June 6, 2012

Congrats Oshima Yuko!!!

AKB48's 27th Single General Election 2012 a.k.a 4th Senbatsu election 2012 recently just ended. As expected [and I do really believe in here], Oshima Yuko hit the #1 spot! The NEW AKB48 CENTER!!! Congratulations Oshima-san from the bottom of my heart! You are the "MOST" deserving for this spot [other than TakaMina, for me]!!
Oshima Yuko (Team K) 108837
 I'm really happy about the result of the no. 1 ranking. I'm so happy that I could burst into laughter and laugh hard on those people/wotas who were rooting or worst even insisting that Mayuyu was going to be the next center. Haha! Fuckers!!! No one can be greater than Acchan except Yuko! Yuko deserved this no. 1 spot MORE than anyone! I don't hate Mayuyu so don't get me wrong here, but I just can't hide how MAD I am to those people keep on telling everyone and me that Mayuyu will be the next center because of the PV Manatsu Sounds Good. They say also that it was a prediction, that Acchan was with Mayuyu on the Pv. Like she's passing the throne on the girl.. I say Wut THE FUCK??? Seriously I want to slap their faces for saying that, what's with the PV? They're just acting!! And whatever else their reasons for telling that, I don't care anymore!!! Augh. If I have a gun here and with unlimited bullets I'll definitely shot all those people fighting for non sense about Mayu first before Yuko.. [sigh] That's SO IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
Watanabe Mayu (Team B) 72574 
Look! Comparing their gap of votes, So WHO'S THE NEXT CENTER? Oshima is waaaay popular, sexy, gorgeous and all! She deserved it! Not that I'm really against Mayuyu, it's just that I'm too pissed off with her fans that my blood is boiling and now I want to prove them wrong. 

But of course, my sadness can't be hidden as the new elected center of AKB sat on the "Queen's Throne". Or to be more specific in my OWN vocabulary.. "Acchan's throne". [cries a river, fuuuuu] I miss Acchan already. I saw some screenshot showing Acchan next to Yuko, but I was unable to watch it because I was still on my way home from school. The thing that I witnessed only was that Yuko was already sitting on the throne with the spotlight on her. And the MCs are recapping the ranking of the members. 

Also the thing that added to my sadness was that TakaMina whom I'm rooting [even not at no. 1] to gain higher ranking than she had gotten today. I don't think no. 6 spot is enough. I wish she could have gotten even higher. [sniff! sniff!] I wonder who Acchan's wotas rooted for. [traitors!!] LOL just kidding. Anyways, I bet she's already happy about it besides everyone knows the fact that she's not thinking much about her ranking, at least not that crazy as the others. So yeah.. AKB48 was ranked as a whole at no. 6! They could have thought of something like that. I wonder what Akip's reaction towards this. Much better though than their ranking last election which was 7th.
Takahashi Minami (Team A) 65480

The other sadness I feel for this was about Akimoto Sayaka's ranking as well. Poor girl, I'm wondering why she's not being well loved by the fans? From rank 17 last election she falls down 3 spots on this 2012. Fuuu.. she now ranked 20! The hard working Sayaka not being appreciated by the people, it's the most hurtful thing anyone could cry for. It's really heart breaking!!!
Akimoto Sayaka (Team K) 19121

Yeah! That's my overall reaction towards this 2012 Election. I'm really sad to don't see Acchan as no. 1 but I guess I'll just accept the fact that she's not part of the group anymore. Not until August 27th. Anyways, GO YUKO! TAKAMINA! and SAYAKA!! I'll be rooting for you guys!!! 

Congrats to the 16 Senbatsu or the Media Senbatsu



  2. Uhmm...I'm sure there are people who are greater than both Acchan and Yuko. Even though I'm not fond of the thought of Mayu becoming center but saying so is really disrespectful to other girls. I actually wanted Takamina to become center though as she deserves it a lot.


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