June 27, 2012

My ever Favorites at the moment!

I just LOOOOVE FANDOM!! Gaaahd!!!

I totally feel like I'm now a FULL Japanese~~~ [yeah japanese at heart, when talking about fandom and not by blood okay? lol]

I love I love I love!!!!!! JAPAN!! Dammit! Wait for me and I'll meet all my favorites out there. Just a little longer!!! As of now let me give you an insight about the status of my heart when it comes to my fandom. [trolololol!]

My goodness!! Recently my craziness over Haruna Ono.... [okay am I really going to say it now? I'm not sure either ? lol] was now FULLY REAWAKENED! Gaaahd! Why YOU SO PRETTY HARUNAAAA! I love your new hair style now. I'm getting used to your short hair but I don't mind if you plan to grow it longer though!! Heee! [Love! love!] I want to hear your voice now!! [Scandal Mode] 
I really like now the color of her hair!! She looked FREAAAKING AWESOME!! 

But of course, my fandom is divided now into two. It' Maeda Atsuko [Acchan] that takes the other half of my heart [lol, goodbye kpop?]. [Oh please God, make my fandom don't clash! I love both of them! Gaaah! LOL]
Please people stop even comparing akb48 and scandal band or else, I'm gonna slap you guys hard on the face! And crash yer head on the wall! LOL! Come on guys, let's all be at peace. Enjoy every bits of our fandom without stepping on the others. Much better right? [wink!]

At least my fandom has something in common. They are both beautiful, AMAZING, and have both "SHORT HAIR" 

1 comment:

  1. Rejoice! Black-hair Haruna is back!!! http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20120704/08/scandalblog-4/fd/20/j/o0480064012061463344.jpg


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