April 15, 2012


I don't really want to react on this actually, but damn it's getting all over my news feed. lol
Seriously, the video was just an opinion from a fan of Scandal Band and I don't see something wrong expressing one's thoughts. The only thing that's kinda bothering here is that the creator of this video  misjudge Haruna.
"What i think is, that Haruna Ono is sad, because her dream didn't came true as a dancer and she moved to rock n roll which is 'Scandal band''

Let me correct what you're thinking so you'll be able to understand Haruna more. Yup you're right that Haru likes dancing but don't you know she likes singing as well? She's from a Caless School which teaches 'vocals' and dancing at the same time. It is true that she likes dancing but it does not mean she's bored/pissed/mad and always serious when she is in Scandal Band today. Have you seen all their PV's? If you do, you'll be able to see that Scandal Band also is applying choreography dances in their songs even if it's just a small thing. So there's nothing really regretful if she ended up being in a Scandal Band because they rock the stage and they can apply what other things they wanted to do. There is nothing to be mad/pissed/always looking serious/bored about it. Besides Haruna, Tomomi and Mami first initiated making a band when they were studying, so don't you think she might just go solo and dance wherever she wants if she really does not want to be involved in a rock band? It gives sense right? Scandal band is A HUGE DREAM success of Haruna as the leader, she loves her band and her fans.. So I hope we won't misjudge her.

Also, If we are going to observe all the photos that you have uploaded on your video. Don't you think they're quite inappropriate? Some photos that you included was from "PV" shots, duh? It means they are acting, what they are doing are scripted on that PV in order to fulfill the concept! Same thing with the official photos from their album/single that you've included. Also, the photo that she's a judge in AFAx.. what do you expect her to do when she's judging and watching? Does she have to smile with all her might and laugh when there's nothing really to laugh about?..Hmm.. Other reason for the photos are not because she's mad/pissed/bored in Scandal Band, but because she is tired due to a nonstop events scheduled for their career and basically that is her cute face in normal days, you wont expect her always smiling, laughing in front of the cameras right? What do you think of her? somewhat like a auto- robot for smiling or maybe insane? Nuh-uh!  Well your other photos of Haruna I find it really cute not mad. Hahah!

I don't really intend to offend you, the creator of this vid, but I'm just really correcting your thoughts about her. Since you might be a new Scandal Fan, I won't misjudge you as well. Haha! I hope I was able to give much information for you. 

Here's the original video he/she made.
credits to him/her.. XD

Here let me give you a big SMILE from Haruna with other Scandal Band members!


  1. well.. looking at those photos, all I see is HARUNA's cuteness :)... I liked the photos!~ (especially the photo in AFAx)

    she does have a mannerism of placing her hand on her chin so I think it sometimes misunderstands that she is bored

  2. Totally Agree!! >w<

    Haru-nyan XD

  3. I guess what the creator of that video didn't consider is that each person has his/her own personality. I'm always brooding and seem non-cheerful, but it's not because I'm frustrated about something. This is besides the fact that Haruna is older and (I would like to think) more mature than the rest of the girls. It's like asking why Tomomi always appears to be so cheerful.


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