April 15, 2012


First of all I would like to tell you that these photos are from the Dream High Special Making Book. And all the photos you'll see are just some excerpt of the book, make sure to buy it online or wherever it is available. Let's support them by buying our own original copies. Trololol.

I really like DH1. I honestly haven't watched DH2 up until now. Haha! Look at my grudge, it's scary right?. Tahaha! Oh I miss Go Hye Mi now! I wish JYPE would make DH3 and they will return the original casts again. I bet they'll gain more popularity and awards from all over the world. Teehee.
These photos are all in HQ, make sure to click them if you're going to save them LOL!
 Her shocked face is still pretty, DANG! So good to be Suzy.. she's a goddess!! (How many times do I have to say this? XD) Seriously Kim Soo Hyun (Song Sam Dong) what were you doing all this time in DH tapings, you should've made some moves on her! aaah!!!!! Being a Hyun-Zy shipper sure is a pain the butt. Ugh.

Go Hye Mi: Song Sam Dong, try to cheat on me and you're DEAD!! 
(hahaha! It looks like our Sam Dong will be under the laws of Go Hye Mi forever! XD)
 That smile and that playful face. You're just too adorable Suzy~ah!!! Saranghae!!!
 I really like her face on this one. Oh with that dress too. Hahaha She looked like a real prostitute but at least we got to see her like that. Gah what am I talking about? XD but yeah that was the 1st thing that came to my mind when I saw her in that costume XD
 Go Hye Mi in glasses and uniform!! Jiiiiiiii.... *Faints
NP: Winter Child
What a cool co-incidence, now I'm even more inspired doing this blog entry. hihi

 Yeah, she's praying that Sam Dong will like her too. After she gave all her attention to Jin Guk. Damn! I really hated the part wherein Go Hye Mi's attention was only going to Jin Guk, when Sam Dong was always trying to protect, and give care for her. She's numb! Argh! Because they were childhood friends does not mean they should be creating romance right, and because of that childhood story there's a little exposure of SamDong and Hye Mi's love. Even when Sam Dong and Hye Mi ended up being together in the series, it wasn't that much well expressed by the characters. I mean it's quite hard to believe that Go Hye Mi really likes/loves Sam Dong more than Jin Guk. They should have given them more exposure. Jin Guk and Hye Mi's romance are given too much sweet and cheesy scenes, while the other couple was given just a bit of it. That's why we need DH 3 for the continuation of SAM DONG and HYE MI romance!!!! Hmmm.. but oh well.. at least they still ended up being together. 
The beggar Hye MI. XD

 The stares... Ugh. can't breathe.. :)) 
 And here's the sad Hye Mi. whew!

That's it! There are actually more photos of her on the book.. If I got great feedback on this I'll try to post them all! :) thanks for reading. 

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