry, I bet you guys are not interested with it but hopefully you'll get fired up as well in whatever you do. Think that there are times you need to get serious and let out your 100% on everything to do not regret later.
Additional photos from MTV event: 

Tomomi puppeh~~


I claimed that photos are from Scandal Mania app, though a few of them are from different sites. Some photos are familiar because they resemble the photos on their official blog.
Oh well.. Will update if there are rare photos by my sources! Thanks! 
Enjoy the photos.

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