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Byeon Woo Seok Questions Kim Hye Yoon Whether She Came From The Future In Lovely Runner Episode 9

That scene where Im Sol stressed out that she wants Sun Jae to leave her alone was so painful to watch. There's definitely a pang of pain in there for me, what more for Sun Jae though? In his mind, probably, his unrequited love was not desirable and to be pushed away like that makes all of his efforts and sleepless nights thinking about her all wasted. Wasted in a way that he won't know what to do with his overflowing love for Im Sol. In kdrama this is romantic because viewers like us know what exactly is going on between them, but if it were to happen in real life without them knowing anything that's happening then it'll all look so creepy! lol Good thing that it is a Kdrama we're watching. kkk  Anyways, because Sol was completely drunk in that one night in their field trip, she unconsciously sang Sun Jae's song Sonaki. A song that wasn't released or publicly known yet in 2009. Of course, Sun Jae, being that crazy in love with Sol, he would believe everythi


I thought I was going to be interrupted to share these awesome photos in here LOL!
First I want to say please give credits if ever these photos in my blog are going to be used with other scandal pages out in facebook [I was just saying "if ever"] LOL!
Though these photos have watermarks, I can give to you the original photos if you guys want to :) If I got lots of request to upload then i'll upload the original ones..
By the way I WON'T UPLOAD all the pages, don't ask why.. ;)))

Other than that, I have another announcement :))
I officially made a facebook page for my blog, so if you haven't seen it yet.. it's here: [KP3P] keismagic
Do "like" it if you wanted to get variety of updates from my blog. 

So then, here goes nothing.. XDD



^this is my favorite photo.. haha the wacky side of Scandal once again had been revealed despite the formality and rockness of their outfits. XD
for me they really are fitted to wear those clothes, somehow, MAMI and HARUNA really looked like an AWESOME ROCKER (well they were already awesome, but you know.. much much much much more awesome than evaah LOOOOL!). as for the other 2, TOMOMI looked like an inspector for me LOL! and for RINA, dammit I love her in that suit!! gaaaah *faints* 
Heart!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 



  1. bakit ang unti kei T_T XD. SALAMAT PARIN :D

  2. wow! question: is scandal mania for japan only?

    1. Yes it is but there are ways to get it in other countries. You can use a service like Celga or Rinkya and they will manage your membership for a small fee.

  3. the photos are so damn cool. i agreed HARU and MAMI looks so awesome on those outfis. hope can see they wear more casual clothes.

    by the way, could you send me the original photos to tomzz_13@yahoo.com ??
    really appreciate it if you do.

  4. awwww I'm in love with the back cover <3
    Thanks for sharing!! ^^

  5. They look like mafia members.

  6. Can you send me the original photos? Really love it :D

  7. Dude, me too!:) Can you also send me those photos? Thanks a bunch!
    Here's my email ad. X) miakahiraku@yahoo.com

  8. Damn, I absolutely love their black outfits! I hope they wear some black clothes on their next gig.


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