May 16, 2012

Majisuka Gakuen S 1

Woot! Actually I finished this Jdorama just this Monday of the week. Majisuka Gakuen sure is entertaining in a lot of different ways. Okay, let me give you a note here.. I just finished the season 1 okay? So don't rush me to watch season 2 yet. I'm not yet ready... :))

So let me give you my first impression about this drama.
"LOL" <--- a very simple word that best describe my feelings for this drama.. Episode one was fucking FUNNY!! Tahahaha! I was really laughing literally over the "story" of this drama. wahahaha! I'm really sorry but this was what I really felt when I saw the 1st episode.
Story-line is kind of a bit OFF!
Acting skills (included Acchan's) were a bit terrible
Fight Scenes are too simple and somehow it's so unbelievable that they are Yankee or gangs... whatevs?
Even the names of the Yankees are really funny..

But despite the negative impact of the episode 1 to me, I still continued watching the drama. Since I'm waiting for "ATSUMINA" scenes, I really have to calm myself and just get with the flow as the episodes pass by. Also maybe because I was laughing so hard that I was entertained? *ohhh told you, there are different kinds of entertainment, but the common denominator always is that you're happy with it.* riiiight.... XD

My favorite character was of course Acchan from the very beginning. Even though I don't like that "Are you serious?" concept wherein Acchan will take off her glasses and started to evolve like having the strength of the hulk or something. trololol. *I always laugh on this, I'm so sorry Acchan... I'm ready for your punishment* LOVE PUNISHMENT~~~ :3

I also think that her acting skills here is a bit... uhm.. how do i put this.. well... She needs improvement!! XD but maybe she's only like that because she's supposed to act lame? Or maybe she exaggerated that being lame too much. LOL!
But of course, I loved her acting when she was at the scene with Minami Takahashi.. the last fight scene for Minami caused by Acchan. Finally a laughing, smiling, cute, adorable, pretty, goddess :))) was shown in the face of ACCHAN! Gawd I can die peacefully.. after seeing that scene.. ugh.. kawaaiiiiii...
You know what I mean.. THIS!!!!
Oh I loved this scene also because finally, I heard Acchan's voice all thoughout.. well it feels like she's forbidden to speak or something from previous episodes (lol), she's not really talking that much.. it felt like every word Acchan is saying in every episodes are precious baby talk moments.. it's like
* Oh my baby just talk!! Did you hear that? Come on baby try to speak it again.. you can do it.. say mama..* LOL much! Really...= = Come on scriptwriters, give some of a bit of lively scripts on Acchan, goodness even if she lost a friend.. maybe she can talk right? Unless she got sick and lost her talking abilities? = = Oh really... are you serious?? HAHAHA

And at last! I've appreciate Acchan's acting skills when she was crying over the death of Minami.. I don't know it was really heart-felt crying.. :'(
Oh have I told you guys that I really like seeing Acchan crying? XD It was the reason why I fell in love with AKB48 wholly. I find Acchan really pretty, defenseless and pure when I saw her crying at SSA announcing her graduation. T.T Look at me now, I'm totally soaked in the spell of Acchan.. I can worship her already as my goddess really.. T.T *LESSON for Kei: Never watch someone who's crying because it will lead you to serious addiction* LOL much.

Okay, going back to the topic Majisuka Gakuen.. Let me give you more of my insights about some characters on the story. :)

HERE's the list of my favorite characters. I find them really cool and awesome :D Of course it's understood that Acchan is on my no. 1 on the list, and if Takamina's character have more exposure maybe she'll become my no. 2.. but oh well.. = =

Yuko Oshima, Rapappa's President
I think Yuko has the best character of all. She really portrays her character very well.. it was really impressive and outstanding seeing her on different moods. Gawd! I almost fell under her spell. Yuko is so kakoii!! Ugh. She really deserved to be the President on that part. *heart*
Actually she is my favorite character of all if I set aside my bias attitude towards Acchan. LOL!

Mariko Shinoda as Sado
Goodness me,, who wouldn't like her character? Her appearance was even greater, she looked cool and calm in the outside really. But she's really soft when it comes to Yuko.. *remembering those yuri moments* TROLOLOL! But really, it's nice to have a loyal companion with your side like Sado.. I wish I have one like her. T.T Someone who's willing to protect you from anyone. aiihhh..

Mayuyu as Nezumi
Okay, no wonder she was always called as the mysterious girl in AKB. LOL! 
Seriously Mayuyu's character was really kakoii! Sometimes she's very hateful but it's all because she's just too cool to be true. She's calm and very strategic at her next moves (although they all fail to beat  Acchan lol) and she's not that violent in a sense that she'll fight like a delinquent. 

Tomomi Itano as Shibuya 
Despite her short tempered personality, this chic still is impressive. Although her acting skills are a bit like Yamapi's (lol), her appeal still out stand when she boasts around the hallway and campus. 

Kashiwagi Yuki as Black
Even though that she has this weird evil-ish power I still find her cool too. I like mysterious girls who don't talk too much. You'll think that, "hey this awesome girl is under Rappappa.. I wonder how she became one of the followers of Yuko.." Something like that... There's this mystery running through your head.. I love it.

Akimoto Sayaka as Anime
Finally!! Someone with the "action" skills.. superb power from Akimoto Sayaka.. great acting (not perfect but can work out in a few workshop). I think her character really fits to be a Yankee.. She's really cool despite being poetic. XD

Kasai Tomomi as part of Kabuki Sisters (lol)
Well it is my first time to appreciate her since the beginning of my fandom over these girls. Although not that great in acting as well as fighting scenes, I don't know I was just captivated by how cool she is in a sense of being a leader and a companion. I like the way she also helps Atsuko with some of her drastic fights against the Rappappa~~

And here are my LESS favorite characters, which I really find this characters weird and so funny as well. Hmm..
KojiHaru's character Torigoya..
I'm sorry I'm not really convinced that you'll be able to awaken your evil-ish power just by chickens! trololol much. Though her powers were really awesome.. XD

Sae Miyazawa as Gakuran
Everyone can fall in love with Acchan.. but HELL!! Daruma???? Ugh. Seriously what's with your character Sae!!! XD LOL much.. she's a cross dresser here, even though that her looks really looked like a boy and has power too.. I just didn't like it seriously.. it's really awkward. D;


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  1. at first i was like, "Gekikara is missing!"
    then i realized she's SKE not AKB. looool

    agree, the 1st ep gave you a negative impact, but yeah, still have to watch it because of AKB.. :)))

  2. i like majisuka gakuen
    first love"yukoo_san and sado_san next otabe and center(nobunaga)

  3. ?? Sayaka as anime? Sorry, But Sayaka as Chokokku (i dont know the spelling,sorry XD)


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