February 5, 2012

Kim Soo Hyun X Bae Suzy Couple (Soo-Zy)

Have I told you guys how much I really like Bae Su Ji and Kim Soo Hyun to become a real partner/couple? Seriously I'm shipping for this love team, though it's really sad that Dream High 1 is already over and Dream High 2 started airing last January 30.. so it feels like DH 1 will be dominated by the coming popularity of DH2.. *sigh* How I wish JYP, retained the original casts.. you know.. continuing the love stories left.. LOL.. although yeah since Song Sam Dong already got the highest dream.. he still didnt got Hye Mi in the end.. you know what I mean? they leave the ending of the love story hanging.. kyaaaaaaa... argh! LOL! *sigh* XDDD

I swear I'm going to create lots of threads or topics about this couple.. wahahaha... until suzy and soo hyun realize that they are perfect for each other! hahaha LOL!

aigoooo.. they are so cute together, arent they? I think these two make such a good couple.. wahaha, dang it!!! please more of them in the future!! I'm dying to see them again!! aghhh!!! LOL! WTF.. :)))

Oh I also found some photos which made me explode so much, as I observed and stared over these photos.. the person who created this just gives me the idea of how he/she really wanted to make these two FIT and be COMPATIBLE in whatever subject.. hahaha! Look at how beautiful it is to see them with matching styles of clothing..




I dont know what to call this style (white style?LOL!)

on the other hand here are matching photos of the two from way back, the looks of them while attending classes.

And lots of more matching clothes for this couple, anyways, all photos are not mine just found them on some thai forum.. (i forgot the name though).. so yeah just wanted to share them :)

Kim Soo Hyun's getting a lot more popularity now with his new drama The Moon That Embraces the Sun, while Suzy's filming for her movie Introduction to Architecture, being MC's to awards night and music shows, joining variety shows, and of course promotion of MISS A group.. augh she's so busy! 

CHECK OUT!!! KIM SOO HYUN x SUZY (part 2!!) 


  1. I will definite support this blog cuz I am a hyunzy shipper too..

  2. wow that's awesome. you can check out my other blog entries about them on the "Hyun-Zy" category on my blog.. ^^ Make sure to visit again for more of them <3

  3. how i wish.. they will become a real couple

    _hyunzy_ <3 . <3

  4. I'm also in............i really love HYUNZY.
    i'm always hoping that both of them will be paired again...
    if that happens......gawd!! im gonna die of shuddering....wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  5. i will support bae suzy and kim seung sung i love this couple bae suzy should be an actress and i will be the first one to loyal fan and congragulate for her best acting/singing luv you BaE sUzY:))))))0:

  6. Yes! I will support this blog! Hyunzy shipper here

  7. i like hyunzy or soo-zy very much than my life so i want to be bae suzy and kim soo hyun a real life couple :)

  8. They should have another dream high called dream high renuion so we can see how the love stories end because I was really sad that Song Sam Dong didn't go see Go Hye Mi but if he did then I would've cried so much for their happiness

  9. Sorry reunion* instead of renuion

  10. kim soo hyun and suzy,, best coulpe ever!!!!!!!!

  11. From the time I watch Dream High 1, I really know that they are like to be together in the end.
    Support this blog guys for HyunZy!


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